"Well, I've already slept during the day, so go to bed quickly, good night!"

"I love you too!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan frowned. He didn't expect that these two people were still in a relationship, and they seemed to be still in love. Thinking about the figure and appearance of the woman in red, she was quite different from the white tiger. Very good match.


Lin Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and a plan came to his mind!

"Yes!" Lin Xuan was overjoyed. He had always been troubled that he could not find the location of the base, but he did not expect to find a breakthrough so soon.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Secretly calming down his excitement, Lin Xuan carefully calculated the plan in his heart.

Right now, he can't implement the plan immediately. On the one hand, he needs to thoroughly research Mystique's super power first.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to clarify the environment and personnel of this villa, especially the white tiger, and further confirm the relationship between the white tiger and the Suzaku.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Xuan immediately found the geographic address where he is now through the IP address of the computer - the northern suburb of Yila Town, Yanbian City.

Afterwards, Lin Xuan carefully looked up all the information about Yanbian City and Yila Town. After all, he had never been here before, so it was necessary to find out where he was.

In this way, it was not until after three in the morning that Lin Xuan lay on the bed and fell asleep again.

Early the next morning, Lin Xuan got up again, washed up, opened the door and walked out.

At this time, the gatekeeper at the gate has been replaced by another man.

However, the moment Lin Xuan saw the man, he suddenly felt that his eyes were like scanning instruments, quickly scanning the man's physical features, body composition, and even his clothing, etc. The fine-grained data was summarized into a kind of information that he could understand and stored in his mind.

Lin Xuan was stunned by this sudden feeling.

"Mr. Lin, do you need anything?" The man at the door looked at Lin Xuan, who was staring at him, with a strange expression, and felt terrified!

"It's okay, I'm just hungry, when will the food be delivered to me?" Lin Xuan asked with a quick smile after regaining his senses.

"We usually have dinner at seven o'clock here, and there are still ten minutes left. When it's ready, it will be delivered to you!" The man replied quickly.

"Okay! Remember to bring me some more staple food, I can eat better!" Lin Xuan smiled, then retreated to the room and closed the door.

"It turns out that I can directly obtain the other person's physical characteristics, body structure and other information. No wonder Mystique can take a look at someone and change into the other person's appearance!" Lin Xuan was overwhelmed with surprise, and immediately ran into the bathroom, locked the door, and took off. After taking off his coat, he couldn't wait to pass the data and information obtained in his mind to every cell in his body.

Soon, Lin Xuan's body quickly turned into the appearance of the man just now, and he was still wearing a coat.

"This ability is incredible!" Looking at the completely unfamiliar face in the mirror, Lin Xuan was surprised, especially the coat on his body, which was formed by changes in his body tissue, but it seemed invisible from the outside. What's the difference, but Lin Xuan knew very well that the clothes were part of his body.

"Gululu..." Lin Xuan suddenly felt more hungry. Obviously, changing his body this time really consumed a lot of energy.

Changing back to his original appearance again, Lin Xuan put on his clothes and returned to the room.

Not long after, the food delivery person came over and brought him breakfast - Northeast Big Steamed Buns.

This person really didn't pay attention to Lin Xuan's words, and actually brought two large plates with more than ten bowl-sized buns, a large bowl of porridge and several dishes of side dishes.

But even so, these breakfasts only made Lin Xuan half full, and Lin Xuan was not polite, and asked the man to get two big plates of steamed buns for himself. The amount of food really surprised the man. Brother Baihu can still eat it!

After finally filling his stomach, Lin Xuan stayed in the room for a while, then walked out of the room again.

Seeing this, the man guarding the door quickly asked, "Mr. Lin, what else do you need?"

"Oh, it's okay, I'm just bored, I want to go out for a walk!" Lin Xuan said calmly.

"This..." The man was a little embarrassed.

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