But there is no medicine for regret in this world, every choice is destined to bear the consequences of the choice, and the only thing he can do is to bite the bullet and solve this matter as soon as possible.

"Activate the backup system and backup satellite immediately, and get rid of Lin Xuan as soon as possible!" After a little silence, Obama said angrily.

"Yes, Mr. President!" Carter responded, then turned and walked out of the President's Office.

After Carter left, Obama sat on a chair with a gloomy face and put his feet on the desk habitually, thinking about how to clean up the mess next.

But he never expected that the drone "firework feast" that happened above the Pentagon was also staged over their White House.


A huge explosion shook the entire White House, and Obama almost fell off his chair in fright. He stood up from the chair in horror and ran to the window to look at the sky.

The flames were soaring into the sky, thick smoke spread out along with the shock wave, countless debris and rain of fire fell, and in the distance, more than a dozen planes were flying over quickly.

"Bastard!" Obama yelled angrily, but he couldn't stop the drones colliding one after another before his eyes.


The continuous loud explosions completely caused riots in the White House, but fortunately there is a precedent in the Pentagon, they are not too scared, but witnessing everything at such a close distance at this time still makes them feel extremely shock.

"This damn bastard, it's not over yet!" Obama's head was buzzing with anger, and at this time, Carter and several officers also rushed in with ugly expressions.

"Carter, how?" Obama asked anxiously.

"Mr. President, just sent back the news that Lin Xuan is no longer in the base!" Carter said with a bitter face.

"What, he is no longer there, what a joke, he is still using drones to collide with us, how could he not be there!" Obama roared.

"Sorry, Mr. President, our special forces did search the entire military base, but we couldn't find him, but we found the bodies of Mr. Kerry, General Austin, and Colonel Harris, all of whom should have been killed by Lin Xuan! "

"This bastard actually killed Kerry and Austin!" Obama's eyes became more angry. At this time, there were still loud explosions outside, shaking people's hearts. Looking out of the window, he said with a depressed face, "Immediately find a way for me to find his trace at all costs!"

"Yes!" Carter replied, but his heart felt bitter.

Find?Where to look for it, Lin Xuan is no ordinary person!It would be strange if they could find him so easily!

Moreover, the death of Kerry and Austin also made Carter feel a little scared. He was really worried that he would follow in the footsteps of these two people soon.

This time, they really messed with someone they shouldn't have messed with.


Just when the American government was at a loss, a video appeared on the Internet. The person in the video was Lin Xuan, and the background was still Austin's office.

Lin Xuan issued a statement in the video, saying that the drone incident that happened over the Pentagon and the White House was an act of retaliation against the American government for slandering him for having undergone body modification and intending to harm him. The Huaxia government has nothing to do, and he personally bears full responsibility.

And he also announced that he would fight against American hegemony to the end until the American government admitted its slander against him and made a public apology to him.

He will give the United States five days to think about it. After five days, if the United States government does not give him a satisfactory result, his protest actions will be even crazier.



-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Once the video of Lin Xuan's statement appeared, it completely pushed the "drone fireworks" incident to a new climax.

Anyone can see that Lin Xuan is going to fight against the entire American government alone. This courage is unprecedented and unprecedented!

Soon, this video, as well as the two previous "drone fireworks" incidents, naturally spread to the ears of the governments of various countries through the intelligence networks of various countries, and it also shocked the governments of various countries for a while.

The dignified United States, the number one military power and technological power, has made such a big commotion by Lin Xuan alone. They also feel cold sweat in their hearts, and they are afraid after a while, especially the one who once stood in the ranks of the United States and fought against China. They are really worried that Lin Xuan will anger them too.

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