But the complaints are the complaints, Lin Xuan still entered the consciousness into the virtual space in his mind.

When he saw the task name on the screen, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Build an artificial intelligence central server!" Lin Xuan murmured, "The task rewards 5 merit points, the task time limit is 6 months, and the task level is elementary!"

From the mission name alone, Lin Xuan roughly guessed the content of this mission.

In fact, even if the system does not release such tasks, Lin Xuan will build an artificial intelligence central server sooner or later. After all, the Jarvis system also needs the support of a powerful server in this kind of computing, and the intelligent era he envisions also needs Have such an intelligent center.

However, Lin Xuan did not expect that the system would release such a task now, which made him feel a little caught off guard, and when Lin Xuan saw the detailed content and requirements of the task, he was also a little stunned: "The calculation speed must reach every second A trillion double-precision floating-point operations!"

Lin Xuan smiled wryly and shook his head, although the technology in his mind can create an optical brain supercomputer thousands of times faster than the system requires.

But after all, with the current technology of the earth, it is somewhat difficult to achieve this kind of computing speed.

You must know that the world's fastest "Tianhe-5.49" has a peak calculation speed of 3.39 million billion times per second, and a continuous calculation speed of [-] million million times per second double-precision floating-point operations.

And the system required him to build a central server with a continuous computing speed of one trillion double-precision floating-point operations per second.This is thousands of times faster than the Tianhe-[-] supercomputer.

That is.Existing technologies can't meet the requirements of system tasks at all.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan has already started the mass production plan of graphene, and the national scientific research institute.Now graphene materials should have been applied to research and development in various fields, and various basic technologies will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Graphene is used to replace silicon to make ultra-miniature transistors, and the supercomputers used to produce supercomputers will run hundreds or even thousands of times faster than their computer processors.

So as long as I design a batch of supercomputers improved with graphene, I should be able to meet the requirements. As for the production, I am afraid that I will have to trouble the government.

After all, Lin Xuan does not have the factory equipment to produce this kind of server now, and it will take some time to build his own factory. As for finding a foreign foundry, he would never even think about it.

What a joke, asking them to produce it is tantamount to handing over the technology to others!

"It seems that I have to contribute a lot of technology this time. Forget it, the fat water will not flow to outsiders. If I don't look for the country and rely on myself, I'm afraid it will be really difficult to complete the task in six months." Lin Xuan calculated in his heart. with.

But he suddenly thought of another problem. Although the problem of building this kind of artificial intelligence central server has been solved, the daily power consumption of such a supercomputer is extremely huge.

If you want to supply it with electricity, you basically need to build a special power plant.to ensure its normal operation.

Do you want to build a power plant for this?

"Build a power plant?" Thinking of this, Lin Xuan frowned suddenly. Since a power plant is needed for power supply, why not build a controllable nuclear fusion power plant directly!

Thus.Not only can I meet the electricity consumption of my own factory and intelligent central server, but I can also enter the field of new energy and make a lot of money.So that the future development of our company can have more abundant financial support.

Of course, Lin Xuan also knew.It is not so easy to build a nuclear fusion power plant. The first problem to be solved is its core technology-controllable nuclear fusion reactor.

Currently the world's most widely used nuclear power generation.The technology used is nuclear fission reaction, which is the huge energy released by the fission of atoms of heavy metal elements.

Because heavy metal elements such as uranium needed for fission are scarce on the earth, and conventional fission reactors will produce long-lived and highly radioactive nuclear waste, these factors limit the development of fission energy.

Nuclear fusion is the process in which two lighter nuclei fuse into one heavier nucleus and release energy.The easiest fusion reaction in nature is the fusion of deuterium and tritium, an isotope of hydrogen, which has been going on for 50 billion years in the sun.

Therefore, controllable nuclear fusion is commonly known as artificial sun, because the principle of the sun is nuclear fusion reaction.

Moreover, deuterium is abundant in seawater on the earth, as many as 40 trillion tons. If all of it is used for fusion reactions, the energy released will be enough for humans to use for tens of billions of years, and the reaction product is helium without radioactive pollution.

Therefore, the fusion energy of nuclear fusion can be said to be an infinite, clean and safe new energy source.

It's a pity that this kind of controllable nuclear fusion technology is still immature, and many supporting technologies are not late enough to be commercialized for the time being.

Closer to home, although Lin Xuan has a very advanced and mature set of controllable nuclear fusion technology in his mind, many of the technologies used in it are out of touch with the current technology, so there are still problems to be solved in the implementation. a lot of.

For example, in terms of materials, this set of controllable nuclear fusion reactors requires some material properties that cannot be achieved by materials currently on the market. Even if other composite materials can be used instead, that composite material will also be affected by technology. Level limitation, resulting in expensive and rare.

Not only that, but the actual manufacturing process of this kind of nuclear fusion reactor also requires the support of very sophisticated equipment, so if Lin Xuan wants to build the controllable nuclear fusion reactor in his mind, there are still many details to be solved. Careful thought and ending.

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