The so-called difference is a thousand miles away, and Carter is really worried that other unpredictable consequences will occur in the future.

As the minutes passed, Carter's brows became more and more frowned. As the Minister of Defense and an important member of the American plan, he naturally had to think about how to deal with the incident of Lin Xuan's attack on the Yokosuka Fleet Base. A series of bad consequences, thinking about how to launch the war against China next, and how to deal with Lin Xuan, a special enemy.

But after thinking for a long time, Carter couldn't think of a good solution. When he was secretly distressed, his cell phone rang again. Carter quickly took the cell phone, saw that the call was from the Pentagon, and answered it immediately.

But the news from the phone made Carter tremble slightly as if he was being shocked by an electric shock.

"What? The Ford aircraft carrier also..."

Carter's brain went blank for an instant, and a fire simmered in his chest, making him feel like his lungs were about to explode.

The USS Kennedy aircraft carrier was bombed, and the Yokosuka fleet base was destroyed. Now the last aircraft carrier they sent to China was also bombed, and the Atsugi Naval Airfield military base also followed in the footsteps of the Yokosuka fleet base.

The two aircraft carrier battle groups and two important military bases were blown up by Lin Xuan in just one hour. Anyone who heard the news would react like this.

You know, those two aircraft carriers are the two best aircraft carriers of American Lijian today, and they are also the sharpest spears of their military operations this time, but now they disappeared overnight.

This Carter is already considered to have a good psychological quality. If the psychological quality is poor, he probably passed out immediately on the spot.

"How can we proceed with the next military operation against China?" Carter sat down on the chair as if his strength had been exhausted, and he was dumbfounded.

He really hoped that what happened tonight was just a nightmare!


Chapter 275 Take the initiative?

After the attack on the American aircraft carrier ended, Lin Xuan returned to the island of technology with satisfaction.

This time, the two most advanced aircraft carriers of the United States were blown up, and at the same time, two important military bases of the United States in Japan were destroyed. It's time.

But they are likely to be even crazier next time.

"Jarvis, edit the video!" Lin Xuan said casually after taking off his steel suit.

"Okay, sir! It is expected to be completed in five minutes!" Jarvis responded, and at the same time, the holographic projection in the scientific research room also showed a progress bar.

Soon, the progress bar showed [-]%, and the holographic projection also began to play the video that Jarvis had just edited. The video was recorded separately by the two steel suits. After editing, they were stitched together to perfectly present Lin Xuan Part of the process of attacking the American aircraft carrier this time was clear and spectacular, as shocking as a Hollywood blockbuster.

At this time, Lin Xuan also sat down casually on the chair beside him, and the robot brought the freshly brewed coffee. Lin Xuan watched the video roughly while drinking the coffee.

The video is only three minutes long, roughly showing the simple process of two steel suits blowing up the aircraft carrier and invading the aircraft carrier to install bombs, but it does not show Lin Xuan manipulating the weather.

"No problem, Jarvis, as the Avengers, release this video and warn the Group of Seven again!" Lin Xuan said casually.

The reason why he blew up the US aircraft carrier this time was to retaliate against the US and weaken the military power of the US. Another very important reason was to prove his strength and deter the G[-]. Lin Xuan did not intend to keep a low profile on what he did this time.

Moreover, the current international situation has made it unnecessary for Lin Xuan to continue to hide it. Today's Huaxia will not sanction itself because it has mastered a powerful weapon such as a steel suit that may threaten the state power.

And once the next war starts, his steel battle suit will inevitably appear in front of the Chinese government and the public.Since it will be exposed sooner or later, why not use it at this time to deter all countries in the world and completely disintegrate the G[-] alliance.

"Okay sir, finish it now!" Jarvis immediately synthesized by computer.At the end of the video, a statement from the Avengers was added, and then the video was posted on the Internet, and even directly on the government website of the Group of Seven through hacking methods.

The appearance of this video immediately caused an uproar all over the world.

Not long ago President Obama's plane.The incident of being attacked and blown up by the Avengers Alliance has not subsided, and now the Avengers Alliance has acted again, and it has used a method that can shock the whole world, proving his strength and proving that he will do what he says.

And what shocked countries around the world even more was the iron suit that appeared in the video, which seemed to have appeared in a fictional superhero in a Hollywood movie—Iron Man.

From the video, they can easily see that the steel suit is not only similar in appearance to the one in the movie, but also contains advanced technology and powerful abilities that are not inferior to those imagined in the movie.

And such a powerful humanoid armor, although not as scary as nuclear weapons, but it contains advanced technology.And the powerful combat effectiveness displayed has produced a great deterrent effect on all countries in the world.

It has also shocked and fanaticized countless technology enthusiasts and military fans.

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