

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lin Xuan couldn't believe his ears. Although he had been away for many years, he could still hear this voice. ↑,

"Yes, Xiaoxuan, Dad is back!"

The phrase "Dad is back" hit the softest part of Lin Xuan's heart all of a sudden, disintegrating all his strength and stubbornness, and tears gushed out instantly like a bank bursting.

"Dad, you're finally back!" Lin Xuan's voice was choked up, but his heart was extremely excited.

He used to firmly believe that his father was still alive, until this time, after hearing Bai Hu's words, he really thought that his father was gone, and all hopes were shattered.

But unexpectedly, just when he was desperate, his father came back, he really came back!

"Well, Xiaoxuan, don't cry. Didn't dad come back safely? From now on, our family will be a member of the league. By the way, is your mother still in good health?"

"Very well, Dad, are you in good health, have they abused you?"

"No, Dad is in good health, don't worry! Dad just heard from your uncle, you are really doing Dad a credit!"

"Dad, are you at my uncle's house? I'll go home and pick you up!" Although Lin Xuan had a lot of questions in his heart, he couldn't explain some things clearly on the phone, so he decided to pick up his father first. Come back and chat slowly.

"Well, don't worry, just come back when you have a car!"

"It's okay, there should be a plane at this time, just wait for me, I'll be there at the latest in the evening!"

"Well, that's fine, then be careful on the road!"

"Understood, Dad, then let's talk about it when we meet!"

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xuan wiped away his tears. After calming down a bit, he immediately picked up the phone on his desk and said, "Wenwen, help me book four tickets to Rejuvenation City in an hour's time!"

"Yes, Mr. Lin!" Zheng Wenwen's pleasant voice came.

After putting down the phone, Lin Xuan immediately called the finance office and called his sister over.

"What, Dad is back?" Lin Xue also opened her beautiful eyes with excitement.Immediately, the eye circles turned red.

"Well, it's true!" Lin Xuan said with joy, but Lin Xue shed tears of excitement just like Lin Xuan just now. Her mood was the same as Lin Xuan just now. She waited for several years. After finally waiting for my father's return, it is inevitable that I will be a little too excited.

After briefly explaining the company's affairs, Lin Xuan asked Chang Sheng to drive him and his sister back home.Then I took my mother and went to the airport together.

But before getting on the plane, Lin Xuan received a call from the company, which was from Xia Weiguo. Xia Weiguo told Lin Xuan that they had found Lin Xuan's father.

In fact, Xia Weiguo also read the report of the investigation of the members of the organization by his subordinates who went to destroy the experimental base not long ago.Only then did he discover Lin Xuan's father, so he quickly called Lin Xuan.Unexpectedly, Lin Xuan already knew.

After finishing the call with Xia Weiguo, Lin Xuan's family also boarded the plane, and Chang Sheng, who was a bodyguard and assistant, naturally followed them back to Spring City.

After arriving at Chuncheng Airport, the few people took a taxi directly into the city, then rented a car, and drove back to their hometown.

Because Chang Sheng came back with Lin Xuan last time.So the route here is relatively clear, and this time he will drive.

After galloping all the way, the family finally arrived at Uncle Lin Xuan's house before dark.At this time, many people came to his uncle's house, except for some neighbors who came to visit after learning that Lin Guowei, who had been missing for many years, had returned.The rest were family members of fellow villagers who disappeared with Lin Guowei at the beginning, and came to inquire about the situation.

After getting off the car, Lin Xuan became very excited again. He and his sister supported his mother, and walked quickly into the house of the uncle's house. He saw his father, Lin Guowei, who was talking to relatives and friends at a glance.

Contrary to Lin Xuan's imagination, although Lin Guowei is a little older than before, he is white and fat!

This surprised him, but also made him very happy. What he feared most was that his father had suffered and suffered all these years, but seeing his father seemed to be much better than he had imagined.

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