heard the news.The senior executives of the company were so pleasantly surprised that they even forgot that this matter was in a meeting and discussed excitedly.

Not to mention the revenue and value that these three major products will bring to the company in the future, the changes to people's future life and society alone are of extraordinary significance.

Moreover, they are employees of Xuanyu Technology, they are also members of this society, and loyal users of Xuanyu Technology products. your own life.Come and experience the novelty of life only seen in science fiction movies.

So these three products have another meaning for them.

It took a long time for the excited atmosphere in the conference room to calm down, and Lin Xuan also started a series of work arrangements.So after the meeting, the company was very busy again, and some of the original business departments were reorganized and expanded, and divided into three new business departments to handle the work related to the three major products.

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, has nothing to do. Smart robots, smart homes, and a [-]D operating system are all existing products in his mansion.There is no need for him to redesign.

As long as all preparations are completed, he can directly ask Jarvis to call the relevant data, make some simplifications and changes, and try to manufacture it at the lowest cost without affecting normal use, so that the price will not be high. Outrageous, to suit different markets.

Of course, these three major products should be considered high-end markets, but Lin Xuan hopes that in the future, consumers in the mid-end and low-end markets can also afford them.

After all, apart from making money, Lin Xuan also hopes that he can bring changes to the world and more people.


In an office of the General Office of the Central Committee, central leaders such as Li Guoqiang, Yin Changsheng, Xia Weiguo, and several professors from the Chinese Academy of Sciences are having a meeting to discuss matters such as the launch of military intelligent robots, intelligent weapons and other projects, as well as the establishment of an intelligent robot army.

"Lin Xuan really did what he said. He came up with a complete set of intelligent robot design materials so quickly. I really wonder if he already has ready-made materials in his mind!" After Xuan handed them the design materials, he said in amazement.

"Haha, it's not impossible, nothing is impossible with him!" Li Guoqiang said with a smile, he has already adapted to, or used to, Lin Xuan's unreasonable existence.

"This information is really detailed. With this information, we will definitely be able to form our own intelligent robot army within a year, and we will also be able to develop new types of intelligent weapons!" Another professor said excitedly.

"Well, this is the key to our China's rise, and it must be completed as quickly as possible. Recently, American Lijian has begun to make use of the topic again, using the Binhai monster incident to create a threat to China, but perhaps because they are afraid of offending Lin Xuan, they this time Relatively low-key, just met with the leaders of several EU countries in secret, promoting my China threat theory, and he even held another G[-] meeting just the day before yesterday! And this morning, the Japanese island official just released a piece of news, which will be held next month On the [-]th, we will conduct a joint military exercise with the United States!" Li Guoqiang said seriously.

Hearing this, many people present frowned, especially when they saw the report on the news on the tablet computer in their hands, as well as some recent intelligence information, a glint of anger flashed in their eyes.

In fact, it is not the first time that the United States has advocated the China threat theory, and it has conducted joint military exercises with Japan and other countries. Even the mastermind behind the Gouyu Island and the South China Sea issue in recent years is well known to everyone.

Because of Lin Xuan's development and utilization of Gouyu Island, it was tacitly resolved, but I didn't expect that less than a year later, the United States and Japan began to be restless again.

Moreover, this US-Japan joint military exercise is even more grand in scale. According to Japanese reports, about 8 people from both sides will participate in the exercise, and the aircraft carrier of the United States will continue to participate.At that time, the two sides will use [-] ships and more than [-] aircraft, which can be described as unprecedented in scale.

Moreover, the exercise will be carried out in the surrounding waters of the Japanese islands of Kyushu and Taiwan, among which there is even a "Seize the Island" military exercise, the content of which is to simulate how Japan and the United States take back an island in southwest Japan after a certain country occupies it by force.

So in this military exercise, fools can see that the United States and Japan are actually mainly targeting the imaginary enemy Huaxia, but their intention to conduct military exercises at this time is thought-provoking.

Is it simply showing off their power, showing the close relationship between their alliance, or is it showing to some countries, or there are other unknown secrets.

Everyone present couldn't think clearly for a while.

"We must pay close attention to this matter, but judging from the information on Area 51 that Lin Xuan provided us with, the secret research and development of military robots by American Lijian and the secret research and development of many intelligent new weapons are definitely related to his wolfish ambitions, so now we To guard against them even more, and secretly speed up the development of military power, I always feel that this joint military exercise is just the beginning..." Xia Weiguo suddenly said in a deep voice.


Chapter 245-246 The Deepest Earth

"Well, what Lao Xia said makes sense, but you say, Lao Mei's intention for this military exercise is Lin Xuan's technological island!" Yin Changsheng, Minister of Security, said. ·

As soon as his words came out, many people in the room stared brightly, but immediately frowned.

"It's very possible!" Xia Weiguo said solemnly.

"This is what I was worried about just now. The island of science and technology is a research base for controllable nuclear fusion. Maybe Laomei is eyeing this technology!" Another middle-aged man in military uniform said.

"But if they are eyeing the island of science and technology, why did they make a high-profile announcement of a military exercise near there? Isn't this a warning to the snake?" someone questioned.

"It shouldn't be for the controllable nuclear fusion technology. Lin Xuan's threat to them is still there, and they shouldn't be so stupid as to cause trouble for themselves because of a technology.

I think their biggest intention is to use military exercises to get close to the waters near the island of technology, and then take the opportunity to investigate the situation on the island of technology and collect some information, and their purpose may be for them to target the island of technology in the future. Prepare for military operations on the island!And I think they are targeting the island of technology not necessarily the technology above, but to get rid of Lin Xuan! "Xia Weiguo said again.

"Old Xia is right. They may want to know whether there are defense facilities on the island of science and technology, and want to find out the situation above. If they are sure that there are no defense facilities there, they can formulate the next attack plan according to the situation on the island. .

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