
"Boom——" Lin Xuan, who had just flown out of the Prime Minister's mansion, immediately launched a miniature missile and bombarded the mansion. Although the missile was small, it was as powerful as a Tomahawk missile, and immediately shattered the entire mansion. It exploded to the ground, and the flames instantly engulfed everything.

"No——" the third escort Jin An wailed, looking at the bombed mansion with trembling eyes, his heart felt as if a knife had been cut in his heart, because his wife and children were all in the mansion.

Ignoring the cries of the escort Jin An, Lin Xuan accelerated his flight, and some cold night wind poured into the mouth of the escort Jin An, making him unable to utter a sound.

Lin Xuan quickly flew to the top of the tallest building in Tokyo with his escort, Jin An.

At this time, there was an extra dining table and two chairs on the roof, and there were some tableware, food, and even red wine on the table.

And the first-generation steel suit is just like a waiter, pouring wine from a red wine bottle.

"Haha, Jarvis did a good job!" Lin Xuan said happily, these are all the things he asked Jarvis to directly ransack a Japanese restaurant and bring them up.

"Thank you sir!" Jarvis responded.

After Lin Xuan took his escort Jin An off his body, he quickly walked towards the dining table. At the same time, the steel suit quickly disintegrated. Lin Xuan walked out of it and sat on the chair beside the dining table.

And the steel battle suit was assembled again, and then walked aside by itself.

Seeing this scene, the escort Jin An was even more shocked. Although Hijima claimed to be far ahead in electronic technology, it was nothing compared to the high technology in front of him, which was like a sci-fi movie.

"What on earth do you want?" The escort Jin An looked at Lin Xuan angrily and hostilely.

"I've already said, please watch the fireworks show! Come and sit down!" Lin Xuan said with a half-smile.

The escort Jin An suddenly frowned.

Fireworks show?

Is it...

At this time, Jin An, who had recovered a little bit of sanity, suddenly had a bad feeling. He suddenly remembered the drone incident when Lin Xuan was messing with Mei Lijian. Make a fuss?

"Oh, it's almost time to start!" Lin Xuan suddenly looked at his watch and said, "There are still fifteen seconds...twelve, eleven...ten, nine, eight, seven, six..."

Whoosh, whoosh...

Before Lin Xuan could finish counting, several tails of light streaked across the night sky, and there was an astonishing sound of piercing through the sky, which immediately made the third escort Jin An's heart tremble, and his complexion changed drastically.

But before he could react, Lin Xuan had already counted to zero. At the same time, a series of loud explosions erupted in the distance.

boom boom-

The huge explosion shook the night sky, and also shook the soul of Jin An, his escort. He stared at the place of the explosion with wide eyes in horror, the corner dyed red by the flames, his heart seemed to have stopped beating, and he was no longer breathing. up.

That is the extremely important political center of their Ridao.

boom boom boom boom...

There was another explosion sound coming from another direction. The escort Jin An looked at him in horror, feeling a sharp pain in his heart, and even felt that the explosion sound was like thunder, constantly bombarding his mind, making his brain A hum made his mind go blank.

He knew very well that Huaxia really took the initiative to attack, and the other party's missiles entered directly, as if they had entered no one's land, but what about their defense weapons on Ridao, what about their defense system?

"It's you!" The third escort Jin An looked at Lin Xuan who was drinking red wine with trembling eyes, gritted his teeth, and he understood everything that happened tonight.

"That's right, I was the one who paralyzed all the electronic equipment and power systems of your island, and all your defense systems and weapons have become decorations, and even your planes and warships have probably become scrap metal!" Lin Xuan said lightly. .

"Pfft——" Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Jin An, the third companion, felt a stuffy heat in his chest rushing up his throat, and as soon as his throat became hot, a mouthful of blood spewed out directly.

Lin Xuan actually paralyzed all the electronic equipment in their entire island, and all their weapons became decorations!

It's over, it's over!

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