The reason why Sony is optimistic is that he has made a breakthrough in batteries and launched a new graphene battery that can change the era of mobile electronic products. In addition, Sony has laid a solid foundation and quality assurance in the field of electronic products, allowing them to have this qualification .

However, Xuanyu Technology does not have any foundation. Although it has obtained a huge user base by virtue of the intelligent voice butler, it is very difficult to convert these users into their mobile phone users.

Therefore, these experts believe that Xuanyu Technology hastily entered the mobile phone market at this time, and it will definitely fail miserably in the end.

The analysis of these experts does have some truth, which also made many netizens worry about Xuanyu Technology, and they also offered suggestions to let Xuanyu Technology temporarily avoid the limelight.

Of course, some people are out of good intentions, and some people are out of jealousy. In short, Lin Xuan never thought that a Weibo blog he created by accident would cause an Internet boom. This is enough to prove the influence of Xuanyu Technology today. power and popularity!

Lin Xuan, the capital city of Sizhou Province, didn't know that the Internet was already so lively, so he took Yang Shuke to the hospital for an examination.

The results of the examination showed that Yang Shuke had severe soft tissue contusions and slight fractures in her limbs. It was obvious that the Song family had tortured her at that time, which made Lin Xuan very distressed.

However, the doctor said that this kind of injury only needs to be recuperated for a period of time, and it will be healed soon with some external and internal medicines.

So Yang Shuke didn't need to stay in the hospital, but it was already late at this time, so Lin Xuan and the others found a hotel to stay.

In the evening, Lin Xuan lay on the bed with Yang Shuke in his arms, chatting about the time the two separated.

Lin Xuan also truthfully told Yang Shuke why he found out that she went to the Song family to avenge her, and Yang Shuke didn't care about Lin Xuan's surveillance of her.

And Yang Shuke also told Lin Xuan that she has not stopped paying attention to Lin Xuan for a day. She has carefully read every news about Lin Xuan and Xuanyu Technology on the Internet and in the media. She is also very clear about all kinds of things.

Although she was not by Lin Xuan's side, Ke Xin never left him, which is why she could never forget Lin Xuan and never went to find that Lin Xuan from the Lin family.

She can't deceive her heart!


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The next morning, Lin Xuan took Yang Shuke back to Binhai, while Su Qingmei went back to her residence.

Although Yang Shuke begged Su Qingmei to go back to Binhai with her, Su Qingmei refused. She said that she was used to living alone in the city and she didn't want to leave here.

Yang Shu has no choice but to respect her aunt's choice.

After returning to Binhai, Lin Xuan took Yang Shuke to live in his own villa, so that someone could take care of her, and now that Binhai University was about to go on summer vacation, Yang Shuke didn't need to go to class every day, so he simply asked for leave directly in Linhai. Xuan's family rests in peace of mind.

At noon, after lunch with his parents and Yang Shuke, Lin Xuan went to the company again, and also heard about the hot discussion on the Internet caused by his Weibo.

Lin Xuan didn't care about the various opinions on the Internet, as well as the generally unfavorable and unsupportive remarks, because he knew very well that those people would say that because they didn't know that Xuanyu Technology's upcoming product was How advanced and powerful.

Just after Lin Xuan sat down at the desk, Zheng Wenwen, the secretary, walked in with the folder, and immediately came to Lin Xuan, leaned over to open the folder, put it in front of Lin Xuan, and said, "Mr. The name and logo of the mobile phone have been designed, and these are several different options, which have also been discussed at the meeting, please make your final choice and confirmation!"

"Well, the name black gold is good. The main components used in our mobile phones are almost all graphene derivatives, and graphene is known as black gold. In the next market competition, our mobile phones will be like a dark horse." Empty! As for the logo, let’s use this, the black and gold composition just sets off the name of Black Gold!” Lin Xuan pointed to one of the black and gold logo icons, these icons are basically based on the Iron Man helmet designed by Lin Xuan The icon, after a new aesthetic design and color matching, is a new logo derived!

"Okay. Mr. Lin!" Zheng Wenwen nodded, and immediately left the office with the design documents.

Lin Xuan leaned back on the chair, frowning slightly.Thinking about it for a while, now there is only less than a week left before the release of Sony's new mobile phone.

They have to go faster.Otherwise, they will lose the best opportunity to launch their own products after Sony mobile phones are released, and they will not be able to deal the best blow to Sony.

Although he has no grievances with Sony, since he is a competitor, he naturally cannot be merciful, not to mention that the other party is a company of Hijima, Lin Xuan's hometown in Northeast China back then.However, he was often harmed by Ridao. Lin Xuan was born with a trace of hostility towards Ridao, so naturally he couldn't miss the opportunity to attack Ridao this time.

To blame can only be blamed on them Ridao should not have invaded China back then.

So Lin Xuan decided to imitate Sony before Sony's release, first release their mobile phone promotional video, warm up, and hit Sony by the way.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan immediately picked up the phone on his desk and called Chen Yu over. After a discussion between the two.The next publicity plan has been drawn up.

In the next two days, Xuanyu Technology successively completed the registration of trademarks, patent applications for appearance, packaging and other designs.And the production of black gold mobile phone promotional video.

And Lin Xuan also showed the black gold mobile phone to all the employees of the company, who couldn't help being surprised and shocked. They never thought that their boss would create a miracle again, and even made the products in science fiction movies Out.

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