Before he had time to think too much, Lin Xuan immediately walked out of the room and looked at a man at the door. He had already noticed that the man was guarding here, but he didn't care. He just said to the man: "I have the latest news. Tell fifth master!"

"En!" The man nodded, and immediately led Lin Xuan to the study on the second floor.

At this time, Ma Changwei was sitting at the desk in the study room. There were three men and a woman standing in front of the desk, wearing blue, white, black, and red clothes respectively. Among them, the two men, one black and one white, Lin Xuan had seen before. , but it was the first time the two of them, one green and one red, saw each other.

Among them, the one in blue clothes is a heroic man with long eyebrows and tiger eyes, and his bearing is slightly better than the man in white clothes, while the one in red clothes is a tall woman with a bit of classical charm.

Looking at the appearance of these people, it seemed that Lin Xuan was discussing something with Ma Changwei before Lin Xuan entered the door.

"Xiao Lin, is there any news?" Seeing Lin Xuan walking in, Ma Changwei asked quickly.

"Yes, fifth master, there is movement. They have dispatched people from the Special Operations Department of the Ministry of Security to arrest you!" Lin Xuan said solemnly.

"Yeah!" Ma Changwei said calmly, still sitting on the chair, "Then it's time for us to leave here!"

"Qing, Bai, Zhu, Xuan, let's start acting according to the plan!"

"Yes!" The four responded in unison, and soon the woman in red and the woman in white left the room together. Ma Changwei looked at Lin Xuan again and said, "Xiao Lin, wait for me in the living room downstairs!"

"Okay!" Lin Xuan was overjoyed, it seemed that Ma Changwei really meant to bring himself.

But just after Lin Xuan walked out of the room, the man in black also left the room, and the man in green frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Fifth Master, do you really want to take him with you? His father is our father." The group of workers who built the base, he approached you probably not to survive the quota, but to investigate his father!"

Not long ago, the man in Tsing Yi received accurate news that the Huaxia government would investigate the Dacheng Group, and it turned out that it was because of the group of migrant workers who disappeared in Chuncheng City that year.

The reason why this matter was exposed was precisely because Lin Xuan's father was one of those migrant workers.

When they sent people to Lin Xuan's hometown to investigate Lin Xuan's background, they only confirmed that Lin Xuan was indeed born in the countryside, and his parents were farmers. Although they learned that Lin Xuan's father died while working outside, they did not expect such a coincidence.

This time, if they hadn't paid attention to the government's investigation of the Dacheng Group and sent someone to investigate, they probably didn't know that Lin Xuan was related to this incident.

"But I think he may not know that his father's disappearance is related to us. After all, the government hasn't found any clues yet, so he has no way of knowing!" Ma Changwei said in a deep voice, frowning slightly.

"Well, I hope so, but this person can't be completely trusted. If he really has other plans, he will definitely be a threat to you, Fifth Lord. This person is not only proficient in advanced computer technology, but also according to Chen Guohua and Zhang Qisheng. According to the inquiring news, his martial arts are also extremely good, in short, even if he didn't work for the government, he still can't be completely convinced! I suggest that Fifth Master should not bring him with him!"

"I know these things in my heart. I never said that I would bring him into the base. If I want to bring him, I just need him to be our eyeliner. When the time comes, let the white collar lead him to hide in other places. Youbai will look at him. Bai's skills are not comparable to those of Yang Wulin, even if Lin Xuan's kung fu is better than Yang Wulin's, he is definitely not Bai's opponent!" Ma Changwei said in a deep voice.

"Well, that's fine!" The man in Tsing Yi nodded.

As long as you don't bring Lin Xuan into the base, you'll be fine. Moreover, Lin Xuan was able to come to the study on the second floor because he passed the special equipment monitoring on the first floor, and it was confirmed that there was no tracking or positioning on him, or even in his body. , or a monitoring device.

So he didn't have to worry about Ma Changwei taking Lin Xuan with him, which would reveal their next whereabouts.

"Okay, let's get out of here!" Ma Changwei stood up, led the man in Tsing Yi out of the study, and went straight to the living room downstairs.

"Xiao Lin, let's go!" Ma Changwei greeted Lin Xuan, and then led Lin Xuan and the man in Tsing-clothed straight to the basement of the villa, and finally came to a heavy steel gate that was opened, and the man in white who had left earlier waiting there.

"Xiao Lin, hand over all your electronic equipment to Bai!" Ma Changwei said suddenly.

Lin Xuan immediately took out his mobile phone and handed it to the man in white, but the man in white was still worried, and checked Lin Xuan's whole body with testing equipment. After confirming that there were no electronic devices, he allowed Lin Xuan to follow Ma Changwei into the room. that door.

After entering the gate, there was a van elevator inside. Lin Xuan followed Ma Changwei and the man in Tsing Yi to the elevator.

After the elevator started, it started to run downwards. Soon after, the elevator door opened again, and what appeared in front of Lin Xuan was a small subway tunnel. A roller coaster-like rail car was parked in front, and a man and a woman were sitting in the cab. It was the man in black and the woman in red.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan was very surprised. He didn't expect that there was such an underground tunnel under Ma Changwei's villa. It was just like a scene in a movie.

It seems that every time Ma Changwei goes out secretly, he uses this secret tunnel to avoid surveillance!

The door opened, and Lin Xuan followed Ma Changwei and the man in Tsing Yi into the tram, and the man in white quickly took the elevator down here and got on the train quickly.

The car started and sped towards the depths of the dark tunnel. The surroundings were pitch black along the way, and there was no light to be seen.


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