Although Baihu's movements were fast, Lin Xuan's was even faster, so before Baihu's dagger touched Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan's fist had bypassed Baihu's blocking arm and reached his eyes.

next second...


The three blade-like bone claws, like indestructible sharp blades, instantly pierced the white tiger's eyebrows and face.

For a moment, Baihu's eyes widened sharply, but his expression froze instantly. The dagger that had pierced Lin Xuan's chest also froze suddenly, and finally fell off from his hand.

The white tiger is dead!

Perhaps until he died, he didn't even think about why the other party was clearly punching him, but why it turned into three daggers and pierced his head!

After killing the white tiger, the anger in Lin Xuan's heart eased a little, but the pain in his heart was still clear.

His father died, and he also died because of the **** experiment of the Earth Protection Association. He really couldn't believe the ending.

"Earth Protection Association!" Lin Xuan's teeth were clenched, his fists were clenched, and he said the name silently, with a murderous intent in his eyes.

After a long time, Lin Xuan, who had calmed down a little, buried the white tiger, then turned into a white tiger, and returned to the villa.

When I returned to the villa again, more than a dozen figures were waiting at the door. When they saw the white tiger coming back, they all ran over and asked about the situation.

"Brother Baihu is back, what happened just now?"

"Yes, Brother Baihu, who was it just now?"

"It's the one I brought back!" Lin Xuan said with a gloomy face, his voice had already become the same as Baihu's, and his tone was very similar to Baihu's.

"It turned out to be him, why did he suddenly..."

"Okay, you all should go to rest, don't ask what you shouldn't ask!" Lin Xuan said coldly.

After finishing speaking, he walked directly into the villa, then went upstairs, found a bedroom at random and walked in.

There was nothing to say all night, because of his father, Lin Xuan also stayed up all night...

The next morning, everything in the villa seemed to be as usual, as if nothing happened last night, and someone was responsible for replacing the windows that were broken by Lin Xuan last night.

After breakfast, Lin Xuan took a nap in the room and waited for the arrival of the Suzaku.

At around [-]:[-] in the morning, the phone that Baihu used to communicate finally rang. Lin Xuan's heart moved, and he quickly connected the phone. The other party was Suzaku.

"Brother Bai, I'll be right there!"

"Well, I'll go down to pick you up right now!" Lin Xuan said with a smile, and immediately went downstairs with the phone.

After leaving the villa, Lin Xuan felt a little nervous. He was worried that his words, deeds and way of speaking would be quite different from Baihu's.

Fortunately, my appearance is exactly the same as that white tiger. People are visual animals, and trusting a person is mostly judged from the first sense of appearance, not to mention that most women in love become stupid, so as long as you don’t act It's too abnormal for the other party to doubt him.

After comforting himself, Lin Xuan walked towards the gate of the villa.

At this time, the door had also been opened, and a black jeep drove in. Through the windshield, Lin Xuan saw that the person in the car was the woman in red whom she had seen.

"Brother Bai!" Suzaku got out of the car, and couldn't wait to run up to the white tiger disguised by Lin Xuan, and hugged him, but seeing that Lin Xuan didn't speak, he couldn't help asking strangely: "Brother Bai, did you see the white tiger?" I don't seem very happy!"

"No, of course I'm happy to see you!" Lin Xuan said with a smile, but he was always in a heavy heart because of his father's affairs, so he smiled a little forcedly.

Fortunately, Suzaku is in a good mood now, and he didn't care. After a slight smile, he suddenly leaned into Lin Xuan's ear and said, "Master Wu said, I will let you go back to the base in a few days, and let Xuan come over and watch. Master thinks that he should not know about his father, so there is no need to worry too much!"

"Alas—" Lin Xuan suddenly let out a long sigh.

"What's the matter, Brother Bai?" Suzaku frowned slightly.

"Fifth Master guessed wrong, he already knows about his father!"

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