After a busy day at the company, Lin Xuan finally finished handling the matter of the controllable nuclear fusion power plant.When going home for dinner at night, Lin Xuan found out that Lin Xue hadn't come back, so he asked casually, only then did he learn that his elder sister was busy with a relationship recently, and her boyfriend invited him to dinner tonight.

"My sister is actually in love?" Lin Xuan had a surprised expression on his face.

"Why are you so surprised? Isn't it normal for Sister Xue to fall in love!" Yang Shuke said with a smile.

"No, I'm just happy for my old lady! She's going to marry herself off!" Lin Xuan joked.

In fact, Lin Xuan was very happy to learn that his sister was in love, but after all, his current status is quite special, so he is too sensitive to the protection of his family. Although he is very happy that his sister has a boyfriend, he still can't help but There was a trace of precaution, but fortunately, Lin Xue had bodyguards by his side.There shouldn't be any danger.

"Which handsome guy is it that actually chased my elder sister?" Lin Xuan asked again.

"I heard it's Chen Qiao, the CEO of Binhai Xinyuan Group!" Yang Shuke said casually.

"Chen Qiao? Well, this person is barely worthy of my elder sister!" Lin Xuan smiled and nodded, feeling a little relieved.He does know this person, he is indeed a young talent, and now he is just thirty-five, and he has already taken the position of CEO of Binhai Xinyuan Group, and since he took office.Xinyuan Group's revenue has increased by several percentage points, and the stock price has also continued to rise, which shows that he is indeed a very capable and talented person.

And this person is also very good looking, quite handsome, but his age is indeed much older than his elder sister, but as long as his elder sister doesn't mind, what can he say.

But for safety reasons, Lin Xuan still called Chang Sheng to investigate Chen Qiao's identity and details after dinner. Chang Sheng was very efficient.The next day, the man Chen Qiao was investigated clearly.

This Chen Qiao came from a scholarly family. Three generations of his ancestors were scholars. His father was a professor at Tsinghua University and a representative of the National People's Congress. His mother was the financial director of a Huaxia company. His family background was very good.

He graduated from Tsinghua University, returned from studying abroad, and became the product manager of Xinyuan Group. After several years of struggle, he relied on his outstanding talent and ability.Elected by the board of directors to become the CEO of Xinyuan Group.

"As for character, it is said that this person is also a person who values ​​love and righteousness, and has a good character. He has a history of foreign love abroad. Because he strongly wanted to return to China, he broke up with his girlfriend. After returning to China, he has never had a formal relationship. What girlfriend." Chang Sheng said in a deep voice.

After listening to Chang Sheng's report, Lin Xuan nodded. He was quite satisfied and at ease with the boyfriend chosen by his sister.Moreover, it's not easy for him to interfere with relationship issues, and his sister is not an inexperienced little girl, so he doesn't need to worry too much about her.

In the next few days, Lin Xuan conducted some research on the tissue cells of the monster, but since the biological cells had already surpassed all existing biotechnology on the earth, there was no information for Lin Xuan to refer to. The biological knowledge in Lin Xuan's brain can't fully analyze it. He only knows that this kind of biological cells is very special. It seems that they can absorb some kind of free energy in the air for their metabolism, and they don't need conventional nutrition. supply, and its metabolic process is also different from conventional biological cells, and its composition and structure are also far from normal biological cells.

However, Lin Xuan didn't need to study it too thoroughly, what he wanted was to find a way to kill or weaken it.

Therefore, Lin Xuan successively carried out various experiments and tests on the cells in extreme environments, hoping to encounter a breakthrough.

After various experimental analysis, Lin Xuan finally found that extreme high temperature could not kill the cells, but the effect of low temperature on the cells was far greater than that of high temperature.

If the temperature reaches absolute zero, that is, minus 273.15 degrees Celsius, the activity of the cells becomes very low, even almost no metabolism, and the force between cells, as well as a series of mechanical properties of the cells themselves are also greatly weakened .

It can be inferred that these creatures are more afraid of extreme low temperatures.

But what surprised Lin Xuan was that even at such a low temperature, the biological cells were not frozen to death, but just entered a dormant state, which is simply terrifying.

However, after seeing the tenacity of this cell, Lin Xuan also felt more and more that the power of the red spar is powerful, and that energy can easily kill such a powerful biological cell. It seems that the red gemstone may really be The kind of powerful existence comparable to infinite gems.

"If this kind of biological cells can be applied to the field of materials, it will definitely be able to produce defensive materials that can withstand any thermal weapons on the earth. I am afraid that even nuclear bombs will not be able to completely kill this kind of biological cells!" Lin Xuan thought to himself. with.

After sealing up the biological cells again, Lin Xuan started his previous biological research. In order to find ways to improve self-healing ability and organ regeneration ability, Lin Xuan decided to start with genes.

And the test product that can provide him with the best genetic reference right now is his own gene.

So in the days that followed, Lin Xuan began to conduct a series of research and analysis on his body's genes, and even asked Jarvis to analyze and interpret his own genetic code through the super-smart matrix of the island of technology, and A series of comparisons were made with the genes of ordinary people.

As the research continued, as the supercomputer analyzed and interpreted more and more data on the genetic code, Lin Xuan gradually discovered it.As I guessed before, my genes are very different from ordinary people, and this may be the reason why I have a series of abilities.

Lin Xuan successively separated all the genetic codes that might be related to his abilities and conducted in-depth research.It is hoped that they can find the genetic code representing their regeneration ability.

As long as you find the accurate genetic code, you will be the first step to success. As for how to make other people have this genetic code, and then obtain the ability of self-healing and regeneration, that is another story.

So this research is destined to be a very long and arduous process, but fortunately Lin Xuan has the most advanced intelligent system in the world.With the help of the world's fastest supercomputer, this long process can be shortened a lot.

Of course, in addition to conducting biological research, Lin Xuan also spends more than half of his time every day to perfect the design data of the steel suit.

On this day, the time for the research and development of the intelligent robot agreed with the government is approaching, so Lin Xuan handed over the relevant information about the intelligent robot that he had prepared long ago to Chang Sheng, and asked him to submit it to the central government.

And he immediately held a company high-level meeting, announcing Xuanyu Group's three new products that are about to change the world: intelligent robots, smart homes, and three-dimensional operating system computers.

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