This organization not only researched the virus that kills people, but also researched the potion that can make people look like zombies in the movie. If the two people in front of them also use that potion, I'm afraid I have to leave here, and I will inevitably have to go shopping once.

"Who the hell are you?" Sterling said again in English, as if guessing that Lin Xuan didn't understand him.

This time Lin Xuan understood, but he still didn't answer. He put down the laptop in his hand and kicked it into the corner with his feet.

Frowning, two rays of light shot out of his eyes, his body sank, and he was ready to fight.

"Don't talk?" Sterling frowned, then his eyes turned cold, and he shouted in a low voice, "Kill him!"

bang bang bang...

Almost as soon as Sterling's words sounded, the two tall men pulled the trigger. Lin Xuan dodged quickly, shooting spider webs from both hands, and shot at the guns in the hands of the two men.

But the reaction of these two people was also amazing, they narrowly avoided Lin Xuan's spider web, and immediately shot Lin Xuan again.

Seeing the spider silk shot by Lin Xuan, Sterling was shocked, and immediately retreated into the elevator, and then took the elevator to leave here quickly. At the same time, he did not know where to take out a remote control, Immediately pressed the red button above.

Although Sterling expected that Lin Xuan would be very difficult, but what he saw with his own eyes just now still made him overwhelmed. Not to mention Lin Xuan's reflexes can dodge bullets, that is, he can shoot that kind of spider-like arrow from his wrist. Something like silk had already shocked him.

Who on earth is he, and how can he have such a strange ability.Could he have been successfully genetically modified?But who has more advanced genetic modification technology than us?

Or is this person born with strange abilities?

Who the hell sent him?

Sterling had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but what excited him was that he seemed to see new hope for human genetic evolution.

Puff, puff...

At the same time that Sterling pressed the remote control button, the two tall men who were confronting Lin Xuan.Two subtle sounds came from the black device on the back of the neck.

The two of them trembled immediately, and after a short pause, they continued to shoot Lin Xuan, but Lin Xuan's body was like a bouncy ball.Bounce back and forth in this hall, making them hard to catch.

Soon, they ran out of bullets, and the two of them also knew that the pistol could not do anything to Lin Xuan, so they immediately threw away the pistol and pulled out two daggers from their bodies.

At the same time, blue veins resembling earthworms suddenly appeared on the two of them, wriggling back and forth, puffs of white heat rose up, and the muscles on their faces twisted slightly.The muscles of the whole body swell slightly.

That way it looks exactly the same as the previous Qinglong.

"Sure enough, they used that potion!" Lin Xuan's face darkened, it seemed that he really had to fight hard.

With a flash of coldness in his eyes, Lin Xuan rushed up suddenly, and then leaped into the air, like a tiger pouncing on his prey, he pounced on one of them, and chopped off the bone claw of his right hand.

Seeing this, the man let out a loud shout, and also jumped up.The dagger in his hand stabbed at Lin Xuan.

But at this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly shot out a spider thread, and when he pulled it, his body changed its trajectory instantly.Then the other hand also shot out spider silk and stuck to the man's leg.

With a pull, the big man who leaped in the air suddenly lost his balance.But Lin Xuan took the opportunity to bully him, and stabbed the man's head fiercely with his bone claws.

But just when Lin Xuan was about to succeed, another big man crashed into him like a cannonball.

Lin Xuan didn't dodge, Bone Claw went forward without hesitation.It's a pity that the man's reaction speed was also amazing. He twisted his head and narrowly avoided Lin Xuan's bone claws.

But Lin Xuan took advantage of the situation and grabbed down. The sharp bone claws directly left three deep wounds on the man's chest.

At the same time, Lin Xuan was also knocked out by another big guy.

However, Lin Xuan immediately pulled his body aside with the help of the spider silk, and landed smoothly.

Having had the experience of fighting Qinglong, Lin Xuan knew that these two people were very difficult to kill, and their strength was no less than his own.

But their strength is temporary, and after a while, they will end up like that green dragon, turning into a mummified corpse and dying.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan had an idea.

There is absolutely no need for me to waste time fighting with them!

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