Only by breaking through this problem.Lin Xuan has a way to let everyone have this self-healing gene, and then have a super self-healing ability.

"Jarvis, the equipment library also uses the same wave-absorbing material!" Lin Xuan stood in front of the three-dimensional image, constantly improving the equipment library of the steel suit.And in the factory on the island, manufacturing is also going on around the clock.

"Yes sir!" Jarvis responded.

"Ding!" The system's voice suddenly came from Lin Xuan's mind, "Defend the motherland and reward heroes with 40 points. Currently, the master is 10 points away from being promoted to the next level!"

"Hehe?" Lin Xuan raised his brows, and a look of surprise appeared on his face, although it is not uncommon for him to obtain hero points.But the acquisition of this hero value is still a bit unexpected, and there are also some surprises.

"Defend the motherland? It seems that I should be accused of dismantling the alliance of the Group of Seven this time, and blowing up the aircraft carrier battle group that the United States is planning to use against China!" Lin Xuan said secretly.

Although he did not completely prevent the US military action against China, he disintegrated the Seven-Nation Alliance this time.The two sharpest "sharp knives" of American Lijian were destroyed again. To a certain extent, it was indeed the defense of China and its own motherland.

"Haha, with ten more points, you can exchange for Magneto's super power." Lin Xuan suddenly looked forward to it. Magneto's super power is almost the nemesis of current technology and military power.

If you have the super power of Magneto.It is simply a matter of waving hands to scrap an American aircraft carrier battle group, which is easier than using a steel suit to deal with an aircraft carrier.

You know, Magneto's super power can control the magnetic field force, and then can control all ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

And this kind of maneuvering ability can easily float a 30000-ton nuclear submarine, and it is only an instant thing to dismantle an aircraft carrier, and after this ability continues to improve in the future, it is even possible to move large planets under full power.

Besides that, he can also affect non-metallic and non-magnetic matter to a lesser extent, causing himself and others to levitate.

Moreover, this ability can also generate powerful electromagnetic pulses, and can even generate quantum-level electromagnetic energy.

If he reaches level nine, Lin Xuan can upgrade Magneto's superpowers. At that time, his abilities can be extended to the atomic level. Within this range, the electromagnetic force has become a chemical bond, so when he reaches this level, he It can manipulate chemical structures and transform substances, and can also achieve invisibility by bending the visible light around it.

It can even generate a force field that isolates matter and energy around the body. This force field is strong enough to withstand the blows of several thermonuclear weapons. It is almost immune to most damage when surrounded by the force field and can therefore be used in the universe. survive.

Not only that, after exchanging Magneto's superpowers, he can also upgrade Storm's superpowers again, and then create a cosmic phenomenon that is more terrifying than the solar wind.

"Now I can use Storm's superpower to create solar wind. If I exchange it for Magneto's superpower, and let the solar wind and Magneto's electromagnetic pulse superimpose, it can easily paralyze all power grids, communication equipment, and electronic equipment. For today's technology, it is simply the nemesis!" Lin Xuan thought in his heart.

Just imagine, in today's era of high dependence on electrical energy, electronic equipment and communication equipment, if all of these disappeared in an instant, what would the world be like.

"Sir, there is a call from Mr. Xia Weiguo!" Just as Lin Xuan was thinking wildly, Jarvis' voice suddenly sounded.

Lin Xuan frowned, and immediately said: "Connect!"

"Xiao Lin, are you on the island of science and technology?" Xia Weiguo's voice sounded a little serious.

"Well! What instructions does Minister Xia have?" Lin Xuan asked with a smile. He knew that Xia Weiguo would go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, and he also heard from his sister before that Xia Weiguo called her to ask if he was back.

"Can we meet, the chairman hopes that our cooperation can continue, let's meet and discuss carefully, the next plan!" Xia Weiguo said in a deep voice.

"No problem! When?"

"The sooner the better, because time is urgent, I will wait for you in Kyoto!"

"Okay, I'll go there later!" Lin Xuan didn't hesitate, he had promised to join forces with the country early on, but there were some accidents because of Lin Xue's incident, now that Lin Xue had been rescued, Lin Xuan naturally had no worries.

"Okay, tell me when you arrive, and I'll send someone to pick you up!"

"En!" After finishing the call with Xia Weiguo, Lin Xuan immediately said, "Jarvis, let's go!"

"Okay sir!" With the sound of Jarvis's voice, the steel suit stored in the glass cover immediately came out by itself, then quickly disintegrated and equipped Lin Xuan.

After wearing the steel suit, the windows of the scientific research room opened automatically, and the next second...


Amidst a whistling sound, the steel suit flew out of the window and flew straight to the distant sky...

Inside the Kyoto City Ministry of Defense Office.

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