"Well, according to this information, Ma Changwei is actually the leader of this organization, and this organization is ready to implement the plan immediately, but they don't know how they will spread the virus. Since, the virus is likely to be How to protect the people in their organization from surviving through the air!"

"Well, it's very possible, and this virus must be characterized by rapid spread, rapid onset, and high mortality, which will greatly reduce the number of human beings in a short period of time, and even lead to the extinction of all human beings except them. If so, I'm afraid it will really be a disaster.

But I think their organization must have developed antiviral serum while researching this virus to ensure the personal safety of their personnel! "

"Well, it's very possible, so we must stop their plan at all costs, and the only breakthrough now is Ma Changwei, so take immediate action today, first control Ma Changwei, and see if we can ask more from him. What a useful thing!"

"Where is Mr. Ma..."

"I'll deal with it. I don't have time to worry about it now. The matter is very important. Even if your father knows about it, he will stand by our side!"

"oh, I understand now!"

"Then take action as soon as possible. You can discuss the specific actions with Yin Changsheng. This time, you must bring Ma Changwei back, so there will be no mistakes!"

"Yes, I promise to complete the task!" Xia Weiguo gave a military salute.


In Ma Changwei's villa, Lin Xuan didn't notice any movement from the government and the military for the time being, but he knew very well that Xia Weiguo would definitely take action after seeing the information he had sent, but he could only wait for the action to start. up.

So while monitoring all the action arrangements of the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Security, he thought about how he should complete the next difficult task.

Stop the New Era project?

My current understanding of this organization is limited to the information collected by the CIA. At present, even the CIA has not found a way to stop this organization's plan for a new era. Can I really turn the tide by myself?

Lin Xuan felt a little unconfident!

After all, what I am facing is a mysterious organization, a lunatic organization that is so huge that it can carry out a plan to destroy all mankind.

And this is not playing games or making movies, this organization really exists, and the New Era Project may really cause the death of a large number of human beings.

Even if I make a slight mistake, the mission may fail. At that time, not only will I lose the qualification to exchange superpowers forever, but I will probably watch a disaster happen. Although I am not a saint knight, I can't bear to see it. The scene of the end of the world with corpses everywhere has arrived.

"How to complete the task?" Lin Xuan calmed down slightly, frowning, recalling the task prompts in his mind, thinking about the specific steps and details to complete this task!


[Thank you for the reward of 588 coins for the Internet addicted teenager, thank you for the reward of 100 coins for the era of the sages, Doubi Doubi Doudoubi, thank you to all the book friends who rewarded and voted for recommendation, thank you for your support and encouragement! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Yes, as long as I can successfully go deep into them and investigate the details of their entire plan, I may be able to find a breakthrough! And according to the mission, the final key may lie in the central room of the headquarters!"

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan also remembered the ability of Mystique in the movie. She can change her own cells and tissue structure arbitrarily, and change into anyone's appearance, including irises, fingerprints, skin texture, voice and even gender. A necessary skill for an agent.

This makes her a pervasive spy!

With such a capability, it is not a problem to go deep into any organization. It seems that the system has already planned to arrange tasks at this time.

But right now, if he wants to go deep into this organization, he must at least find Ma Changwei's experimental base first. As long as he confirms the location of the base, everything will be easy to handle.

"Now Ma Changwei basically trusts me. If he wants to enter the base, there is a slight possibility that he will take me with him!" Lin Xuan thought to himself. Of course, he also knew that this might not be a big deal. If Ma Changwei didn't bring himself into the base, Then we can only find another way.

"However, Mystique's superpowers cannot be exchanged for the time being. I remember that I passed out after exchanging Wolverine's superpowers last time. This time, I may faint again. Now the government may act at any time, and Ma Changwei may leave at any time. I If you faint at this time, you will probably be left alone by Ma Changwei and the others, and you will miss the opportunity to follow Ma Changwei into the base."

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​exchanging Mystique's superpowers, and continue to check the movements of the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Security.

Sure enough, about two hours later, Lin Xuan discovered a special operation mission code-named "Dark Sword".

"Sure enough, we did it!" Lin Xuan's eyes lit up. It seemed that the information he had sent had really worked. The government thought that Ma Changwei's organization was about to start implementing the plan, so they immediately took action to arrest him.

As long as the government takes action, it will make Ma Changwei more trust the information he provided, and he will see his own value, so that he will be more likely to be brought into the base.

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