But now Lin Xuan has turned all this into reality, which is indeed both shocking and admirable.

"Actually, there are so many advanced technologies used in this power armor that we can't even imagine. Any one technology is enough to bring about a brand new technological change!"

"No wonder this kid came up with the technology of intelligent robots in such a short period of time! Compared with the technology of manufacturing this kind of power armor, the technology of intelligent robots is simply nothing."

"Yes, the emergence of this kind of power armor will definitely change the current form of warfare!" Everyone sighed.

"Hehe, no matter what, the emergence of this kind of power armor is still a good thing for us. Now our Chinese spears are even sharper! At least the five countries of Germany, Italy, Britain, France and Canada are currently horrified by Lin Xuan's power , has withdrawn from the coalition forces, and Lin Xuan has eliminated a major problem for us this time!" Xia Weiguo hurriedly brought the topic to another focus.

Xia Weiguo knows very well that the power armor created by Lin Xuan is actually a threat to the regime of a country, and Huaxia prohibits individuals from owning weapons, let alone such powerful weapons. Period, I'm afraid they will never allow such a powerful weapon to be in the hands of individuals.

And even if this kind of weapon appears in any country, the government's response and approach will be similar.

So Xia Weiguo was worried that someone would talk about this matter, so he took the lead in changing the topic, and said something good for Lin Xuan, and dispelled the worries of some dignitaries.

He didn't want anyone to make any hurtful comments at this time.

Hearing Xia Weiguo's words, everyone present was silent. They were all smart people, so it was not hard to hear that Xia Weiguo was really speaking for Lin Xuan, and they naturally understood his intentions.

Even Chief No. [-], the Prime Minister, and others had a slightly pensive look on their faces, and they didn't say anything more about it in the end.

"By the way, how far has our military robot test progressed?" Chief No. [-] also changed the topic.

"It has passed all the experimental and testing stages, and the performance is very stable. It has been submitted to the arsenal for mass production, and the overall control system is about to be developed!" said a middle-aged man with gray hair in military uniform.

"Well, very good, as long as military intelligent robots are manufactured, we will have another force to check and balance with the United States!" Chief No. [-] nodded and said.

"Chairman, I have a bold idea. I wonder what you and everyone here agree with?" Xia Weiguo, who was silent for a while, spoke again.

"Oh, let's hear it!" Chief No. [-] looked at Xia Weiguo curiously.

Xia Weiguo nodded, his face became slightly solemn, and he said: "Now the USS Kennedy and USS Ford aircraft carrier battle groups of the United States have just been bombed. The military power in Rijima can be said to be greatly reduced, and it can even be said to have been reduced by half.

Moreover, American Lijian is currently busy dealing with the aftermath and responding to the domestic anti-war wave, and has no time to take care of the Japanese islands for the time being, and the Guam base does not exist now. Even if American Lijian sends other aircraft carrier battle groups from other bases , and it is impossible to reach Sun Island in a short time.

So I think now is the best time for us to take the initiative. Even if it is difficult for us to extend our arms to the United States for the time being, it is difficult to deal a fatal blow to them, but we can easily attack Japan Island, at least Disable Hijima first, so we can break Miriken's arm again!Then our next war against the United States will be much easier!And I think now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! "

As soon as Xia Weiguo's words came out of his mouth, everyone present frowned slightly, but their eyes were full of light.

Active attack?


Chapter 276

As soon as Xia Weiguo's words came out of his mouth, everyone present frowned slightly, but their eyes were full of light.

Active attack?

They really didn't think of this before, or they didn't dare to think about it.

Now the relationship between the US-Japan coalition forces is very clear, and the attitudes of the two parties are also very clear. They even issued a statement of military strikes against China very early on in the international arena.

The war between Huaxia, Hijima and Meilijian is inevitable, but Huaxia has always been facing the two major technological powers, and it can only focus on defense, and never thought of taking the initiative to attack.

Therefore, Xia Weiguo's proposal this time was quite bold, which is why everyone present frowned.

But what he said was not unreasonable, and he also said what was in everyone's heart, so the eyes of everyone present were radiant, and a wave of enthusiasm was aroused.

Huaxia was invaded by the Japanese islands back then, and the grievances and grievances between each other have already penetrated into the bones of every Huaxia person. It's not that Huaxia didn't want to repay the humiliation and hatred back then, but it's just that the time hasn't come yet.

Faced with Hijima's distortion and denial of his crimes back then, and his disregard of Huaxia's condemnation, Huaxia is not angry, but has not yet had a chance to vent.

But now it seems that the time is ripe, and Lin Xuan has created the best opportunity for them.

As the saying goes, strike while the iron is hot, strike first, Huaxia is the first to attack Ridao by surprise, and Mei Lijian, who has just been blown up by Lin Xuan to destroy the two major military bases and the two aircraft carrier battle groups, even if he wants to protect Ridao, it is beyond his reach for the time being , By the time their military forces support, Ridao may have been crippled by Huaxia, and even the United States has lost all important strategic bases in Ridao.

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