Lin Xuan cursed in his heart, and immediately handed over the phone to the soldier, and followed him through a special passage to an area where private jets were parked.

At this time, a small business jet was parked there.

"Mr. Lin, please!" said one of the soldiers.

Lin Xuan glanced at the plane and boarded the plane immediately.

Although I have found my sister's location at this time, I can't rescue her right away.

Because once he escapes now, he will probably scare the snake away, or his partner will transfer his sister away again, so in order to be safe, Lin Xuan is now going to use his tricks, and let Jarvis control the steel suit to save Lin Xue. up.

After arriving in the cabin, Lin Xuan glanced at it roughly. The plane has luxurious seats, stylish and elegant decoration, and all kinds of modern facilities.

Lin Xuan casually sat down on the window seat, and looked around the cabin pretending to be casual, and immediately saw the hidden pinhole cameras around the cabin.

"Are you afraid that I will run away?" Lin Xuan sneered in his heart, but his face remained calm.

"Mr. Lin, there will be someone to meet you when you get there. I wish you a pleasant journey!" the soldier said to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan glanced at him blankly, without speaking, and the man also left the plane with another soldier.

At this time, the plane door was also slowly closed, and immediately started to fly, gradually flew into the sky, and finally flew to the stratosphere, flying towards an unknown direction.

Lin Xuan leaned back on the chair, looking at the clouds outside.

Not long after, Jarvis's voice came again from the tiny earphone in his ear: "Sir, I have arrived and I am currently below you! After my scan, you have installed a nuclear bomb in your plane!"

"Sure enough!" A cold light flashed in his eyes. He had expected that Mei Lijian would let him come here to kill him. The so-called plane that took him to see Carter was actually a death plane that sent him to hell.

Fortunately, I haven't flown into no man's land at this time, otherwise the nuclear bomb will almost be detonated.

"You know what to do!" Lin Xuan whispered.

"Yes sir!" Jarvis replied.

In the cockpit of the plane, the co-pilot was bragging to the pilot about how great the figure of a beautiful girl he recently met at the bar, and how coquettish she was on the bed. He was beaming with joy, and the pilot on the side also listened with gusto.

At this moment, the aircraft status prompt screen displayed that the tail ramp was faulty! ,

"Damn it, why is there something wrong with this gangway! Go and have a look!" the driver complained.

"Don't worry about one gangway door!" The co-pilot said indifferently, and then continued to talk about the girl enthusiastically.

But they didn't know that Lin Xuan's steel suit had already been knocked into the cargo compartment under the plane quietly.

"Sir, the nuclear bomb has been successfully disassembled. There are two activation devices on it, one remote control and one timer!" Jarvis' voice sounded again.

Lin Xuan frowned slightly, then took out his mobile phone, and manually entered a line of words: Remove all the starting devices first!

"Yes!" Jarvis responded.

Afterwards, Lin Xuan entered another line of words on his mobile phone: Jarvis, when the nuclear bomb is activated on the timer, you will launch a bomb to blow up the plane!

"Yes sir!" Jarvis responded again.

Lin Xuan knew very well that the American side had been monitoring his movements, so if he didn't blow up the plane and pretended to be blown up by a nuclear bomb, he couldn't hide it from the American side.

Now he is a thorn in Mei Lijian's side, if he does not feign death, Mei Lijian will never let down his vigilance.

But if the other party thinks he is dead, he will definitely become unscrupulous, and it will be easy to find Obama's whereabouts by then.

Moreover, Lin Xuan was a little apprehensive about the explosion of nuclear bombs, but he could completely ignore the power of ordinary bombs.


The update will be later tonight

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