bang bang bang...

After a fierce confrontation, Lin Xuan seemed to be suppressed by the white tiger, unable to fight back, but to resist one after another, and was shocked by the huge strength of the white tiger to retreat again and again.

In the end, he was defeated and turned around and jumped out of the window.

"I want to go!" shouted angrily, and Bai Hu followed Lin Xuan and jumped out of the window.

At this time, some of the night watchmen in the yard were also startled. Various shouts and barks sounded one after another, and some figures came running one after another.

After Lin Xuan landed, he turned his head and glanced at the white tiger that jumped down, and immediately ran towards the side of the villa.

But at this time, two men blocking the way rushed towards him. Lin Xuan didn't dodge, punched and kicked them down, and then continued to flee.

Finally, he climbed out through the high wall, and the white tiger was also extremely fast, chasing after him closely, and followed Lin Xuan to climb over the high wall.


[Thank you Fatty Shenjie for your reward of 1888 coins, thank you for your reward of 588 coins, thank you for all the book friends who gave rewards and voted for recommendations! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Leaving the villa, Lin Xuan ran all the way towards the dark and deserted direction. After running for a certain distance, he saw that there was no one chasing after him except the white tiger, so he slowed down.

Finally, he stopped, turned around suddenly, and looked at the white tiger with angry eyes.

"Why don't you run away?" Bai Hu asked with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Do you know the whereabouts of my father?" Lin Xuan asked urgently, frowning.

"Of course, aren't you doing it for your father's sake?" Bai Hu's face changed slightly, "Then what's your purpose?"

"Where is my father?" Lin Xuan's complexion changed, and he asked hastily.

"The people who built the base for us back then were all used by us to conduct virus experiments and died!" Bai Hu said lightly.

"Build a base! Virus experiment!" Lin Xuan felt his head buzzing, and his face turned pale instantly. His father was actually taken to build an experimental base for the Earth Protection Association.

In the end, he was treated as a guinea pig for experiments by these crazy people!

In an instant, cruel images of experimenting on people in various movies appeared in Lin Xuan's mind. Suddenly, his heart felt as if a knife was being twisted, and grief hit him like a tidal wave, causing his whole body to tremble slightly in pain.

"Dad!" Lin Xuan's eyes were red. He never wanted to believe that his father had passed away. He always believed that his father was somewhere in the world, and he was looking forward to returning home with their members.

But the result he got today was such a bolt from the blue, he couldn't even imagine what kind of inhuman treatment and torture his father had experienced before his death.

"Okay, I've already answered your question, it's time for you to answer my question, what is your purpose for approaching us?" Bai Hu asked ruthlessly.

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you!" Lin Xuan didn't have the sense to answer the white tiger's question, the anger of hatred had completely ignited him.

Like a wild beast that has been going mad, he roared and rushed towards the white tiger. His speed was so fast that he arrived in front of the white tiger almost in the blink of an eye, which surprised the white tiger.

"So fast!"

Bai Hu's face changed drastically, and he realized that Lin Xuan had just hidden himself, but before he had time to think about it, the opponent's fist had already struck like lightning.

With his internal energy running, the strength of his whole body exploded, he kicked his feet, relying on his dodging skills, he barely dodged away.

But before his dodging figure could stand still, he sensed an unknown hidden weapon coming at a faster speed. His heart trembled, but he could no longer dodge. past.

But in the end, it was in vain. After the hidden weapon hit his body, it immediately stuck to his body and pulled him towards Lin Xuan abruptly.

And Lin Xuan's angry fist, like a meteor across the night sky, hit it again, the speed seemed to be faster than last time.

The muscles of Baihu's whole body were tense, knowing that he couldn't dodge at all, so he blocked it with one hand, and took out a dagger from nowhere with the other hand, and instantly stabbed Lin Xuan's heart.

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