"Damn, what the hell is going on, he wasn't taken to Air Combat Command, how could..."

Speaking of this, Carter suddenly thought of something, and his heart trembled violently. The office in the video just now seemed to be the office of General Austin, and the drones in the sky could be...

"Oops, he won't have..." Carter's face became extremely ugly. Although he was very unwilling to believe this fact, he knew very well that their Air Force Combat Command had probably fallen.

It's just that he really couldn't figure out how Lin Xuan did it. It's an air force base, not to mention the heavy guard, there are a lot of people inside, and their combat command system can't be controlled by anyone.

Even if he had the ability, it was impossible for him to quietly control the entire base and control their combat command system in such a short period of time.

But obviously now is not the time to think about these things, he must deal with this matter as soon as possible and report to his superiors, and now that Lin Xuan did not use the drone to hit their Pentagon, but he can't guarantee that Lin Xuan will next What violent behavior will be done.

"Boom—boom—boom—" Several drones collided with each other one after another, and clusters of flames continued to explode. The huge sound and shock wave shook the surrounding world as if trembling, and also shocked Na Carter and others. Feeling cold, he ran away in a panic.

"General Carter, this place is dangerous, let's evacuate here first!" An officer said in horror.

"it is good!"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Over the Pentagon, the expensive Global Hawk drones kept colliding with each other, making earth-shattering noises, and the frightening flames. The picture is shocking!

About five minutes later, the special fireworks feast created by 30 drones finally came to an end. This may be the most expensive fireworks show in history, and it is also the most shocking fireworks show, but it is also a shame to the American government. ",

Although this different fireworks is over, its aftermath is spreading rapidly, shaking the entire Washington, D.C., and even the entire American government. Dozens of military helicopters and fighter jets are flying towards the place where Lin Xuan is. Air Force Combat Command rushed.

And as the video captured by the public was uploaded to the Internet, this special fireworks also quickly caused a shock on the Internet.

Countless people are guessing what happened to this weird drone collision in the air. Could it be that the system failed, but why did it happen over the Pentagon?

But soon someone exposed the shocking news, saying that this incident was a farce for Lin Xuan to retaliate against the American government. Later, someone also posted the video that appeared in the Pentagon on the Internet, which immediately caused a huge sensation. .

Fireworks show?

This is really a special event, using the most advanced UAV of American Lijian as fireworks, playing big collision in the air, this Lin Xuan really knows how to play!

Of course, some people are joking and some are worried. Many people are a little panicked, fearing that Lin Xuan will do more aggressive actions and threaten the lives of American citizens.

But there are also many people, especially those Spiderman fans who admire Lin Xuan.They all supported Lin Xuan, saying that if it hadn't been for the American government to provoke Lin Xuan this time.Nor will it arouse his wrath.He just used drones to collide today to cause a sensation, but did not cause casualties.It can be seen that he just wanted to use this method to warn the American government, and he did not intend to hurt innocent people.

Therefore, a large number of people suddenly appeared on the Internet complaining that the government did not compromise for its own political purposes, which angered Lin Xuan, made citizens implicated, and threatened their lives.

For a while, all kinds of verbal and written criticisms swept the Internet, and many people even directly mocked and reprimanded the government's banner.Hanging on the gate of the local government.


In the Oval Office of the President of the White House, Obama's face was extremely gloomy. His dark face lost the calmness and indifference of the past, and his entire cheeks were distorted with anger.

"It's really trash. What the hell are Austin and Kerry doing? How could they let Lin Xuan run away and let the other party control our air force base? It's just..."

"Mr. President, we have sent special forces to the Air Force Combat Command. We will definitely be able to kill him!" Carter said quickly.

"Damn brat, I really underestimated his ability. I really shouldn't have coveted his talent and kept him alive, but I didn't expect to leave a disaster!" Obama now regrets endlessly.What's more, it's a headache for him that their military network has not been restored yet, and they even lost control of the military satellites.The entire defense system is already in a precarious situation.

It can be said that if there are intercontinental missiles from other countries coming.They can't even find out and intercept it.

Their American government has always been proud that the c4isr system has completely become their biggest drawback.And those high-tech weapons attached to this cash combat system have now become decorations.

What's more, Lin Xuan's actions brought more than just national security issues. If Lin Xuan used their system, controlled their weapons, and attacked their homeland, the consequences would be unimaginable.

So at this time, he could be said to be worried, and he was blaming and regretting himself, blaming himself for underestimating Lin Xuan's ability, and regretting that he should not provoke him.

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