As for the cost, let alone.

The cost of the intelligent central server required by the system alone must not be less than tens of billions of dollars, and the cost of this controllable fusion power plant, which will completely open up a new energy era, will definitely be an astronomical figure!

Of course, many of the reasons for this are also due to the current low level of technology in the world as a whole, so many materials that could have been very cheap are expensive due to technical limitations, and the cost of this controllable nuclear fusion reactor has also doubled. Increase.

"Hey - the basic industry is still very important. If I don't improve the technological level of the entire basic industry as soon as possible, I can't realize the black technology in my head in a short time." Lin Xuan sighed secretly.

However, Lin Xuan was not only worried about technical issues, but also about the funding of these two projects.

"It seems that we have to make more money as soon as possible!" Lin Xuan sighed secretly. He was already a billionaire worth tens of billions of dollars, but now that he wants to start implementing these two projects, he will suddenly become a millionaire. Pauper.

Fortunately, the company's current revenue is very good, plus the [-] billion US dollars that it received from Microsoft before, it is completely enough for the construction of intelligent central servers.

And if you ask the country to help with production, you may save a lot of money, and you can even get a credit account first to use the funds for the nuclear fusion power plant project.

After all, asking the country to help manufacture is equivalent to contributing a new set of supercomputer production technology to the country. A supercomputer technology that can manufacture thousands of times faster than the Tianhe-[-] calculation speed, the value of this technology is not It can only be measured in money.

Therefore, nuclear fusion power plants can also be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

"Now half of the construction of the graphene production plant has been completed, and it must be completed in more than two months. At that time, the primary version of the Jarvis system was almost completed. Once the product is sold, the funds for building a fusion power plant will be more abundant!"

After the consciousness came out of the virtual space, Lin Xuan leaned back on the chair and began to think about the next detailed plan in his heart.


In the office of a central office in Kyoto City, Xia Weiguo truthfully reported the situation of his conversation with Lin Xuan yesterday to the No. [-] head of the country who was sitting at the desk.

"In other words, he contacted Ma Changwei before, just to get close to this organization as an undercover agent?"

"That's right!"

"But how did this kid manage to do it? It's incredible that he gained Ma Changwei's trust after only a few contacts, and he even dug out the bottom of this organization!" Chief No. [-] said with a look of surprise on his face.

"I also asked, but he didn't want to say anything more about it. However, I personally guess that it is very likely that this organization also took a fancy to Lin Xuan's genius, so they wanted to win him over. Fortunately, Lin Xuan's father If this organization dies, there is almost no possibility of him being used by this organization, but thinking about it is really scary!

Of course, having said that, from such a long period of observation, I personally think that Lin Xuan's character is not a problem. The incident of the fire in Binhai alone is enough to prove that he has a righteous heart and is an upright and kind person.

So I think we should have more trust in him and less suspicion, what's more, what he did this time is equivalent to saving all human beings in the world! "Xia Weiguo said seriously.



-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Well, that's right, his contribution this time is indeed great!" Chief No. [-] suddenly smiled and nodded, "Actually, I'm just worried that he is young and easily misled and used by others. This time it was just a false alarm, we can lift all actions against him, but the protection of him and his family must be strengthened!"

"Yes, Chief!"

"By the way, Lao Xia, I heard from your old man Xia that your precious girl has a very good relationship with Lin Xuan, and she is full of praise for him! Do you know about this?" The chief suddenly changed the topic, and his face changed He showed a somewhat thoughtful, but seemingly casual smile.

"I know, alas—that girl probably fell in love with Lin Xuan, the so-called female university is not allowed to stay!" Xia Weiguo said with a wry smile, and there was a sour feeling in his heart, as if his treasure was about to be snatched away. Seems like.

"Hehe, the girl's vision is pretty good, actually I think these two children are quite suitable!" The chief continued with a smile.

Hearing this, Xia Weiguo looked at the chief with a meaningful smile in surprise, and the corners of his mouth twitched. This is where the sun came out. He usually opens and closes his mouth for state affairs, why did he suddenly care about this? It's such a trivial matter to have an affair with a child.

But after thinking about it, Xia Weiguo seemed to understand the chief's intention. He wanted to use his daughter to bring Lin Xuan closer to the country.

If Lin Xuan marries his daughter, then he can be regarded as the half-son-in-law of the government. With this level of relationship, Lin Xuan will not be allowed to get closer to the government, and Lin Xuan can be tied to prevent such a precious talent from leaving .

After all, the power of love can be scary sometimes, not to mention that Lin Xuan is just at the age when he is in love and in his prime, and he is also the youngest billionaire in the IT world that has attracted worldwide attention.If one day they fell in love with a foreign woman and immigrated abroad in obsession, wouldn't they have lost a genius who could help them realize their dream of China's great rejuvenation?

Although this possibility is not great, there are many chances and accidents in this world.

"Hehe, Lin Xuan is indeed a very nice young man...but this is all the children's business, let them handle it themselves. I'm not a good father, and my girl likes to fight against me⊥⌒⊥ ⌒,!" Xia Weiguo said with a wry smile.

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