In the early hours of the night, Tokyo is still brightly lit and still noisy. This is generally the case in international metropolises, and Tokyo is no exception.

Under the brilliant neon lights, the traffic flow is endless, and there are still pedestrians walking on the street, and even many shops on the street are still open.

"It's almost time to start action!" Lin Xuan, standing on the tallest building in Tokyo, overlooking the city that never sleeps, said secretly.

At this time, there are less than two hours before Huaxia's military operation. He must complete his plan before Huaxia's military operation, so as to help Huaxia complete the military operation with the smallest loss and cost. Strategic objectives.

Lin Xuan closed his eyes slightly, and his consciousness began to perceive the strange quanta in the surrounding world, and then controlled them to change, producing the flow of charged particles of ions, which began to move around at supersonic speed, and gradually formed a strong solar storm around.

Soon the solar storm swept across the entire Tokyo in an instant, and even directly caused a geomagnetic storm.

In an instant, Tokyo, which was originally brightly lit, fell into endless darkness, followed by the panic and exclamation of those sleepless people.

power cut?

This was the first thought that came to countless people's minds, but how could the power be cut off so easily in this world, at least they rarely remember it!

However, everyone didn't know that this was not just a power outage, but a solar storm created by Lin Xuan, which destroyed the power grid, and even the electronic products on their bodies were basically damaged.

In the prime minister's mansion, the sudden power outage surprised the bodyguards and agents, but at this time, the escort, Jin An, was already fast asleep and didn't know what was going on outside.

And those bodyguards and guards also thought it was just an ordinary power outage, and didn't think much about it. The technicians in charge of electrical appliances in the mansion were also preparing to overhaul, but found that it seemed that the entire Tokyo had a power outage, which surprised him a bit, and immediately prepared to contact The power department inquired about the situation.

But what surprised them even more was that their mobile phones, fixed lines in the mansion, and even their special military communication equipment all failed.

"How is this going?"

"Our mobile phones and communication devices are all out of order!"

"In the end what happened?"

"Our car won't start either!"

The bodyguards, agents and electrical technicians in the mansion were a little panicked. Although they didn't know what happened, this weird incident still gave them a bad feeling.

It would be fine if it was just a power outage, but why their mobile phones, landlines, and communications all seemed to be damaged, and they couldn't be used at all.

They couldn't even start the car, which made them feel very weird, just like the scene of an alien invasion in a certain movie.

The same is true for the electrical technicians in the mansion, but they don't have time to think about it at this time, and even if they think about it, they can't figure out what the reason is, so they can only do their best to repair it, hoping to find out what the reason is.


After Lin Xuan controlled the solar storm to sweep across Tokyo, he immediately flew out of Tokyo wearing a steel suit, and controlled the solar storm to sweep other places on Sun Island.

Wherever he passed, all electronic and electrical equipment were damaged, and all lights were extinguished.

Lin Xuan knew very well that although most important military bases are underground and even have internal power generation systems, in the event of a geomagnetic storm, even underground is still hard to escape.

Soon, the entire Sun Island was plunged into endless darkness, and also into endless panic.

Almost most of the power grid on Ridao was burned down, the electronic components of various electrical facilities were damaged, and even many important electronic equipment in the military base were completely paralyzed.

Not only that, even those planes, missiles, and warships also lost the assistance of electronic equipment and navigation, and became completely blind, or even became scrap iron.

This special existence of Lin Xuan once again broke all the existing rules of this world. Modern high-tech warfare models and advanced military weapons will lose their effect in front of him. In just over an hour, he let The entire Sun Island fell into endless darkness and fell into a paralyzed state.

Of course, this is precisely because society and human beings are highly dependent on electricity, electronics, and communications today, so solar storms, a cosmic-level weather, will have such a great impact and loss on Sun Island.

If it was in the era of ancient cold weapons, this kind of solar storm would hardly have any impact on war or the country except that it might cause some radiation to some people's bodies.



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