"Dad—" Lin Xuan and Lin Xue rushed forward and hugged Lin Guowei first. Lin Xuan's mother, Chen Huilan, also walked over with tears in her eyes. The family hugged each other and couldn't help crying excitedly.

The people around were also a little moved, especially those fellow villagers who had shared their illness but failed to wait for their family members to return. They were very sad and could not help but shed tears silently.

After the family calmed down their excitement, they sat down on the kang at the uncle's house, and Chen Huilan also asked about Lin Guowei's whereabouts these years.

But Lin Guowei just said that he was cheated by a black-hearted company to work, so he couldn't come back. Now the company has been destroyed, so he was released.

But his co-workers were all killed in an accident.

Chen Huilan didn't doubt Lin Guowei's words, but Lin Xuan knew very well that his father was lying. He guessed that after his father was rescued, the government asked them to keep a secret. I just don't want my mother to worry, and I don't want those folks to know that their relatives were used for experiments and died miserably.

In the evening, after the villagers dispersed, Lin Xuan could finally reunite with his father. The family had dinner at the uncle's house, and then returned to their original old house for reunion.

The mood of reunion after a long absence is destined to be exciting, so the family talked until late before going to bed.

But Lin Xuan was lying on the kang, unable to sleep for a while. He was already desperate this time, but his father came back suddenly. It's hard to recover.

But Lin Xuan knew that all of this was true. His father had really returned safely, and he finally had one less regret. It was worthwhile to destroy the Earth Protection Association after going through a lot of hardships before!

The next morning, Lin Xuan returned to Binhai with his parents and sister, but because his father wanted to visit Lin Xuan's company, Lin Xuan asked Chang Sheng to send his mother and sister back home, and then took his father there company.

On the way, Lin Xuan finally asked about his father's work in the base.

And Lin Guowei saw that Lin Xuan knew about the Earth Protection Association, so he told the truth.

It turned out that Lin Guowei and the others were indeed detained for virus experiments, but fortunately, Lin Guowei became the one in [-] who developed antibodies, and even the one in [-] who survived and became Raw materials for their antiviral serum production.

However, at that time, Lin Guowei also suffered from the damage of the virus to the nervous system, which caused a stroke-like, crooked mouth and eyes, and awkward hands and feet.

Fortunately, some of those scientific researchers were forced to work there, so they sympathized with Lin Guowei and took good care of him. In addition, Lin Guowei was simple and sincere, so he got along well with those people.

Gradually, I became good friends with most of the staff there, and with the treatment and help of those people, I gradually recovered.

...... u

Hundredth Chapter 16 Dark Crisis

The joy of a family reunion slowly faded over time, and life seemed to have returned to its usual calm. Lin Xuan was still at the office and at home at two o'clock every day. Apart from handling the company's daily affairs, he spent most of his time at Write Jarvis programs.

However, because of the new tasks of the system, he also had to spare part of his time to transform the supercomputer technology in his mind into a new type of supercomputer that is feasible and can meet the system requirements, and use all the technologies with a group of professional The data and drawings are expressed so that they can be handed over to the Chinese Academy of Sciences for help in making them.

Of course, these data and drawings are drawn by computer, so the progress is still very fast.

It took Lin Xuan less than ten days to complete the design of the supercomputer and convert it into professional data and drawings.

"It's ok!" After re-checking and trimming the entire design drawings and data, Lin Xuan leaned back on the chair and stretched.

At this time, Zheng Wenwen walked in with a cup of coffee at the right time.

"Mr. Lin, take a break!" Zheng Wenwen put the coffee on Lin Xuan's desk and said with a smile.

"Thank you!" Lin Xuan smiled slightly, took a sip of the coffee, but soon looked at the computer screen and frowned, as if he was thinking about something again.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Wenwen couldn't help but shook her head with a wry smile, secretly thinking that her boss is really a workaholic, facing the computer every day, does the computer look better than this big beauty like herself?

Zheng Wenwen has been in the company for a long time, but in her impression, Lin Xuan seems to have always been in this desperately busy state, except for a trip out in the previous stage, it seems that he rarely sees him When I went out for leisure and entertainment, I would plunge into the office every day when I came to the company, busy with the computer.

This made her a little puzzled, if she had such a wealth, she would have gone all over the world, so why work so hard.

But even though I thought so.But Zheng Wenwen admires Lin Xuan from the bottom of her heart. In her opinion, ordinary people who are young and successful are easy to get carried away and their eyes are high above the top, but Lin Xuan is at this age.It is indeed very rare to be able to achieve this kind of achievement, but still remain calm and hardworking, without arrogance or impetuosity.

Lin Xuan naturally didn't know what Zheng Wenwen was thinking.After finishing his coffee, he picked up his mobile phone and called Director Wang of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

"Comrade Xiaolin, you haven't called for a while. How is it? Is the company developing smoothly recently?" Director Wang's pleasantly surprised voice was heard as soon as the call was connected.

"Hehe, with the support of the party and the state, of course everything went well!" Lin Xuan said politely, "That's right. Director Wang, I have another new project I want to talk to you about!"

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