After finishing all this, Lin Xuan took out his mobile phone and called Ma Changwei. The call was connected quickly, and Ma Changwei's voice came from inside: "Xiao Lin?"

"Yes, fifth master, I have something very important to tell you face to face!" Lin Xuan said in a deep voice.

"Well, come here, I'll ask someone to pick you up at the airport!"

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xuan packed up his things, took his notebook and the materials he had prepared earlier, and left the company.

But he didn't go directly to the airport, but asked Chang Sheng to take him home. After Chang Sheng left, he secretly left the community with his backpack on his back.

However, Lin Xuan knew very well that although he had thrown away Chang Sheng, the Huaxia government should also use other means to monitor his whereabouts.

I can't hide from them that I'm going to meet Ma Changwei, but Lin Xuan is not afraid. Even if the government misunderstands that he has something to do with Ma Changwei, it is only temporary. After the mission is completed, everything will be broken.

After Lin Xuan arrived at Kyoto Airport by plane, he saw the man who picked him up last time again, and then followed him to Ma Changwei's villa again, where he saw Ma Changwei who was reading a newspaper in his study.

And today, apart from Ma Changwei, there is only that black-skinned, rough-looking man in black in this room. The man in white was not there last time.

"Xiao Lin, do you have the latest information!" Seeing Lin Xuan walking in, Ma Changwei put down the newspaper and asked seriously.

"Well, fifth master, they have investigated the true intentions of your organization through the spies in the American intelligence agency. In the past few days, they are likely to take action against you!" Lin Xuan said solemnly, and immediately turned himself The prepared intelligence materials were handed over to Ma Changwei.

"It's so fast!" Ma Changwei frowned, took a look at the information Lin Xuan handed over, and murmured.

But even though he said that, Ma Changwei was not too surprised, because he knew that this day would definitely come, it was just a matter of time.

Now there are still three months before the implementation of their new era plan. I thought that I might wait until a few days before the start of the plan before I could break the face with the government, but I didn't expect it to be much earlier than I expected.

But it's the same sooner or later, it seems that it's time for me to enter the experimental base.

As for my children and grandchildren, they are basically abroad, and will be secretly sent to the survival base soon, so I don't have to worry about those few in China.

If the Huaxia government catches them, there is a way for the Huaxia government to let them go until the day before the start of the New Era Project.

As long as I don't fall into their hands, nothing will happen!

"Fifth Master, about my family's living quota?" Lin Xuan asked again.

"Don't worry, I'll give it to you!" Ma Changwei said in a deep voice.

"Thank you Fifth Master!" Lin Xuan said gratefully, and then changed the topic, "By the way, Fifth Master, if you trust me, you can let me monitor your telephone, computer and other communication and network equipment, and I can also help you by the way Install a protection program to prevent the government from monitoring your communications and monitoring your network!"

"No, I know that my phone and Internet have been monitored, but they can't get any useful information through these. But you can stay with me for now, and continue to help me monitor the movements of the government and the military. , report the situation to me at any time!" Ma Changwei said in a deep voice.

Through the recent investigation of Lin Xuan by his subordinates, he has been able to confirm that Lin Xuan's background is indeed very ordinary, but he is a computer genius. It doesn't matter how we met, but no matter how you look at it, Lin Xuan is not like the government's eagle dog. The cooperation between him and the government is also because of the technology he has mastered.

Even the government is currently monitoring Lin Xuan. Overall, he is quite reliable.

And now he really needs a computer genius like Lin Xuan. Although he also has his own intelligence personnel and eyeliners, it is obvious that Lin Xuan has a more direct, faster and timely way to obtain information than those people.

Even if he enters the base in the future, he still needs him to help him monitor the government's movements at any time, so that he can prevent problems before they happen.

"Okay!" Lin Xuan was overjoyed, since Ma Changwei said that, it meant that he basically trusted him.

Sure enough, just when Lin Xuan wanted to come, the voice of the system sounded in his mind: "Ding—the task is completed, and the meritorious value is rewarded with 4 points. Congratulations, the master has successfully promoted to level 3. Now you can use the meritorious value and heroic value to exchange for the magic shape." The female super power, and the upgrade of the Wolverine super power, may I ask the master whether to exchange it now?"

Lin Xuan was overjoyed, but he didn't answer the system. Instead, he paused and said to Ma Changwei: "I brought the computer here, and I can monitor their movements for you now!"

"En!" Ma Changwei nodded, then looked at the man in black and said, "Xuan, arrange a room for Xiaolin!"

"Yes!" The man in black nodded, and immediately led Lin Xuan out of the study to a guest room on the third floor.

"Mr. Lin, rest here!" the man in black said in a buzzing voice.

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