At this time, the door of the opposite room also opened, and the man named Bai Hu came out, said with a slight smile, "Mr. Lin, did you sleep well last night?"

"Well, it's very good - Mr. Bai, I want to go out for a walk, it shouldn't be a problem!" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"It's okay to walk in the yard, but it's inconvenient outside the yard. After all, the superiors are probably looking for us everywhere now!" Bai Hu said with a smile.

"Well, I'll just go for a walk in the yard!"

"Well, I just want to go out for a walk, let's go together!"

"it is good!"

Lin Xuan smiled slightly, and immediately followed the white tiger to walk around the yard. The two chatted casually about innocuous things, but Lin Xuan had a general understanding of the situation in the yard.

In the next few days, Lin Xuan would stroll around the courtyard every day, and slowly figure out the situation in the villa compound thoroughly, and by observing Baihu's conversation, he also explored Baihu's words and deeds It was almost done, and it was confirmed that the White Tiger and the Suzaku were indeed in love.

The two talked on the phone at least twice a day, and the mobile phone used by the white tiger was also very special. It looked like the old-fashioned mobile phone from before, with a long antenna.

However, Lin Xuan didn't really think that it was an ordinary mobile phone. According to the system prompt, their organization has its own communication satellite, so this phone is probably the communication equipment equipped by members of their organization.

That night, after Lin Xuan eavesdropped on the conversation between Baihu and Suzaku, his eyes brightened and a look of joy appeared on his face.

"Suzaku came here the day after tomorrow, great, the time has finally come!" muttered in his heart, Lin Xuan's eyes lit up, and his fists were slightly clenched.

The key to the success or failure of this mission will be tomorrow night!


Late at night the next day, Lin Xuan left the room through the window, and then made a detour from the roof to the window of the white tiger's room.

At this moment, the light was still on in the room, Lin Xuan didn't hesitate, he jumped up and broke through the window directly.

"Bang—crash..." Shards of glass were scattered all over the place, and Lin Xuan's figure also appeared in Baihu's room.

"Who!" The white tiger who was lying on the bed suddenly woke up, but seeing that the person who rushed in turned out to be Lin Xuan, his eyes widened suddenly, but his face turned cold, and the muscles all over his body suddenly tensed up: "Lin Xuan , you really have something strange!"

"So what!" Lin Xuan said with a cold face.

"You want to ask me about your father's whereabouts?" Bai Hu narrowed his eyes slightly and asked with a sneer.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was startled and his expression changed.

Father's whereabouts?

This white tiger knows my father's whereabouts?How could my father have anything to do with this?

Lin Xuan's heart suddenly set off a huge wave, and he couldn't calm down.

But the shock was the shock, Lin Xuan was still rational and didn't ask any more questions at this time. Tonight was the key to his mission, and there must be no mistakes at this time.

So he forcibly suppressed the stormy heart, and suddenly rushed towards the white tiger.

"Huh!" The white tiger snorted coldly, its eyes were like a torch, and it caught Lin Xuan's figure in an instant, and then punched Lin Xuan like a rainbow, and went straight to hit Lin Xuan's vitals.

The white tiger's punching speed is very fast, at least the fastest that Lin Xuan has seen so far, but even so, in the eyes of Lin Xuan who has a spider sense, it is still nothing.

But Lin Xuan could have easily dodged, but he didn't dodge. Instead, he blocked it with his arm when the fist was about to hit him.


The strength of Baihu's punch was indeed not small, and Lin Xuan's arm was slightly numb from the shock. He took a step back, pretending to be shocked by Baihu's punch.

Seeing this, the corner of Baihu's mouth curled up into a smug smile, and he shouted: "Hmph, you still want to ask something out of me with this little ability!"

As he said that, he bullied himself again, like a tiger pouncing on his prey, and pounced on Lin Xuan. With his arms open and closed, fist shadows shot at Lin Xuan.

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