These two aircraft carrier battle groups are the sharpest spears of this US military operation, and they are also one of the most deterrent weapons against China.

Therefore, Lin Xuan will break off the two spears of American Lijian today, first to retaliate against American Lijian, and secondly to deter American allies and let them retreat in the face of difficulties.


Hijima, the Yokosuka Fleet Base Command, is located on the shore of Tokyo Bay. It is the most important naval base facility of the United States in the Western Pacific. It is shared with the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force and is the headquarters of the Seventh Fleet of the US Navy.

In addition to docking facilities, it also has first-class ship repair facilities, and strategically important fuel and ammunition depots.

In addition, the war is imminent now, and the American aircraft carrier battle group is also on standby here, so the alert level here has reached an unprecedented height.

In addition to the conventional defense system and high-alert defense facilities, various warships, submarines, and aircraft also formed a three-dimensional maritime defense network, guarding the USS Kennedy aircraft carrier and the entire base's military forces at sea.

Of course, in addition to patrolling and guarding, the US and Japanese air forces stationed here are also conducting daily necessary flight drills for the upcoming war.

You know, once the war starts, the air force will play a vital role.

Naoichi Koizumi is one of the very good pilots in Hijima, so he is very honored to be one of the pilots of the US-Japan coalition, the USS Kennedy aircraft carrier.

He has always followed the example of the predecessors of the Japanese Air Force who attacked Pearl Harbor back then. Although Japan has become an ally of the United States, he still regards the battle of Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor as a kind of glory of Japan. , and also as a driving force to encourage yourself to move forward.

So he has always dreamed that one day, the fighter jet he pilots can also complete such a great battle, but maybe the target will no longer be Pearl Harbor in the United States, but China, which they have always coveted.

And now it seems that this goal will be achieved soon.

At this time, Koizumi Naoichi and the other pilots had just boarded the fighter jets and were about to start today's combat flight exercise.

But at this moment, the originally cloudless sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, followed by strong winds, lightning and thunder, it felt like a storm was about to come.

"Why did the sky change suddenly?" Koizumi Naoichi said, looking at the sky with some astonishment. In this kind of weather, their combat flight missions could only be temporarily cancelled.

Of course, there are other people on the aircraft carrier who have the same doubts as him. For some reason, seeing the sudden change of weather, those people feel inexplicably nervous, and have a faint sense of foreboding, especially those American soldiers.


Chapter 273 Dumbfounded


Lightning, thunder, and howling winds, this sudden change of weather caused the entire USS Kennedy aircraft carrier, and even the entire Yokosuka fleet base, to be shrouded in an uneasy and strange atmosphere. Countless people looked at the sky, feeling an inexplicable chill in their hearts .

But at this moment, a huge tornado suddenly condensed in the sky, and then quickly spread down from the sky, like an ancient dragon, rushed out of the clouds, and went straight to the USS Kennedy to devour it .

"No, is it a tornado?"

"Why did a tornado suddenly appear here!" The soldiers on the aircraft carrier changed their complexions and exclaimed one after another.

And the pilot Koizumi Naoichi who was just about to start the flight drill was also shocked, and quickly got out of the plane.

They knew very well that if the tornado came, although their aircraft carrier would be fine, it would be difficult for these fighter jets to resist the strong wind.

"Quick, quick, put the tethering rope on the fighter!" The pilots shouted anxiously after getting off the plane, and immediately began to lock their fighters in a hurry.

But at this time the wind was already very strong, and they were a little unable to stand on the deck, but in order to keep the fighter, they still dutifully locked the fighter against the wind and rain.

"Hurry up and hide in the cabin! Hurry up!" Seeing that the tornado was about to sweep over, they were afraid in their hearts, and before they had time to think about it, they ran towards the cabin one after another.

Soon, the tornado swept from the sky with the sound of howling wind, the entire sea became rough, the aircraft carrier began to shake slightly, and the fighter jets were blown to this side by the strong wind, even It is moving back and forth on the deck. If it is not fixed by the mooring lock, it may be directly blown into the sea.

In an office at the Yokosuka Fleet Base, Admiral Daniel of the United States, seeing the tornado that suddenly appeared in the sky, couldn't help but change his face, and a chill suddenly rose: "Not good!"

When he saw the sudden change of sky just now.It felt a little weird, and seeing the tornado appear at this time, he suddenly remembered that when the USS Bush aircraft carrier was attacked, it seemed that a tornado appeared suddenly.So he immediately felt that there was something strange about the sudden tornado, "Could it be that Lin Xuan!"

Daniel's heart clenched into a ball. In the past two days, after learning the news that President Obama was attacked and killed, and knowing that Lin Xuan was still alive, he felt uneasy all the time.I have been worried that Lin Xuan will come to attack their aircraft carrier in retaliation.

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