"No problem, Minister Xia, don't worry, this time, we will definitely attack Remnant Sun Island!" Lin Xuan's eyes brightened, and he said excitedly after hearing Xia Weiguo's description of the next military operation and plan for Sun Island.


Chapter 277 Solar Storm

"No problem, Minister Xia, don't worry, this time, we will definitely attack Remnant Sun Island!" Lin Xuan said passionately. ·

As a Chinese, Lin Xuan harbored hostility towards Ridao in his bones. In addition, over the years, Ridao has repeatedly attempted to acquire China's inherent islands, and has harbored ill will against China many times. This time, he and Mei Lijian jointly targeted China.

Lin Xuan hated this country that had ravaged China for many years, had militarism, and stared at China covetously.

Of course, this is also from the perspective of the nation and the country, not that he blindly hates everything in this country. For example, some technologies created by this country, some love action movies and animation culture are worthy of recognition.

So he very much approves of the country's decision this time, this time's plan.And what made Lin Xuan very happy this time was that he saw that his country had chosen to take the initiative.

First, taking advantage of the severe damage to the US military forces stationed in Japan, and when the backup force is beyond reach, the Japanese island will be disabled, and even all the important strategic bases of the US military in Japan will be destroyed. This is absolutely equivalent to cutting off the US military. A solid arm.

"Well, but in order to achieve our strategic goals in a short period of time, we cannot do without your help!" Xia Weiguo said to Lin Xuan with a sincere look.

"Minister Xia, don't worry, I will do my best to assist you. When I go back later, I will send you detailed information on all the military bases stationed in Japan by the United States, as well as the military bases on Japan itself. In addition, before you act, I will paralyze all communication equipment and power grids on Sun Island!" Lin Xuan said confidently.

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Xia Weiguo raised his eyebrows, his eyes brightened, and detailed information on all military bases.There are other things in this world that Lin Xuan doesn't know, and this may be why Lin Xuan can easily invade the Yokosuka Fleet Base in Hishima and the Atsugi Naval Airfield military base.

But these are not important. What excites Xia Weiguo is that if they have accurate information on these bases, it is equivalent to knowing themselves and the enemy, and Huaxia can target different bases.Develop different attack styles and tactics.

In this way, the most effective attack on Sun Island can be carried out, and the failure rate and loss can be reduced.

Moreover, although Huaxia has mastered a lot of information about the US military bases stationed in Japan and the military bases on Japan Island in recent years, even the locations of many bases have been made public.

But Xia Weiguo knows that important strategic bases are not as simple as they appear on the surface, especially some bases are mainly located underground, or inside mountains, or even not in places that the outside world thinks at all.

Without accurate information. ??? ? Look? It is impossible to accurately confirm the exact location of those bases, and it is difficult to effectively strike them.

Not only that, Lin Xuan even said that he would help to paralyze all communication equipment and power grids in the entire island, which is simply

However, Xia Weiguo was a little puzzled as to how Lin Xuan could accomplish such an almost impossible task.

After all, Xia Weiguo thought it was easy to paralyze the Internet, but it was almost impossible to paralyze all power grids and communication equipment, including military parts.

But Xia Weiguo didn't ask too much.This is not the first time he has dealt with Lin Xuan, so it is clear that Lin Xuan will never promise something that cannot be done.And never talk big.

So he believed in Lin Xuan, because his existence itself was so incredible!

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you this time!" Xia Weiguo stood up excitedly, patted Lin Xuan on the shoulder and said.

After having dinner with Xia Weiguo, Lin Xuan left the Ministry of Defense and put on his steel suit again.Flew back to America.

At the same time, he also asked Jarvis to send all the information on all the military bases on Sun Island to Xia Weiguo.

Xia Weiguo didn't dare to be negligent after receiving the information, and immediately submitted the information to the top, and Huaxia's high-level executives immediately held an emergency meeting to discuss and formulate tactics for the next military operation against Japan overnight.

"Old Xia. Can Lin Xuan really paralyze all communication equipment and power grids on Ridao?" A middle-aged man dressed as a military commander asked, with expectations and doubts in his eyes.

"That's right! Based on what I know about him, as long as he says something, he will be able to do it!" Xia Weiguo said firmly.

Hearing this, the person who asked the question and other people showed joy on their faces, and they naturally knew how important this was to their attack on Ridao.

"So our military operation this time is like a fish in water!"

"Yeah, this Lin Xuan really can always surprise people!" Everyone said with a smile.


In an office in a special military zone in the United States, Hillary, who had just started a day of work, frowned slightly as she looked at a report in her hand.

"The body of Mr. Obama was not found?" Hillary raised her head and looked at the FBI director in front of her, James Comey.

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