"Xiaoxue, you must stop doing stupid things!" After a long silence, Chen Qiao said everything again, but there was no response from the room.

Lin Xue sat on the side of the bed, tears streaming down her face again. Now she was extremely confused, love and family entanglement, trust and doubt struggle, self-blame and regret entangled her extremely painfully.

"Brother, sister, I'm sorry, you must not have anything to do!"


At an international airport in the United States, as soon as Lin Xuan's plane stabilized, a flight attendant walked over and said with a slight smile, "Mr. Lin, please follow me!"

"Hmm!" Lin Xuan knew what the flight attendant meant, so he immediately got up and followed her off the plane, and then came to an office in the airport through a special passage.

At this time, there were two soldiers waiting in the office. When they saw Lin Xuan walking in, they immediately stood up, with a hint of fear in their eyes.

"Mr. Lin, the special plane we have prepared for you has been waiting for a long time. Mr. Carter is waiting for you to go there. Please come with us!" One of the soldiers said politely.

"Wait, I need to make a phone call with my sister to confirm her safety!" Lin Xuan said coldly, frowning.

"This, I'm afraid..."

"Don't talk nonsense, do as I say!" Lin Xuan shouted coldly, his eyes suddenly shot with murderous intent.The man's expression changed in fright, he quickly took out his mobile phone and walked aside, and then he didn't know who he called.

Lin Xuan has excellent hearing, so even though the man spoke in a low voice.He was also able to hear the conversation between the man and the other party, who was asking the other party to transfer the call to Secretary Carter.

Not long after, the call was transferred, and the person immediately relayed Lin Xuan's words to Carter, and Carter was silent for a while.Said: "He has come here now, and he can't play any tricks. Let him get on the plane and wait for the call! I will let you call you later!"

"Okay, Mr. Carter!" After the man hung up the phone, he returned to Lin Xuan and said, "Sir, Mr. Carter, please go to the plane and wait for Miss Lin Xue's call!"

"I haven't received a call, so I won't leave here for now!" Lin Xuan snorted coldly, and immediately sat down on the chair in the room.

The two soldiers looked at each other and shrugged.They didn't say anything else, but they knew how scary Lin Xuan was in front of them. It's better not to piss him off. Anyway, after the call is connected, he will obediently board the plane with them, and when they arrive at their destination, their task It's finished!

Not long after, the mobile phone of the soldier who had spoken earlier suddenly rang, and he immediately connected, and a man's voice came from the opposite side: "Take the phone, Lin Xuan!"

And Lin Xuan stood up excitedly.He couldn't wait to take it, and at the same time, a small black device stuck in his palm was also quietly attached to the phone.

"Hello, sister! How are you?" Lin Xuan asked worriedly.

"Brother, are you okay, don't worry about me, don't be fooled by them, they just want to kill you!" Lin Xue's anxious voice came.

"Sister, don't worry, I'll be fine. Did they hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine, brother, listen to me, don't be fooled by them, don't worry about me, my sister's life is nothing, but you..." Lin Xue still persuasively persuaded.

"Sister, no one in this world can kill me, just keep your heart in your stomach, and I will never let you have trouble!" Lin Xuan said firmly.

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Lin Xue was silent for a while. She also knew Lin Xuan's stubbornness, and even more knew that Lin Xuan did have a very powerful ability. This time, he might really have a way to turn things around.

"Brother, sister has troubled you!" Lin Xue said apologetically.

"Sister, wait for me to pick you up!"


"Sir, the source of the signal has been successfully located, located in Calavo County, Hawaii Island!" Jarvis' voice came from the tiny earphone in Lin Xuan's ear.

Lin Xuan's eyes flashed, and he was secretly happy: "That's great, so I hid my sister there!"

"It's almost done!" A somewhat cold voice came from the other end of the phone, and Lin Xuan knew it must be the person guarding her sister.

"Brother, you have to be more careful!" Lin Xue said in a hurry, and the phone was hung up forcibly.

Lin Xuan put down his mobile phone, a cold light flashed in his eyes, as long as he rescued his sister, he would absolutely turn Mei Lijian upside down.

Obama, you are ready to die!

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