"Oops, that guy won't blow up our Ford again!" Daniel suddenly thought of this, and his heart shuddered.

Thinking of this, Daniel's heart once again raised his throat, and he immediately ordered the correspondent to contact the Atsugi Naval Airfield military base.

But the explosion just now had already destroyed all their communication facilities. Right now, the engineers in the base are activating a backup communication line, a communication optical cable buried deep underground.

The optical cable is directly connected to other backup communication radars, just in case of emergency.

"General Daniel, the backup communication line has been activated!" After waiting anxiously, the backup communication line was finally activated.

"Okay, report the situation here to the Pentagon immediately!" Daniel said anxiously, "Also help me connect to the Atsugi Naval Airfield military base, I want to talk to General Thales!"


Inside an office at the Atsugi Naval Airfield military base.A middle-aged man in military uniform with a rough face and golden stubble on his chin jumped up from his chair: "What, the aircraft carrier USS Kennedy was blown up by Lin Xuan? Isn't the Yokosuka Fleet Base..."

"It's basically in ruins!" Daniel said in a sad voice on the other end of the phone.

"Damn it. Then Lin Xuan used such a shameless method again, you bastard!" Tales stared angrily, his cheeks twitched, but there was a trace of grief in his eyes.

"General Thales, I'm calling to remind you to be careful. Lin Xuan's next target is likely to be our aircraft carrier Ford. In order to protect the base, you'd better let the aircraft carrier leave the port immediately, and strengthen the air defense!" Said At this point, Daniel's voice paused, "Alas—to be honest, it's useless to be on guard, all our air defense detection systems are blind in front of Lin Xuan, and he can also control supernatural powers like tornadoes as his cover. We can't guard against it, and if he does set his sights on the Ford, we can hardly stop him from approaching. But he was just..."

Daniel narrated how Lin Xuan used laser weapons to cut a passage from the hull and directly entered the power cabin.

And Tales was also terrified when he heard it. After a while, he was afraid that Lin Xuan was simply too strong. If his target just now was their Ford, it might be their base that was razed to the ground at this time.

"Then we have no way to stop him!" Tales said with a depressed face.

"Well, but I just thought of a way. You immediately ask someone to move all the electric pulse weapons into the power cabin, and launch an attack desperately as soon as he comes in. Maybe it will be useful!" Daniel said anxiously.

"Hmm! Good idea!" Tales' eyes brightened, and he quickly picked up another phone.According to Daniel's suggestion, the order was issued, and at the same time, the aircraft carrier was also ordered to leave the port.

But the moment Tales just put down the phone, the scene that happened at the Yokosuka Fleet Base was repeated at the Atsugi Naval Airfield military base.

The originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and strong winds.Soon a tornado like a giant dragon descended from the sky and headed straight for the Ford aircraft carrier that was about to leave the harbor.

"General Thales, a tornado suddenly appeared at the port!" Thales, who was meditating, was suddenly startled by the sound and picture coming from the screen on the wall.

Hearing the word tornado, Tales was like a thunderbolt, his head buzzed, he jumped up from his chair, and looked at the picture on the screen on the wall with an ugly expression.

"He's really here!" Tales was horrified. He didn't expect what Daniel was worried about to happen, let alone Lin Xuan came so quickly.

"Damn it..." Tales was angry and anxious. Although Daniel gave them advice just now, the electric pulse weapon was a giant. It would take a lot of work to disassemble it and install it in the power cabin. Impossible to complete.

Now that Lin Xuan had attacked, it was obvious that they had no time to stop him with electric pulse weapons.

And their Ford aircraft carrier, their Atsugi Naval Airfield military base may also face the same fate as the Yokosuka Fleet Base.

"What should I do?" Tales was in a mess in his mind. Although he also had excellent combat command skills, he was just as helpless as Daniel. At this time, he had a deep understanding of Daniel's feelings at the time. Back then at Lin Xuan, all tactics and experience in combat command had become decorations.

It's like a cold weapon meets a hot weapon.


In the United States, Washington, Carter, who just learned that Lin Xuan invaded the Yokosuka fleet base, has no sleepiness anymore.

"Lin Xuan, bastard!" Carter felt distressed. They had already suffered such heavy losses before their military operation against China started, and the next battle would be even more difficult.

And most importantly, once the news about what happened at the Yokosuka Fleet Base got out, the lie about Lin Xuan's death would be completely self-defeating.

And those countries such as Germany, Italy, Britain and France, which were already hesitant, would definitely choose to withdraw from the coalition immediately and choose to wait and see.

Without the power of the other five countries, their war against China may have to pay a more painful price, and even consume all the war resources and military resources that the United States has accumulated from plundering the world over the years.

In this way, even if they win in the end, I am afraid that they will not be able to continue to invade other countries in a short period of time, and they are likely to be targeted by the deadly enemy, the Russian screw.

Of course, Carter is not afraid of Russian screws, but their current situation and everything that has happened is completely different from their previous plan to unify the world.

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