And after going through today's incident, she seems to understand something - she doesn't have any relatives in this world except Yang Shuke.

Although Yang Shuke was not her own, but she raised him, and she already regarded Yang Shuke as her daughter in her heart.

But she had been blinded by hatred before, regardless of Yang Shuke's feelings, forcing her to follow her plan step by step.

In the end, Yang Shuke was forced to come to where she is today, and she almost lost her last relative because of it.

Although she was eager for revenge, when she found out that she might lose Yang Shuke, her heart was pierced, and when she saw Yang Shu's haggard appearance just now, she was also very distressed.

It also made her fully understand what it means to cherish the people in front of her, so she chose to tell Yang Shuke the truth, which can be regarded as releasing the shackles of hatred from Yang Shuke, allowing her to live happily ever after!


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hearing Su Qingmei say that she was just an orphan and not from the Su family, Yang Shuke was extremely shocked and also a little sad, but deep down in her heart, she suddenly felt a sense of relief. Although she knew that she was an orphan, she finally You can unload the burden of revenge on your shoulders, and you can finally be like a normal person

"So my sister is sorry for you, Xiaoke. Even if you resent my sister for using you, my sister will not blame you. From now on, my sister will not interfere in your life anymore. When you grow up, choose your life." , Sister-in-law only hopes that you will be happy in the future!"

"Sister!" Yang Shuke's eyes were red again, and she hugged Su Qingmei, "I don't blame you, I can't repay you for nurturing me, but I really hope that my aunt can let go of the hatred." , God has eyes, those wicked people will be punished sooner or later!"

"Well, what Xiao Ke said is right, Aunt Su, you should have heard it just now. Now the government is suppressing the Song family. It won't take long. Maybe you don't need to take revenge, and the country will take revenge for you!" Lin Xuan He also said a word of relief, although he hated Su Qingmei's behavior before, but thinking about it, Su Qingmei is actually a poor person with a tragic fate, and after all, she raised Yang Shuke, so he should do it for Yang Shuke's sake. Give her the most basic respect.

Hearing Lin Xuan and Yang Shuke's words, Su Qingmei just nodded, without saying a word, gently stroking Yang Shuke's head, looking out the window, not knowing what she was thinking.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan didn't say anything more. He knew that Su Qingmei had been living in hatred for more than [-] years, and it was really difficult for her to jump out all at once.

But no matter what, she finally liberated Yang Shuke, and Yang Shuke finally returned to her side, which can be regarded as a good ending!

After shaking Yang Shuke's hand, Lin Xuan looked at Yang Shuke with tears of happiness on his face, smiled with relief, and suddenly felt very at ease in his heart, but he was still a little worried about Yang Shuke's injuries. ???? Look? So he immediately said to Chang Sheng: "Chang Sheng, go to the hospital in Chengdu first, let's check Xiao Ke's injuries, and then go back to Binhai!"

"Yes!" Chang Sheng replied.The car flew along the road towards the city.

But Lin Xuan, who was sitting in the car, didn't know that just when he was making a big fuss in the Song family compound, a Weibo post he suddenly posted this morning caused quite a stir on the Internet.

It even caused commotion in the entire IT industry, and everyone was guessing the meaning of Lin Xuan's sudden Weibo post.There are also some people who have linked his Weibo with the attached picture and speculated.

Coupled with the cooperation between Lin Xuan and Apple at the beginning, Apple promised to open the appstore to him, which made them guess whether Lin Xuan planned to formally enter the mobile phone operating system market.

So the industry is guessing what kind of new operating system Xuanyu Technology will develop?The loyal users of Xuanyu Technology began to expect Xuanyu Technology to develop a mobile operating system with a new operating experience.

But there are also many people who are not optimistic about the mobile phone operating system launched by Xuanyu Technology, thinking that they are likely to extract the derivative benefits brought by the intelligent voice butler, and may not create new miracles again. ? ? ?·

All of a sudden, various voices exploded on the Internet.

Soon, someone began to break the news on the Internet, saying that he had inquired about the exact news from within Xuanyu Technology. Xuanyu Technology should not only launch a mobile phone operating system.Instead, they want to launch a smartphone that belongs to their company.

This news can't help sparking heated discussions again. Some people even looked at the picture and Lenovo, and guessed that the mobile phone launched by Xuanyu Technology could be the transparent mobile phone of Iron Man Tony, right?

Of course, although some people have big brains, most people still look at this issue rationally, so even though they also look forward to that kind of transparent screen mobile phone, Kexin knows that it is impossible.

After all, to produce that kind of mobile phone with a transparent screen, the technical problems to be solved must be very large, otherwise Apple would have produced it long ago.

Where will it be Huaxia's turn to be a software company.

And with the heated discussion on the Internet, it became more and more popular.Some so-called experts also spoke again. He combined with the promotional video of Sony's new mobile phone that was popular on the Internet some time ago, and he chose Xuanyu Technology to enter the mobile phone market at this time period.dissected.

Experts believe that Sony, Samsung and Apple will launch a fierce competition, and the three companies will also use all their strength to participate in this market competition. Although it is still uncertain who will win the battle, it will definitely make the competition in the mobile phone market even more fierce. results are likely to result.Small brand mobile phone companies have even less room to survive.

So they think that Xuanyu Technology hastily entered the mobile phone market at this time, and it is completely suicidal, hitting a stone with an egg.

In such a fierce environment, facing the three giant companies, he could not generate enough competitiveness simply by relying on the intelligent operating system.

What's more, Android phones with smart voice butler installed also have this kind of smart experience.

Moreover, mobile phones are not software, and their market competitiveness is determined by the performance of hardware, and the hardware foundation occupies a more important position.

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