
In an instant, the complexions of the dozen or so men from the Song family changed drastically, and they rushed forward one after another, but Lin Xuan's eyes turned sideways, and after a few dodges, he was punched to the flesh again.

bang bang bang-

The dozen or so people were like balls, they had no power to fight back, they were kicked away by Lin Xuan one after another, and finally fell down in a mess.

And Lin Xuan didn't even look at those people, and went straight to Song Dingshan who was a little embarrassed and just got up from the ground.

"Old dog, let my girlfriend go, or I will abolish you today!" Lin Xuan shouted angrily.

He is already a little red-eyed now. If he didn't have a sliver of reason, he might have started killing. For him, he is not afraid of even a powerful global organization like the Earth Protection Association. A mere family who practices martial arts Forget it, and Song Dingshan himself said just now that even the government wants to suppress them, so Lin Xuan is not stingy to do the government a favor today, so that the family will be completely devastated.

"Ahem..." Song Dingshan's complexion was extremely ugly, his internal organs seemed to have been shattered, and the pain was so severe that he couldn't even straighten his waist. He looked at Lin Xuan's cold eyes like a beast , was afraid in his heart, but his face still showed an unyielding posture, and he shouted fiercely: "You, how dare you!"

"That's right, I dare!" Lin Xuan's face turned cold, and he suddenly bullied him again, his right fist was as fast as lightning, and before Song Dingshan could recover, he punched Song Dingshan hard again. out.

This time, Song Dingshan was completely stunned. He spat out a mouthful of blood, with a few broken teeth in his mouth. Stars appeared in his eyes, and he felt dizzy. He fell to the ground and couldn't stand up for a while.

Lin Xuan walked over and grabbed him by the collar, lifted him up, and shouted angrily, "Let me ask you again, should I let it go?"


At this moment, there was an old scolding sound, and an old man led a dozen middle-aged people rushing over, but seeing Song Dingshan being held in his hand, his expression was a bit ugly.

They couldn't be more aware of Song Dingshan's strength, and it is one of the best in China. Even if they all fight together, they may not be able to beat Song Dingshan into such a mess.

But it is such a master-level internal master, the head of the Song family, who is now held in the hands of an unattractive young man. He has no demeanor and is in a state of embarrassment. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would be unbelievable.

"Who are you, how dare you trespass into my Song family's compound!" The old man with white beard shouted angrily.

"Song Yuanqiao, you old man, I'm going to kill you!" Seeing the old man appear, Su Qingmei suddenly rushed up like crazy.

But Chang Sheng beside him saw that the situation was not good, so he rushed up and grabbed Su Qingmei.

The scene is already chaotic enough, he doesn't want Su Qingmei to add more chaos and make things worse.

"It's the Song family again?" Hearing the old man's voice, Lin Xuan was very upset. Ever since he entered the door, he heard these people open their mouths about the Song family and shut their mouths about the Song family. Can't get in!

"Hmph, Song family, what about your Song family!" Lin Xuan shouted with a strong aura, neither humble nor overbearing.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What an arrogant boy, let go of my son!" Song Yuanqiao shouted angrily with his eyes wide open, seeing his son being held in his hands like a dead dog, he was heartbroken. ?·

"Hmph, let my girlfriend go first!" Lin Xuan said coldly.

"Your girlfriend?" Song Yuanqiao was a little surprised.

A middle-aged man next to him quickly explained: "Old man, a little girl broke into our yard suddenly this morning and injured our people. Later, we caught her and got it from her." Knowing that she is a member of the Su family, she came to seek revenge on us!"

"The Su family?" Song Yuanqiao's face changed, and he immediately looked at Su Qingmei. No wonder this person was so angry when he saw him just now. It turned out that she was from the Su family.

I took the lead to exterminate the Su family back then, it seems that this woman should be a survivor of the Su family back then, but what happened to that little girl?

"Old man, why don't we let that girl go, the Su family can't make a fortune now, and we don't need to care about the remnants!" The middle-aged man continued.

Hearing this, Song Yuanqiao had a gloomy face and didn't speak, he didn't care about the few remnants of the Su family, what he cared about was his Song family's face.

Originally, it would be fine even if the little girl was let go, but his Song family was really disgraced today.

It was the first time in the nearly thousand years of family inheritance that the dignified Song family actually let someone call at their door to ask for someone.

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