ps. Children’s shoes who are chasing updates, do you still have free appreciation tickets and coins? The countdown to the 515 red envelope list is coming. I’m here to ask for more tickets and appreciation tickets.

Take time off and organize your thoughts!

I'm really sorry, I thought I could finish coding the latest chapter when I came back from get off work tonight (I can't afford to be hurt if I go to work on Saturday!), but my thinking was not smooth, alas——I have been working on the computer for two or three hours, and I haven't written much. One word, this part must be straightened out, because the next war plot is very difficult to write, and it is also an important turning point. The volume of the Avengers is also coming to an end, and the next chapter will be transitioned to the latest one immediately. Volume, so I have to think about it, otherwise the things I write will be uncomfortable for everyone to look at.

So for myself and for everyone, I decided not to update for the time being today, just to straighten out my thoughts.

Sorry book friends!

Chapter 272 Deterrent Operation Begins

"Before the DNA test results come out, we can't confirm whether Obama was really killed, so we will talk about the election of a new president later, and our plan is already on the line and we have to launch it. There is no time to waste at this time As for the election of the president, my opinion is that Hillary Clinton will serve as the acting president for the time being, how do you all agree?" A middle-aged man with blond hair and the aristocratic atmosphere of the European Middle Ages said.

This person is Gustav, the current head of the Rothschild family.

"This may be the best way!" Henry, the head of the Morgan family, nodded and said.

The other people present also looked at Hillary Clinton, who was looking normal, and then nodded in agreement.

"In this case, this matter is temporarily finalized, Mr. Hillary!" Gustav looked at Hillary at the side.

"Well, yes, I will do my best to handle everything!" Hillary Clinton nodded with a serious face, and did not show much excitement and enthusiasm, but he was very happy in his heart. He lost to Obama and could only serve as Secretary of State. He was somewhat unconvinced in his heart.

Now that Obama is dead, he also has the opportunity to flex his muscles. This time, he will never let go of this opportunity, and must fulfill the ambition of the United States to unify the world.

"Okay, now that the war is imminent, Lin Xuan has not been killed, and President Obama's life and death are uncertain. The current situation is not optimistic for us. Please share your views!" Gustav was silent for a while, and once again Open your mouth and say.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions darkened. After pondering for a while, Carter took the lead and said, "The situation is indeed not optimistic. Lin Xuan is not dead, and there will be many variables in our plan this time! But I think at this time, we seem to be There is no way out!"

"That's right. Now we are ready to go! Even if Lin Xuan will intervene, we must continue to implement the plan!" Bush also said, "And Obama has successfully persuaded the other five countries of the Group of Seven to join the war. Naturally, this excellent opportunity cannot be missed. Otherwise, I am afraid we will not have such a good opportunity in the future!"

"Well. Mr. Bush is right. Although Lin Xuan is indeed not simple, he is only a personal force after all. As long as our coalition forces complete a strategic strike against China and seriously injure China. After our army of future soldiers invades, we will definitely be able to In order to destroy the Huaxia regime, once there is no Lin Xuan protected by the Huaxia government, what does it matter, even if he is a god in front of our future army of soldiers, he will be torn to pieces!" Another man with a stern face, wearing The middle-aged man in military uniform spoke.

"However, right now we must stabilize the other allies and try our best to conceal the fact that Lin Xuan is still alive. And advance the military action against China!" Bush continued.

Hearing this, the others frowned and began to think...

While the sub-official meetings in the castle of the Rothschild family continued, the coalition forces of the Group of Seven including the United States, Japan, Britain, France and Germany were also continuously gathering towards the Pacific Ocean.

And the two aircraft carrier battle groups newly in service of American Lijian are among them. The terrifying power brought by the powerful coalition forces makes the Chinese government feel a little uncertain. As a great power, China's situation is really bad.

No matter the outcome of this battle, it will be an extremely tragic war.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan is still alive.Huaxia's sharpest weapon is still there, which gives the Huaxia government a little bit of comfort.

The sun was shining brightly, in a special residence in Kyoto City, the No. [-] head who had just woken up.Suddenly received a call from Xia Weiguo: "Chairman, I just got the news that Obama's plane was destroyed on his way back from Europe. I think Lin Xuan's revenge must have begun!"

Hearing this, Chief No. [-]'s eyes brightened.He was a little surprised and asked, "What about Obama? Was he killed?"

"It should be. It is said that there are no survivors. Lin Xuan was really irritated this time. It's a pity that this kid is too impulsive. It would be great if he caught alive!

"It is indeed a pity, but it is also a good thing for us. As long as this news spreads, it will definitely have a shocking effect on the Seven Nations Alliance. In addition, can we contact Lin Xuan now?"

"I can't get in touch yet. I don't think he's back yet, but right now we just have to wait and see what he does. This kid will never let us down!"

"Well! Then let's wait and see what happens!" Chief No. [-] nodded, and a smile appeared in his eyes.


On the island of technology, after Lin Xuan left the basement where Obama was held, he thought a lot along the way.

I learned from Jarvis's report that Obama's trip to Europe has successfully persuaded countries such as Britain, France, Germany and Italy to join their coalition forces. Presumably they have already started to act at this time.

So the current situation is definitely a disaster for Huaxia. Although Huaxia is not what it used to be, but at the same time it has to face the powerful alliance of the Group of Seven. I am afraid that no country in the world can withstand it.

Therefore, he must disintegrate their alliance before the Group of Seven nations collectively attack China. Otherwise, once the war starts, they will be completely tied to the American chariot. At that time, they may not be able to stop if they want to stop.

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