And these answers need to be found through the internal network here, intruding into the server and monitoring system.

So next, he had to find a computer connected to the Internet.

But what troubled Lin Xuan was that he couldn't speak the language and was not familiar with the place, so it was not easy to find a computer that could be used.

After quickly fleeing the scene, Lin Xuan began to look for computers with Internet access. Along the way, he saw many guards running anxiously towards the scene of the incident, and the sirens in the base kept ringing.

After searching for a long time, Lin Xuan suddenly saw the foreign girl who was following the leader when she attended the meeting before, walking out of the next room with a folder.

Lin Xuan's eyes lit up, and through the crack of the door, he found that the room was an office. There seemed to be no one in it, but there were office facilities such as computers.

Lin Xuan was overjoyed, and from the corner of his eye he watched the foreign girl wiggle her dick and walked to another room not far away, but when he saw her enter that room, he immediately turned his finger into that foreign girl's. Fingerprints, unlocked through fingerprints, entered the office.

Sure enough, there was no one in the office. In a room of about ten square meters, there were desks, file cabinets, hangers, etc. The office facilities on the desk were also readily available.

Lin Xuan quickly came to the desk, the computer on the desk was turned on, Lin Xuan sat down on the chair, and immediately started his own plan.

Soon, he was using this computer.Hacked into the surveillance system of this headquarters base, and then found the time when the previous meeting ended.It was easy to find the track of Stern's activities after he left the meeting room, and found that he entered a room.He didn't come out after that, and the two bodyguards who followed him were also guarding the door, presumably that was his office.

Not only that, Lin Xuan also went through the entire monitoring system to fully understand the topography of the base. There are three floors in this base. They are on the first floor, which is also the largest floor. The lower floor is the experimental base.There are many scientific researchers, as well as scientific research equipment and laboratories, which should be the place to develop viruses.

And the third layer is 4444, ≮m


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"It seems that he must have a brother!" Lin Xuan secretly guessed in his heart, if this is the case, then he has to cut the grass and roots to avoid future troubles.

So Lin Xuan didn't rush to the central room, but used Stern's computer to enter the monitoring system again, searching for people with the same appearance as Stern.

However, the base is very large, with a large number of people, and many rooms do not have monitoring equipment, so it is really troublesome to find Stern's brother.

But fortunately, Lin Xuan searched for about [-] minutes. In a laboratory on the second floor of the base, he saw a man who looked exactly like Stern. After the experiment, will I go to the electron microscope equipment to observe it?

This person was also wearing a white coat, glasses, and brown curly hair. It was difficult to tell the difference between him and Stern who had just died just from his appearance.

"No wonder the bodyguard at the door and him didn't feel surprised when they saw me!" Lin Xuan was stunned, but since he found Stern's brother, he had to get rid of it as soon as possible.

So Lin Xuan got up immediately, and left the office with his laptop.

When going out, the two bodyguards at the door greeted him again, but Lin Xuan ignored it, went straight to the elevator door, and took the elevator to the experimental base on the second floor.

"Mr. Stern!"

"Mr. Stern..." Along the way, many people who saw Lin Xuan would greet him, but Lin Xuan just nodded slightly, and walked quickly to the door of the laboratory where the Stern brothers were.

There is no device to verify the unlocking of the laboratory door. Lin Xuan pushed it and found that the door was locked.So he knocked on the door.

After a while, the door was opened.The man inside looked at Lin Xuan with some surprise, and said, "Why are you here?"

Lin Xuan said nothing.Instead, he came to open the door, walked in, and closed the door.

"The meeting is over?" the man asked again.

Lin Xuan didn't know what this person was, so he just nodded casually, and then walked quickly to the person, a strange smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, at the same time, his right hand was as fast as lightning, and three bone claws pierced into the In the man's chest. ,


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lin Xuan couldn't understand what the man said at all, but he knew very well that these people should have discovered their fake identities and came to arrest him. www?w?. ?

Although Lin Xuan was very confident in his own strength, after seeing the changes in Qinglong after using the potion, Lin Xuan had a new understanding of this organization.

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