"Another new project?" Director Wang's voice was a little surprised, and he asked impatiently, "What project?"

"Hehe, let's talk about the details when we meet tomorrow. I wonder if Director Wang will have time tomorrow?" Lin Xuan deliberately whetted Wang Chunyang's appetite.

"Of course I have time, but let me tell you, Comrade Xiaolin, it's not good for you to do this. I've always suffered from insomnia. If you whet my appetite like this, you won't be able to sleep tonight!"

"Hehe. Then I can reveal something. The project is about a new type of supercomputer. The calculation speed of the one I designed can reach trillions of trillions!"

"What? Tens of thousands, trillions of trillions of supercomputers?" Wang Chunyang exclaimed.His excited voice trembled a little, but he knew very well the importance of supercomputers to a country.

In the development process of modern society, there will be a series of complex and large-scale problems that need to be solved in the fields of economy, science and technology, and national defense.

After long-term efforts of scientists, more and more refined physical models have been established for many of these problems, which can be solved on computers through appropriate calculation methods.

And these computational problems.The most complex and largest type is called "challenging problems", which must rely on the fastest large-capacity large-scale computer in the contemporary era - "supercomputer" to complete the problem solving within an effective time. Ordinary Computers simply don't have enough power to solve these "challenging problems".

For example, climate forecasting and geological disaster forecasting, using supercomputers to predict climate change can improve the accuracy of forecasting, thereby reducing the damage caused by climate change to human beings.If used to simulate earthquakes, it could even help humans explore earthquake prediction methods, thereby mitigating the risks associated with earthquakes.

If applied to transportation, supercomputers can be used to understand and improve the aerodynamics, fuel consumption, structural design, crashworthiness, and help improve passenger comfort, reduce noise, etc. These have potential economic and security benefits.

If applied to bioinformatics and computational biology, supercomputers could help people find revolutionary ways to treat diseases.

In addition, supercomputers can also be applied to many fields such as new materials, engineering design and simulation analysis, smart cities, e-commerce, cloud computing and big data, digital media and animation design. The characters and scenes are all calculated by supercomputers.

It can be said that supercomputers play a vital role in a country's technological development, economic and social transformation and upgrading.

And a supercomputer with a faster calculation speed can complete more complex calculations in the shortest time, such as simulating the process of the Big Bang and evolution of the universe, etc.

This is why Wang Chunyang was so excited when he heard Lin Xuan's words.

"Well, that's right, a supercomputer that should be thousands of times faster than Tianhe-[-]. Let's talk about the details when we meet tomorrow!"

"Okay, okay!" Wang Chunyang said excitedly.

After finishing the call with Wang Chunyang, Lin Xuan shook his head with a smile. Now that he has told Wang Chunyang about the new project, he will probably be too excited to sleep tonight.


In Europe, in a laboratory of a secret scientific research institute in the German-Italian Federal State, Stern in a white coat is sitting in front of a computer next to an experimental equipment, continuously inputting sets of data.

Suddenly, the frosted glass door of the laboratory opened automatically, and the bald Irwin walked in with a few A4-sized photos of people.

"Dr. Stern, this is the general appearance map of the person I drew after translating the genetic code. The similarity should be about [-]%. From the appearance point of view, this person is an Asian yellow man. Combined with the previous According to some clues, he should be from Huaxia!" Walking to Stern, Erwin handed the photo in his hand to Stern and said.

Stern took the photo and looked at it, his brows gradually wrinkled. The age of the man in the photo seemed to be much younger than he imagined.

"And through the analysis of his blood sample cells, his age should only be around twenty years old!" Erwin continued to add.


17th Chapter [-] Time magazine interview

"So young!" Stern was shocked, but he didn't say much, but put down the photo and looked at Erwin: "Erwin, is the cloning experiment going well?"

"It's going well so far, but his genes are extraordinary, and it's still unknown whether the cloning will be successful in the end!"


"However, Dr. Ster, the improvement method of genetic medicine you gave me is very feasible after my research. We are very likely to develop a genetic medicine that truly has no side effects!"

"Well, I hope so, but this method is only my preliminary idea, and it still needs to be studied experimentally. After we conduct several experiments and establish a basic data model, we can use supercomputers for demonstration and analysis!"

"Okay doctor, I will start the first improvement experiment later!"

"Go!" Stern nodded, and immediately walked out of the laboratory with Erwin, but Erwin turned left after going out, while he went straight to the right and returned to his office. At the same time, he took He took out a special communicator and said, "Jiantian, come to my office!"

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