Then Huaxia's next defense and counterattack against Meilijian will be relatively easier.

"Good idea!" After pondering for a while, Chief No. [-] suddenly slapped the table and said, a smile appeared on his originally serious face, but his eyes were extremely firm.

And everyone present also nodded after pondering. This time is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it is also a chance for China to take revenge, and they don't want to miss it.

"This time, we will settle the old and new grudges with Ridao. Everyone here should immediately make a battle plan. In addition, Xiaoxia, you can contact Lin Xuan later. He has returned to the island of science and technology. Let's see if he Willing to join our military operation this time!"

"Okay, Chairman!" Xia Weiguo nodded.


On the island of science and technology, Lin Xuan once again came to the dark basement where Obama was imprisoned. The moment he turned on the light, Obama was curled up on the bed.It looks so desolate, and there is no pride in being a president, and the high-spiritedness of being a new political star and a political genius.

He covered his eyes and didn't dare to open them. Being in the dark for a long time, even a very dim light would make people feel extremely dazzling.

"Mr. Obama, how are you thinking?" Lin Xuan said in a deep voice.

"What are you thinking about?" Obama said, still curled up on the bed, pretending to be confused.

Lin Xuan sneered, and sat down on a chair beside him: "You know what I'm talking about!"

Obama sat up slowly.He who has slightly adapted to the light, gradually opened his eyes, and said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "You don't need to ask, I don't know anything!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan sneered, shook his head, secretly thinking that Obama has not given up yet.

Lin Xuan knew very well that Obama was still so stubborn. First, he had not used more ruthless methods to persecute him. Second, he still had hope for Meilijian in his heart.Believe that you may one day be free.

"Forget it, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, you can watch this for yourself!" Lin Xuan handed Obama a tablet computer he brought with him, and it also automatically played Lin Xuan's bombing of the USS Kennedy and USS Ford. Aircraft carrier video.

See video of Obama.His complexion suddenly changed, and his heart felt distressed. The two sharpest spears they used to deal with Huaxia this time were actually blown up by Lin Xuan. This was definitely another painful blow to Mei Lijian, and it was also A blow to their plans.

Although the United States does not only have these two aircraft carriers.However, the two aircraft carrier battle groups were blown up, and it was not just the aircraft carrier and the battleship that were lost, but the best commanders and pilots on the aircraft carrier.

The aircraft carrier can be rebuilt without it, but it is very difficult to train a group of excellent commanders and pilots, and this incident will definitely completely shock the other five countries of the Group of Seven, and even those countries have already chosen Quit the coalition.

"You!" Obama looked at Lin Xuan angrily, but after several changes in his expression, he became expressionless again, and immediately pretended to be indifferent and said, "Why are you showing me these things? It's not important to me anymore!"

"Hmph, I don't think that's the case, Mr. Obama, I, Lin Xuan, may indeed not be able to compete with your Meilijian's personal strength, but my strength is enough to cut off your Meilijian's tentacles one by one, Your strength is weakening little by little, and you Meilijian will be destroyed by China in the end, so you don’t have to have hope for Meilijian anymore! They have no time to take care of you, and the only person who can protect you now is yourself, And all I want to know is about alien spaceships, it has nothing to do with politics, it has nothing to do with countries, you don’t need to ask for trouble!”

"As I said, I don't know anything, and don't underestimate us, Meilijian! Our trump card is not just that!" Obama said still unyielding.

"You mean those military robots, and those new types of aircraft!" Lin Xuan said with a sneer.

"So what is it!"

"Okay, then just keep your eyes open! Besides, this is the last chance I'll give you. Since you don't plan to cooperate, don't blame me, Lin Xuan, for being cruel!" Lin Xuan said coldly, Immediately without further words, he turned and walked out of the room.

"Oh——if I have the super power of Professor X, I don't have to worry about it!" At this time, Lin Xuan really wanted to have the power of Professor X. If he wanted to know something, he could just read Obama's memory directly. Why bother? Talk nonsense to Obama here.

However, what I can exchange for the next level is Magneto’s super power, and 50 merit points are needed before the next level of ability can be exchanged. According to previous calculations, I am afraid that I need at least one hundred points to exchange for Professor X’s super power. At [-] or [-], even if he completes the task of unifying mankind, he probably won't be able to redeem Professor X's ability.

"We still need to earn more hero points and merit points!" Lin Xuan thought in his heart, but he didn't have to use this method, since it was easy to negotiate.Then only some means can be used.

Lin Xuan did not believe that Obama would rather die than surrender!

"Jarvis, help me collect the interrogation methods that American Lijian has used to deal with members of terrorist organizations over the years!" Lin Xuan said casually.

"Good sir!"

After returning from the basement, Lin Xuan returned to his research room again, and now the design and manufacture of the steel suit's equipment library has come to an end.Next, we only need to test it. After confirming that all the performance is fine, Lin Xuan is going to hijack a near-Earth civilian satellite of American Lijian and use it as a carrier satellite for his own air equipment library.

As for biological experiments, Lin Xuan has not had much time to do research recently.However, through the continuous calculation and analysis of the supercomputer in the island of science and technology, the genetic code of ordinary humans has already been completely analyzed, and part of the genetic code of Lin Xuan with superpowers has also been analyzed. About [-]% Lin Xuan believes that it won't be long before he can find the fragment of the genetic code that has the superpower of self-healing from these genetic codes.

However, just analyzing the genetic code is only the first step. How to let ordinary people obtain this part of the gene is another problem that Lin Xuan will face.

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