"Jarvis acted according to plan!" Lin Xuan said quickly.At the same time, the continuous launch of miniature missiles, attacking those weapon facilities that attacked them, and manipulating the quantum of weather once again formed a series of huge tornadoes.It began to sweep around, forming a natural barrier.

"Okay sir!" Under the cover of Lin Xuan, the steel suit controlled by Jarvis immediately flew near the hull of the aircraft carrier, raised his right hand, and shot out a laser beam, which immediately penetrated the hull.Then a circular passage was cut in the hull.

"Sir, let's go!" Jarvis said.

Hearing that, without hesitation, Lin Xuan immediately turned around and followed Jarvis and flew into the circular passage. With the experience of attacking the Bush aircraft carrier last time, Lin Xuan did not choose to invade the power cabin from the cabin passage this time.

Instead, it directly locked the approximate position of the power cabin from the outside, and then forcibly opened a passage by relying on laser weapons.


"It's over!" In the command center of the aircraft carrier, the captain David buzzed his head when he saw the video from the monitor in the power cabin. He knew that they had made a mistake.

Although they developed an electromagnetic pulse weapon to target Lin Xuan's humanoid armor, and installed this weapon in the passageway of the cabin, but this time they did not enter through the normal passageway at all, but used their own laser weapons. A passage was cut, leading directly to the interior of the power cabin.

At this time, Lin Xuan had already installed a special bomb device on the nuclear reactor. As long as it was detonated, their aircraft carrier and even the entire base would be finished.

In an instant, the entire command center was dead silent. Everyone looked at the picture on the screen in fear and despair, and their minds went blank.

Soon, Lin Xuan who had installed the bomb device suddenly turned around, opened his helmet mask, and waved to the surveillance camera with a slight smile.

But in the next second, the camera was smashed by Lin Xuan's punch, and the picture on the screen disappeared, and the hearts of everyone in the command center trembled, and the sense of fear suddenly reached its peak.

"Run, run away!" David was completely stunned, and only the instinctive desire to escape remained in his heart.

At this time, the other officers and soldiers in the command center had completely ignored other things, and immediately ran out frantically, facing death, they had already forgotten all the military training at this time, and the blood and glory of soldiers Well, they didn't want to die, and they died in such an aggrieved way.

"Damn it!" Daniel, who was in the combat command center of the military base, was also completely dumbfounded. He never expected that Lin Xuan would cut a passage directly with a laser weapon this time, although he didn't see the inside of the aircraft carrier. Specific screen.

But it is not difficult for him to imagine that their aircraft carrier will be lost, and their base may also be lost. Although the command center he is in is located underground, it can barely withstand the power of the aircraft carrier's explosion, but there is still a lot of damage on the surface of the base. Many military facilities, many fighter jets, helicopters, etc., once they explode, the base will basically be useless, and their losses will be extremely heavy.

"Quick, quick, tell all the planes to take off and leave the base immediately! Wait, let the Fifth Squadron of the Air Force desperately block that humanoid armor, and don't let him leave the base smoothly!" Daniel shouted anxiously, his whole heart was about to burst from his throat Jumped out, at this time they are completely racing against time, against death, how many people can survive today, how much loss can be reduced, all depends on how much time they can buy at this time.

As long as Lin Xuan flies away from here and away from the explosion area, it is estimated that the nuclear reactor of the aircraft carrier will be detonated.

Inside the Kennedy aircraft carrier, Koizumi Naoichi and the other pilots rushed out of the cabin together after receiving the order to fly the plane away from the base.

Although they didn't know exactly what happened, just after hearing the siren, the huge explosion and the vibration of the ship's hull, Koizumi knew that it must not be caused by a storm, and that an enemy was probably coming. The most likely incoming enemy is China's air force.

But what puzzled Koizumi was how the Huaxia Air Force could break into their base so easily without arousing their awareness, and it was broad daylight at this time, which did not conform to conventional tactics at all, and the sudden appearance What about tornadoes.

"What exactly happened?" Koizumi couldn't figure it out, but at this moment, he had a feeling that everything that happened today seemed to be like the attack on Pearl Harbor in the United States back then, except that the roles of the two parties had changed. .

And what makes Koizumi feel sad is that he, who has always dreamed of being able to complete a great air raid like the predecessors who attacked Pearl Harbor, is now being attacked by others.

"Bastard, let's see how I deal with you damn Chinese!" Koizumi clenched his fists and cursed angrily in his heart. Although he received the order to evacuate, he was always proud of his flying combat skills He is not willing to retreat without a fight like this, so he secretly decided to fly a fighter jet in a while and fight to the death with China's air force.

However, when Koizumi Naoichi and the others rushed out of the cabin and came to the deck, they were completely dumbfounded.

At this time, the deck was like the doomsday, the flames were overwhelming, and all the fighter jets were blown up.

"This, how is this possible!" Koizumi's mind went blank, and so did the other pilots who were traveling with him, looking at the blazing sea of ​​flames, each of them was stunned.


Chapter 274 A Nightmare

"Where is the enemy?" Koizumi looked straight at the sky, there didn't seem to be any enemy fighter jets there, and the cloudy sky had cleared up again.

But there is no enemy, who blew up these carrier-based aircraft, and what happened to the siren that just sounded, and why did the aircraft carrier leave the base port?

Just when Koizumi was puzzled, two black shadows flew up from under the aircraft carrier with the sound of breaking through the sky, and flew straight to the sky.

Although the two black shadows flew very fast, Koizumi Naoichi still vaguely saw the general shape of the black shadow, which seemed to be a humanoid armor.

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