"Okay sir!" Jarvis's voice came from the wireless earphones on his ear, and the second-generation steel suit was assembled again, and then rushed straight into the night sky with its light tail.

After seeing the steel suit take off, Lin Xuan walked to the edge of the building, looked at the surrounding night scene, and had to say.This place is much more prosperous than Binhai, and the high-rise buildings are denser, taller, and the lights are brighter.The flow of people on the street is also very dense.

Standing on the top of this [-]-[-]-meter-high building overlooking Tokyo, Lin Xuan suddenly had a long-lost impulse. He wanted to use Spider-Man's ability again to travel through Tokyo, which is full of buildings.

And after today, maybe this place will no longer exist.

Think so.Lin Xuan didn't hesitate at all, he had nothing to worry about now, so he immediately jumped down from the top of the building, his body fell rapidly, and then he flipped his right hand, and immediately shot out a spider silk from his hand, which stuck to the opposite building , his body swung in the air, and quickly slid past the buildings.

Immediately, the other hand also shot out spider silk, which adhered to another building.With a pull, the body immediately turned, drew an arc in the air, and swung towards the distant place.

In this way, Lin Xuan began to shuttle among the bustling buildings in Tokyo, the wind whistled past his ears, and the towering buildings around him passed by, and the charming neon lights were like radiant lights. Generally, swipe below.

And Lin Xuan was like a bird that had escaped from its cage.Soar happily.

"Haha, cool..." Lin Xuan couldn't help shouting, the long-lost feeling of joy welled up in his heart again, which made him extremely excited.It made him seem to have found the purest happiness he had ever had.

However, his shout naturally attracted the attention of some people, but his speed was too fast, and before the others could react, his figure had already disappeared into the distant night, and disappeared into the dazzling neon lights. Among the rainbow.It was difficult to catch his figure at all.

Moreover, Lin Xuan was not afraid of exposing his whereabouts at all. Even if Ridao knew that he had come to them, they would do nothing to pull him back, and his next attack on Ridao would be impossible for them to prevent.

After wandering through the buildings in Tokyo for a while, Lin Xuan had a great time, so he quietly blended into this bustling urban crowd, and began to feel the local culture and customs.

Although he has watched many Japanese anime and love action movies, this is the first time he has experienced it in person.

If it weren't for Hijima and Huaxia's opposition, Lin Xuan really couldn't bear to let this magical nation suffer the baptism of war, but the wheel of history will eventually roll forward.

The progress of civilization must pay a price, and the future city in Lin Xuan's mind will be far more prosperous than this, and one day, the fusion of nations and cultures may evolve into a more colorful world.


Located in the official residence of Prime Minister Hijima in Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Prime Minister Hijima's escort, the Minister of State, and military officials discussed the aftermath of the Yokosuka Fleet Base and the Atsugi Naval Airfield Military Base. A Minister of State was a little worried Said: "Prime Minister, our two important military bases were destroyed in the incident of Lin Xuan's attack on the aircraft carrier. I am worried that Huaxia may take advantage of the fire to loot it!"

"Yes!" The other ministers of state nodded.

"Don't worry, we are ready to fight at any time, and in my opinion, Huaxia may not have the courage. With their consistent style over the years, facing the coalition forces of our Great Sun Island Empire and the United States, they should use defense Mainly, they will never take the initiative to attack before the coalition forces of us and Meilijian attack them, and even if we did suffer a lot of losses and blows this time, my Dasun Island Empire still makes China fear three times I don't think they dare to take the initiative to start a war with us!" The escort Jin An said calmly.

"That's right, even if Huaxia takes the initiative to attack, we don't have to be afraid of them. With the military power of our Great Sun Island Empire and other military forces stationed in Japan by the United States, we are afraid that Huaxia, which has just developed for decades, will fail! "A middle-aged officer with a rough face and bald head said with disdain.

"But today's China seems to be different from the past. Judging from the Philippine Lubin incident, today's China seems to be a little more vigorous, and its military technology is already on par with ours!" Another minister of state was a little worried Said that he has always disapproved of Rijima's participation in US military operations.

"Hmph, how can such a small and weak country like the Philippine Lubin be compared with our Great Sun Island Empire? China attacked them just to frighten other small countries, but they didn't have the guts to face us. Strategic mistakes. And self-confidence, prematurely provoked the Pacific War, otherwise the outcome of the year may have been different! But this time it is different from World War II. Although we are not so far ahead in terms of military strength. But We are riding in the chariot of Mei Lijian, and Mei Lijian thinks that we will block the guns, but we will use them as guns again!" The middle-aged officer with a rough face and bald head said coldly.

"General Iguchi is right, if it wasn't for U.S. Lijian's plan to take military action against China, U.S. Lijian would not have secretly allowed us to strengthen our military power in the past two years.

And as soon as war breaks out.American Lijian will no longer restrict the development of our military power. At that time, the military technology we have accumulated for so many years will rise rapidly and grow rapidly.

And we can also use the war again to get more resources and land. When the war is over, our Dasun Island Empire will inevitably rise again, and even catch up with Meilijian again! said another minister of state.

"Although we are the eagle dogs of the United States in the eyes of other countries, how can our Dasun Island empire be subdued. When we gain the land and resources in Northeast China and North China again, our Sun Island will rise again!" The escort Jin An spoke again, with a sharp light shining in his eyes.

Hearing this, the ministers of state and military officers who advocated war nodded their heads one after another, while those who opposed the war were silent. After all, this is not the first time they have raised doubts and received counterattacks. They know that they cannot change if they say too much The current situation.

"Okay, let's end today's meeting here!" The escort Jin'an stood up, the main content of today's meeting has been finished, and some of the things discussed just now are worthless.So he didn't want to talk any more nonsense, so he terminated the meeting in time.

Hearing this, everyone got up one after another, after saying goodbye.They all left the meeting room.

After the informal meeting was over, the escort, Jin An, was also followed by bodyguards, and returned to the Prime Minister's Residence next to the Prime Minister's Residence.

The Prime Minister's Residence is the office of the Prime Minister, while the Prime Minister's Residence is the residence where he lives.

When he returned to the prime minister's mansion, the servants had already prepared the meals, and his escort, Jin An, had finished dinner as usual.After reading a book in the study, he went back to his room to rest.

But the third escort, Jin An, was the same as the former President of the Philippines, A Nuoji, who had no idea that a disaster was coming, let alone that after tonight, the Great Sun Island Empire in their hearts would come to an end.


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