Chapter 279 Bombing Tokyo

When Lin Xuan returned to Tokyo again, there were still fifteen minutes before the start of the Huaxia military operation. Lin Xuan stood on the tallest building on Rijima overlooking Tokyo in endless darkness, looking at the city shrouded in panic, I can't help but sigh in my heart, if one day human beings lose electricity and lose all the electronic products around them, it will really be a terrible thing. ?·

"Jarvis, inform Minister Xia that the mission has been successfully completed!" Looking back from below, Lin Xuan said immediately.

"Yes, sir!" Jarvis replied.

"Let's go, let's go to the prime minister's mansion!" Lin Xuan said casually, and immediately the two steel suits were lifted into the air at the same time, dragging their light tails towards the mansion of Prime Minister Hijima amidst the sound of breaking through the air.

And below the building, some young people who were originally in the night scene but came to the street to complain because of a power outage were attracted by the sudden light in the sky, but they all let out a panic when they heard the sound of breaking through the sky. call.

"what is that?"

"It can't be a ufo!"

"Bastard, all this can't be done by the damned aliens!"

Those young people were talking in a hurry, and the people on the side who were panicked because of the sudden power failure and the unusable mobile phones and cars were even more panicked at this time.

Everything that happened tonight was indeed too weird, so when they heard about ufos and aliens, they couldn't help but guess wildly, and they were even really worried that aliens would invade the earth.


In the command center of the Huaxia Ministry of National Defense, Xia Weiguo, who just received the news of Lin Xuan's completion of the mission, was very excited: "Great, Lin Xuan has completed the mission. At this time, Ridao is completely paralyzed!"

"Haha, great job!" The other officers in the command center also raised their arms and shouted.

"Minister, our reconnaissance plane has just sent back the news. The entire Sun Island is pitch black!" A soldier beside him said excitedly.

"Well, Lin Xuan really didn't break his promise!" Xia Weiguo was very excited.

"It's incredible, how did Lin Xuan do it!"

"Yeah, this kid is really powerful!" All the officers were also surprised and excited, and sighed one after another.

Xia Weiguo looked at his watch with a smile on his face. At this time, their missiles should be about to enter the airspace of Ridao.It will soon return to attack targets everywhere.

And their navy and air force have already rushed to Sun Island, and today this significant military operation is about to officially start.

As time passed, Xia Weiguo and all the officers in the command center were nervous and full of expectations. They kept watching the time beating on the screen and the information and situations that were constantly fed back by the troops performing missions.


Although there was a power outage at the Tokyo Prime Minister's Residence in Hijima, the servants here lit a lot of candles, which made the place bright again. ??? ? Look·?

At the entrance of the mansion.Several men were wandering anxiously, as if waiting for someone.

At this time, the sound of a motorcycle suddenly came from a distance, and the people waiting at the door immediately raised their heads and looked over, with anxious expressions on their faces.

The sound of the motorcycle moved from far to near, and finally reached the entrance of the mansion, and several people at the door also rushed to meet it.

"Mr. Yoshida!" The person on the motorcycle jumped off in a hurry, shouting anxiously.

"How is it?" the man called Yoshida asked anxiously.

"Unfortunately. Our power grid in Tokyo is completely paralyzed, and it should be the same as ours here. All electronic products are also damaged. At present, the person in charge of the relevant department speculates that it is a near-Earth supersonic plasma charged particle flow similar to a solar storm Caused!"

"Then what should we do?" Yoshida asked solemnly.

"Relevant personnel are currently rushing to repair it, but it may take a long time before the power supply can be restored!"

"This is a huge loss!" The man named Yoshida frowned even more, although he didn't quite understand what solar storms and charged particle streams were.But he knew very well that if the entire Tokyo Electric Power was paralyzed and all electronic products were damaged, the losses would be terrific, and the impact would be incalculable.

"This matter is no small matter. Let the escort, Mr. Jin'an, be notified in time!" the captain of the bodyguard called Yoshida said to himself, and immediately ran into the mansion, and then went to the bedroom of the escort, Jin'an, and asked the maid to go in and wake him up. I took Jin'an as a three-accompany.

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