But today, the Song family really encountered a strong enemy, even Song Dingshan, the number one strongest member of the Song family, was beaten like that. Even if he was unwilling, there was nothing he could do, not to mention that Song Dingshan's life was still in his hands . ? ? ?·

It seems that today's shame can only be repaid by seeking other methods.

"Let him go!" After pondering for a while, Song Yuanqiao flicked his sleeves and said coldly.

"Yes!" The middle-aged man responded, and quickly winked at the two people beside him. They came and went in a hurry, but came back again after a while.Behind her was a woman with dim eyes, haggard face, and staggering steps. It was Yang Shuke, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

"Xiao Ke!" Seeing Yang Shuke's appearance, Lin Xuan's heart ached, although Yang Shuke couldn't see any injuries on the surface.But looking at her pale and haggard cheeks, slightly disheveled head, and staggering gait, she was clearly injured, and most likely internally.

"Lin. Lin Xuan? Sister?" Yang Shuke was stunned, looking at Lin Xuan and Su Qingmei in astonishment. She never expected that Lin Xuan and Sister would appear here, especially when she saw Lin Xuan, All the strength in her heart suddenly collapsed, and the circles of her eyes turned red.

"Xiao Ke!" Lin Xuan threw Song Dingshan aside, quickly rushed to Yang Shuke, and hugged her in his arms.

Feeling the familiar warmth from Lin Xuan's body, Yang Shuke's strength completely collapsed, and tears welled up immediately.Regardless of the pain in her body, she hugged Lin Xuan tightly and cried out, like a little girl who has been wronged.

Seeing this scene, Su Qingmei's complexion became extremely complicated, while the people of the Song family hurried over to help Song Dingshan up and check on Song Dingshan's injuries.

"Xiao Ke, are you okay?" Wiping Yang Shuke's tears, Lin Xuan looked Yang Shuke up and down, and asked worriedly.

"It's okay, Lin Xuan. Why are you here?" Yang Shuke asked choked up.

"Of course they came to save you. Did they hurt you?" Lin Xuan asked distressedly. He heard what Song Dingshan said before, and Yang Shu must have been tortured to extract a confession.

"It's okay. It's just some muscle pain, it's not a big deal!" Yang Shuke shook her head and said, although her limbs were almost broken, she didn't want Lin Xuan to worry too much.

However, Lin Xuan was still very distressed, and couldn't help but glared at the Song family members beside him, and angrily said: "You Song family is really good. You actually attacked a girl so cruelly and bullied the weak. Fortunately, you are still a group of martial arts practitioners!"

"We have already let him go, what else do you want?" Lin Xuan's reprimand made everyone in the Song family lose face, and one of them scolded.

"Forget it, Lin Xuan, let's go!" Yang Shuke pulled Lin Xuan's arm, she didn't want Lin Xuan to get entangled with them any longer.

Lin Xuan gave the man a cold look, but didn't say anything else. Although Yang Shuke was injured today, he also beat Song Dingshan half to death just now, which was barely even.

And there are many people on the other side, if you continue to entangle, although you are fine, it would be bad if you accidentally let Yang Shuke get hurt again.

So he can only accept it as soon as he sees it, take Yang Shuke out of here first, and heal the injury first.

"Xiao Ke, let's go!" Looking coldly at everyone in the Song family, Lin Xuan suddenly turned around, hugged Yang Shuke in his arms, and walked towards the gate of the Song family.

Seeing this, Chang Sheng also pulled Su Qingmei out, but Su Qingmei glared at Song Yuanqiao and the others viciously, and cursed: "Song Yuanqiao, you must die badly, your Song family will suffer retribution sooner or later, and lose all children and grandchildren! "

Hearing Su Qingmei's insults, Song Yuanqiao was trembling with anger. Over the years, when had his Song family ever suffered from such a useless attitude? He was beaten and cursed, but he didn't dare to do anything to him!

Seeing Lin Xuan and his party walking out of the gate, Song Yuanqiao suddenly said coldly: "Check it out for me immediately, what is the origin of that little bastard?"

At this time, Song Yuanqiao's face was extremely gloomy, and he said in a cold voice.

He didn't act rashly just now. Apart from feeling that they were not Lin Xuan's opponents, he felt that Lin Xuan's background was not simple.

This person has such great martial arts at such a young age, and he doesn't take his Song family seriously at all. He must be an extraordinary person, and he definitely has a strong backer behind him.

Although looking at the whole of China, his Song family has never been afraid of anyone, but now the times are different, and their Song family has to be careful.

After all, no matter how advanced the martial arts are, they are still afraid of guns, not to mention that now they lack the backing of the government and are facing the situation of being suppressed by the government.


"I'm sorry, sister..." Sitting in the car, Yang Shuke looked at Su Qingmei with apologetic expression and said.

"Alas—it's my sister who's sorry for you!" Su Qingmei sighed, and immediately helped Yang Shuke stroke the slightly messy hair, looked at Yang Shuke with a complicated expression and said, "Xiao Ke, you don't have to blame yourself anymore Now, you don't have to feel sorry for our Su family, in fact, you are not my Su family, it is my sister-in-law who used you..."

Su Qingmei told Yang Shuke the truth of the matter from beginning to end.

Today, Lin Xuan beat Song Dingshan half to death and humiliated the Song family, which finally let her hatred that had been accumulated for many years finally be released.

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