In fact, I just hope that Obama can understand what he said.Cooperate with yourself and tell what happened in Area 51.

But actually.Although Lin Xuan has some relevant technical foundations in his mind, he has not yet matured the technology and cannot manufacture it in a short time.

Of course, in addition to using memory reading, Lin Xuan can also use some means of the government to deal with spies to get what he wants from Obama, but he doesn't want to be so troublesome at the moment.

If Omaba is really stubborn, then he can only be rough, and Lin Xuan is not afraid that Omaba would rather die than say, first of all, this guy will not be so impulsive and do such stupid things, and secondly, even if he dies, he has Preserve the advanced technology of the brain, and when I really develop a memory-reading device in the future, I can get everything I want to know.

Even if these methods are not feasible, I can go to Area 51 to investigate what happened, but that may be a little more troublesome.

"Maybe I'll let you down!" Obama shrugged and didn't say anything more, but he was actually hesitating in his heart.

He doesn't say it now because he still firmly believes that they, Mei Lijian, will destroy Huaxia, kill Lin Xuan, and save themselves.

Although he knew in his heart that the chances were slim, at least now he was not completely desperate.

"Hmph, I don't think so, you must know everything I want!" Lin Xuan sneered, and he was not in a hurry, he believed that Obama would say it sooner or later, "Think about it yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Xuan left the basement with the intelligent robot, and it became pitch black in an instant.

Caught in the darkness where he couldn't see his fingers, Omaba felt a little scared, and the desire to survive became more and more intense.


In a huge castle in the United States, in the magnificent, noble and elegant living room, more than a dozen people were discussing the incident of Obama's death with a serious face.

Among the people present, in addition to the former US President Bush, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Carter and other top US politicians and military officers, there are also the three major families behind the US government: Ross The current principals of the Schild family, the Morgan family, and the Rockefeller family.

When it comes to the Morgan family and the Rockefeller family, many people may not be unfamiliar. Among them, the Morgan family, also known as the Morgan consortium, is one of the top ten consortiums in the United States. It is definitely a world-class financial giant with a strong financial background. Its financial foundation is one of the largest multinational banks in the world.

There are 10 subsidiaries and many branches in America, as well as more than 1000 communication banks.

It has branches or representative offices in about 20 major cities abroad, and has equity interests in financial institutions in nearly 40 countries.Moreover, it also controls the equity of 37 foreign commercial banks, development banks, investment companies and other enterprises.

In addition, it also owns Hanover Company of Manufacturers, Bankers Trust Company of New York and Northwestern Bank Company, Prudential Life Insurance Company, and New York Life Insurance Company.

In terms of industrial and mining enterprises, there are mainly International Business Machines Corporation, General Electric Company, International Telephone and Telegraph Company, U.S. Steel Company, and General Motors; in terms of public utilities, there are AT&T and Southern Company.

And most importantly, this family is the behind-the-scenes controller of the American Democratic Party.

The Rockefeller family is definitely a giant in the oil field. The founder of the family, Rockefeller, is recognized as the "Oil King" in the world, and is also known as the richest person in global history except for the monarch.

His family owns Standard Oil Company, Rockefeller Foundation, Chase Bank, Museum of Modern Art, Rockefeller Center, University of Chicago, Rockefeller University, and the twin towers that collapsed in the "9?11" incident, etc. Many assets.

How much wealth the Rockefeller family has today, even they themselves can't tell.However, the real estate of the Rockefeller Center in Manhattan alone is worth tens of billions of dollars. It is conceivable how terrible the wealth of this family is.

And similar to the Morgan family, this family is not only wealthy, but also controls the Republican Party of the United States.

However, compared with the Morgan family and the Rockefeller family, the Rothschild family seemed mysterious and low-key.

His family is the most mysterious ancient family on earth, and a prestigious financial family in Europe and the world.

It is also a controller hidden in the dark side of this world. They have controlled the powerful family that has controlled the economic lifeline of this earth for nearly two centuries.

Perhaps it is unfamiliar to the vast majority of ordinary people, because in the age of mass media, people may only pay attention to such prominent names as "Rockefeller Family" or "Morgan Family".

In the twentieth century, before World War II, there was a classic sentence describing the situation in America at that time: "The Democratic Party belongs to the Morgan family, while the Republican Party belongs to the Rockefeller family..."

In fact, this sentence should be followed by the sentence "And Rockefeller and Morgan once belonged to Rothschild."

This shows the strength of this ancient family.

So today's special meeting was held in an old castle of the Rothschild family.


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