This time, Lin Xuan just didn't want to make it easy for Microsoft. Although it's not good to beat a dog in the water, Microsoft is not an ordinary dog ​​in the water. If you give him a chance to turn around, he will definitely gnaw you to the bone!

Afterwards, Lin Xuan asked the public relations department to pass the final negotiation results between Xuanyu Technology and Microsoft to the media, and the media reports also pushed this Internet craze to another climax.

Knowing that the CEO of Microsoft came to the door to apologize, promised to bundle sales with Smart Security Master, and paid 200 billion US dollars for exclusive cooperation rights, everyone cheered and praised Xuanyu Technology as the first to fight against Western capitalists, technological monopoly and economic exploitation. One person, he let out a sigh of relief for the Huaxia people.

Soon, these news also spread abroad through the Internet, which also caused quite a stir. The dignified world's largest software provider was completely defeated in the competition with a new IT company in Huaxia, and the defeat was embarrassing.

Many netizens also began to make fun of Microsoft, calling Nadella incompetent!

In this regard, Nadella was depressed, but he had nothing to say, but fortunately, this virus crisis can finally be completely resolved.

The next day, Microsoft released an announcement again, roughly saying that through the joint efforts of Microsoft R&D Department and Xuanyu Technology Department, the conflict between Smart Security Master and Windows system code has been perfectly resolved.

The two companies have also reached a strategic cooperation in response to the latest snake virus incident to jointly resist the harm of the new virus to the network and users.

And in order to prevent similar incidents from happening again, all Microsoft Windows systems will be embedded with Smart Security Master as the exclusive cooperative security software for the system.

This announcement by Microsoft completely confirmed all kinds of rumors on the Internet. While it caused a huge sensation in the world, it also brought the battle between Microsoft and Xuanyu Technology and the Snake Virus crisis to an end.


In a meeting room of the White House in the United States, several top leaders of the United States, including the President of the United States, the Secretary of Defense of the United States, the Director of the CIA, and the Director of the Security Bureau, are having a secret meeting here, and the person they are talking about is Lin Xuan.

"I don't think this person can stay. This time the snake-eating virus incident has sounded the alarm for us. The Chinese people have mastered computer technology far beyond ours. The virus programs they wrote have even made all our computer engineers and scientific researchers Personnel are helpless.

Fortunately, this time the virus is only aimed at the computers of individual users, but it is not difficult to foresee that if the virus written by him is used to invade the servers and computers of our government, enterprises, and even the military, what terrible consequences it will bring! "US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter said solemnly.

"That's right, this person is a threat to our national network security, and even national defense security. We can't let such a hidden danger exist, let alone this hidden danger is still in China!" CIA Director John Brennan also said Said.

"Well, this time Microsoft agreed to bundle sales with Smart Security Master, which will be a disaster for our monitoring plan, and this software is now popular all over the world, Huaxia is likely to use this company to implement the same with us The same monitoring plan will also pose a great threat to us, so I suggest that we immediately take a secret assassination operation to get rid of this hidden danger!" Michael Rogers, director of the American Security Agency, said.

"That's right! We must get rid of this hidden danger!" Everyone nodded in agreement.

"This man named Lin Xuan is indeed a threat to us, but it's a pity to kill such a person. It would be great if he could be used by us. Presumably, his genius in computers should make us 'Iron Warrior' The plan was completed several to ten years ahead of schedule, and it even allowed us to make some progress in our research on the big guy in Area 51!" President Obama of the United States said.

"Mr. President means to capture him alive, but even if we capture him alive, he may not really work for us!" CIA Director John Brennan said.

"Well, it's best to be captured alive. We don't need him to work sincerely. We only need him to contribute his computer knowledge. Based on our experience in fighting terrorists over the years, I think we will have [-] ways to make him obey us." Order!" Obama continued.

"The president is right. As long as Lin Xuan is captured alive, we do have many ways to subdue him, but if we want to capture him alive, the difficulty of this operation will increase several times!"

"Well, so this time we will send the top-level agent to complete this mission. It would be best if we can catch him. If we can't catch him, then just kill him!" Obama said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other and nodded immediately.

"If you have no doubts, let's start planning this special operation. The code name of the operation is 'Slaying the Dragon'. The various departments will cooperate with each other to formulate specific plans. Remember, don't take it lightly. Xuan has taken very good protection measures, our operation will be very difficult, but it must be completed!" Obama said seriously.

"Understood, please rest assured, Mr. President, we promise to complete the task!" Everyone nodded and said.


[Thanks to Seifer, Ling Fengxiao 588 for the reward, thanks to the bubbling Yu, I am the most wretched 100 coins for the reward, thank you to all the book friends who rewarded me, and thank you to all the book friends who left messages to encourage me. With your support, I will I will not fight alone, I will try my best to write this book well and repay everyone, and thank every book friend who silently supports me! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Binhai City, Xuanyu Technology.

Naturally, Lin Xuan didn't know that the American government had already taken a secret action against him. He was in a very good mood these two days. This time, they won a big victory in their counterattack against Microsoft, which not only won the recognition of credibility, but also made Xuanyu Technology completely popular Now, the reputation of Xuanyu Technology is not even inferior to an international giant like Microsoft.

Not only that, the bidding for the factory construction has been successfully completed a few days ago, and the construction of the factory building has already started, and Lin Xuan finally freed up time to start the second step of the system task plan.

Although he wasn't sure if the plan would work this time, he had to give it a try no matter what. After all, there seemed to be no better way right now.

Restarting the hacking software, Lin Xuan used the broiler last time to send the information about the "Earth Protection Association" he found from the CIA, as well as part of the intelligence information he fabricated, to Xia Weiguo again.

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