
"Last night he broke into my room, trying to force me to reveal his father's whereabouts. In the end, seeing that I couldn't beat me, he escaped from the villa. I chased him all the way for a long distance, and finally killed him!"

"He actually found out, Brother Bai, are you not injured?" Suzaku asked with concern.

"No injury!" Lin Xuan said with a slight smile.

"That's good, since he's dead, then you don't have to stay here anymore, we just go back to the base tomorrow!" Suzaku's face showed a look of joy.

"Okay!" Lin Xuan was also overjoyed, but nodded calmly on his face, and then walked into the villa with Suzaku's delicate body in his arms.

But after entering the villa, Suzaku dragged Lin Xuan into the bedroom, then impatiently put his arms around Lin Xuan's neck, looked at Lin Xuan with his charming eyes for a while, and then passionately pressed his vermilion lips together come over.


[Thank you for the reward of 588 coins for the rudder master of this book, Zantian Pavilion, Zantian, and 100 coins for Minglan Mengqin, Xingguang Liuluo, and Dingfu, and thank you for all the book friends who donate! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing Suzaku's pretty face approaching, Lin Xuan couldn't laugh or cry for a while. He didn't think of this scene when he planned it.

At that time, he was only planning to use Suzaku to enter the base, but he ignored one point, these two lovers who are in love, get together like a newlywed!

He naturally knows what to do next!

But although this Suzaku is very beautiful and has a special charm, Lin Xuan is not the kind of person who will fall in love with any woman, let alone this person is his enemy!

It's just that the Suzaku in front of him is the key to his entry into the base, and if he leaks his foot at this time, all his previous efforts will be wasted, so he gritted his teeth, and couldn't care less, he first stuck it up cooperatively, and entangled with Suzaku's fragrant lips.

While dealing with the passionate Suzaku, he was thinking of ways.

But gradually, Suzaku lost himself a little, his breathing became slightly rapid, and his two slender thighs suddenly wrapped around Lin Xuan's waist.


With an idea, Lin Xuan suddenly withdrew his cheeks, took a breath, put on a pained look on his face, and stretched out his hand to cover his left abdomen.

"What's the matter, Brother Bai!" Suzaku immediately became obsessed.After recovering from the fire, seeing Lin Xuan in pain, he quickly got off Lin Xuan and asked worriedly, "Brother Bai, are you injured?"

Lin Xuan waved his hand, frowned and said, "It's nothing serious, just got kicked by that kid!"

"Let me see!" Suzaku pulled up Lin Xuan's clothes worriedly, and Lin Xuan had already used his transformation ability to make his left abdomen look like a large bruise.

Seeing this, Suzaku suddenly felt distressed: "I didn't expect that Lin Xuan would do something! He could actually hurt Brother Bai! Why didn't you say it earlier!"

"I'm just afraid you're worried, don't worry, I'm fine, it's just a flesh injury, but... I'm sorry Que'er, I..."

"Okay, it's fine, we'll have a chance when we get back to the base!" Suzaku said with a charming face.

Seeing that he had escaped the "catastrophe", Lin Xuan was secretly glad, and immediately nodded and said, "Yes! By the way, let's go back in the afternoon. I want to tell the fifth master about this as soon as possible!"

"Well, okay!" Suzaku nodded without thinking too much, and then pulled Lin Xuan to sit down beside the bed, "Sit down quickly, I'll find you some ointment to apply!"

After finishing speaking, Suzaku left the bedroom, and soon came over with a medicine box, found a bag of ointment from it, and applied it to Lin Xuan.

Then let Lin Xuan lean on the bed to rest, while she sat beside her, hugged Lin Xuan's arm, leaned on his shoulder and talked about love, Lin Xuan was afraid that he would give away his feet by talking too much, so An excuse to speak for himself, the wound hurts a little.

Suzaku felt sorry for him, so she asked him to talk less, but she kept talking, talking about some things in their past.

Although Suzaku talked about fragments one by one, Lin Xuan also roughly guessed their past.

People like Baihu and Suzaku all came from a special training institution established by Ma Changwei. After they were brought into that institution at the age of ten, they began to receive brainwashing education from the Earth Protection Association, as well as various cruel and harsh trainings. Secret agent skills and Huaxia's internal martial arts, etc., and then go through layers of selection, only one percent of the people will stay.

Groups are divided according to the four names of Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu. The names of the members of each group are the names of the corresponding groups plus a numerical code. Different classes have different focuses and special skills.

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