"Yes, Mr. Hillary, the testing department has repeatedly confirmed, and all the body parts have been authenticated. Among the victims, there was no Mr. Obama. We deduce that he should have been taken away by Lin Xuan !” James Comey said sternly.

"Well, it seems so, but what's the use of him capturing Mr. Obama? Could it be that he wants to use him to threaten and restrict us? This is simply a ridiculous act!" Hillary frowned even tighter. ?·

"I don't think it should be that simple. Lin Xuan should be very clear that it is very stupid to threaten us with Mr. Obama, and he has not mentioned anything about Mr. Obama until now. He must have another purpose. Or maybe he wants some important information from Mr. Obama!" James Comey continued.

"It's possible, this kid is really not that simple!" Hilary frowned even tighter, but he hoped that Lin Xuan would impulsively kill Obama, otherwise he was really worried that Lin Xuan would get something from Obama. important information.

After all, Obama knows almost everything about America.

"Since Mr. Obama is still alive, then your FBI should formulate a rescue plan as soon as possible!" Hillary said again after pondering for a while.

Although he didn't want Obama to come back alive from the bottom of his heart, he still didn't want Obama to be in Lin Xuan's hands.

"Okay, Mr. Hillary, we will work out a plan and start implementing it as soon as possible!" James Comey said in a deep voice.But he felt bitter in his heart, at least so far, he couldn't think of how to save Obama from the monster who was so powerful that he could fight against the aircraft carrier battle group by himself.

After James Comey left, Hillary leaned back in her chair and thought for a long time, then picked up her office phone and said, "Help me connect to Area 51!"

"Yes, Mr. Hillary!" said a nice voice on the phone.

After a while.Another man's voice came from the phone: "Hello, Mr. Hillary!"

"How's it going on your side?" Hilary asked.

"Our combat command system and missile defense system are gradually being transferred to the optical brain inside the alien spacecraft, and it is expected that the transfer will be completed in three days."

"Well, speed up, now that the plan has changed, our military operations against China may have to start earlier!" Hilary said in a deep voice.

"Okay, Mr. Hillary, we must hurry!"


After finishing the call with Area 51, Hillary walked out of the office.He still has a very important meeting to hold next, and the content of the meeting is naturally the arrangement for the next military operation against China.

However, at the same time that Hillary and other American politicians held a meeting, the Chinese side was also making a plan to attack the Japanese island overnight. Almost all heavyweight military officers gave up sleeping and discussed and studied together.

In the end, they successfully worked out detailed military action plans one after another, and immediately began to convey them, allowing the major military regions to prepare for battle.

In this way, until noon the next day.These chiefs and officers have just completed all the plans for this military operation against Japan, and they are finally able to take a short rest.

But they were too excited and nervous to fall asleep.Because late at night tonight, their military operations against Japan will officially begin, and this battle is of great significance.

This battle will be the largest military operation since the founding of Huaxia, and it will also be the first military operation launched against Japan after Huaxia's victory in the Anti-Japanese War.And still take the initiative.

So this battle is destined to shock the world, and it is destined to be recorded in history.


On the island of technology, Lin Xuan, who had just completed the design and testing of the steel suit equipment library, received a call from Xia Weiguo. Xia Weiguo told Lin Xuan on the phone that he would start operations at [-] o'clock in the morning tonight.

But in order to prevent leaks.He didn't mention the action on the phone, but just told Lin Xuan the exact time, and Lin Xuan naturally understood Xia Weiguo's meaning.

"Good Minister Xia, I will finish everything I want to do ten minutes before your action!" Lin Xuan said in a deep voice, "Also, Minister Xia, if you encounter any obstacles or difficulties in your actions, please notify me immediately , I will rush over to assist you immediately!"

Lin Xuan knew very well that this battle was very important to Huaxia, and this might also be an important start for him to complete the task of unifying mankind.

Therefore, he is going to go all out to help Huaxia win this victory.

"Okay, then I'll have to work hard on you this time!" Xia Weiguo said sincerely.

"Minister Xia is serious. This is what I should do. Then wait for my good news tonight!" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Okay, you have to be more careful!"

"En!" After finishing the call with Xia Weiguo, Lin Xuan sat down on a chair beside him, thinking about his specific action plan for tonight.

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