So when he saw the sudden tornado, he immediately thought of Lin Xuan.

But what makes Daniel depressed is that despite his extremely rich combat experience and command ability, he has never been able to figure out how to deal with Lin Xuan's attack.

So at this time, knowing that Lin Xuan was coming to attack their aircraft carrier, they felt helpless and could not think of any good way to deal with it.

After all, that terrible guy can manipulate this terrible natural force to cover himself, they can't see him there at all, and the plane can't get close.

Moreover, all the defense systems in the base have not been activated at present, which means that their radar and other monitoring systems cannot find the opponent's location at all.

This is like Lin Xuan who appeared on the aircraft carrier Bush without anyone noticing.

If their detection system can't find the target.Then all their weapons became blind, and the tornado almost blocked the sky at this time, if Lin Xuan was really hiding in it, they would not be able to see it at all.

"What should I do!" Daniel felt a deep sense of powerlessness, just like a small human being's powerlessness when facing a natural disaster.

But I can't just watch Lin Xuan come to attack their aircraft carrier and do nothing. You must know that if Lin Xuan blows up the aircraft carrier, the huge explosion power may even directly destroy their military base.

So Daniel immediately rushed out of the office and ran to the command center of the base.On the one hand, it ordered the aircraft carrier to leave the port immediately, and on the other hand, it began to organize personnel to discuss countermeasures, and even began to organize personnel to prepare to evacuate the base.

On the USS Kennedy aircraft carrier, a huge tornado began to wreak havoc on the aircraft carrier.The howling wind blew the fighter jets on the aircraft carrier into the air. If they weren't fixed by the mooring locks, they might have been blown directly into the sea.

But at this moment, the huge tornado weakened rapidly, and immediately two figures were seen flying out of the tornado.It landed on the deck of the aircraft carrier, and at the same time, several miniature missiles bombarded the surrounding carrier-based aircraft almost simultaneously.

boom boom boom boom...

Several carrier-based aircraft were immediately blown up by missiles, and flames erupted, and the explosion directly detonated the missiles on the carrier-based aircraft, triggering a chain explosion immediately.

boom boom boom boom...

The fighter jets on the entire deck exploded one after another like ignited firecrackers, and the flames spread across the entire deck of the aircraft carrier. The terrifying explosion power also completely shook the behemoth and shocked everyone in the base.

In an instant, the alarm sounded on the aircraft carrier, and all the people in the base were in commotion. Almost all the escort fleets and defensive weapons focused on the USS Kennedy aircraft carrier.

"It's really him. Two humanoid armors came at the same time. Who is the other one?" In the combat command center of the base, seeing the picture on the big screen, Daniel was shocked!

The other people in the command center also looked ugly. Many of them have seen the relevant videos and materials of the bombing of the Bush aircraft carrier, and even conducted analysis and research on that attack, hoping to find Ways to deal with this humanoid armor, and measures to prevent it from being hacked.

However, since the level of technology contained in the humanoid armor has far surpassed theirs, and they only have some video data for their research, they cannot have a deep understanding of the armor, and cannot find its weaknesses at all, so they cannot formulate a more reliable one. solution.

However, through relevant speculation, they developed a special electric pulse weapon for this humanoid armor to destroy its electronic components and paralyze it.

And in order to prevent similar things from happening last time, they also installed this high-power electric pulse weapon on the passage in the cabin to prevent Lin Xuan from invading.

So whether they can successfully stop Lin Xuan this time depends entirely on their newly developed electric pulse weapon.

"Attack immediately!" Daniel immediately gave the order to attack. He knew very well that although an attack on Lin Xuan on the deck of the aircraft carrier would inevitably cause damage to the aircraft carrier, their aircraft carrier can withstand very strong explosive attacks, and Even if the surface is damaged.It will not let the nuclear power reactor explode.

And once Lin Xuan invaded the aircraft carrier's power compartment, it would be troublesome, so now he must do everything possible, at all costs, to prevent Lin Xuan from entering the aircraft carrier.

at this time.The USS Kennedy aircraft carrier also started to sail, and the command center of the aircraft carrier was already in chaos. The commanding officers who usually act vigorously and calmly were all at a loss at this time.Confused.

"Block all the entrance gates and never let him break in. Get ready to attack with our latest electric pulse weapon!" Colonel David, the captain of the aircraft carrier, anxiously commanded all parts to take countermeasures.


After issuing a series of orders, David's mood did not relax a little, on the contrary, he became more and more nervous, because he knew very well that the enemy they were facing was very powerful, and he could almost be regarded as an alien.

And this contest determines the life and death of himself, and even all the personnel on the entire aircraft carrier, if Lin Xuan can't be stopped.They have only one dead end today.


On the deck of the aircraft carrier, after Lin Xuan blew up the fighter jets on it, he immediately left the deck with Jarvis.

At this time, the escort warships in the distance, as well as the defensive weapons in the base, had already begun to attack them, as if completely ignoring whether such attacks would cause damage to the aircraft carrier.

However, weapons of that level would not pose a fatal threat at all to the steel battle suit with strong mobility and strong defense.

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