How can they fight against Huaxia without any defensive weapons, and their ally, Mei Lijian, is beyond reach. When they come to support, their island of Japan has long been blown to the ground by Huaxia.

At this time, the escort Jin'an was completely desperate. The sound of explosions in the distance continued, and the roar of fighter jets came from the sky. It was obvious that Huaxia's air force also came in.


Chapter 280 Manipulating the Magnetic Field

boom boom boom boom...

Huaxia's missiles are bombarding all the important military sites on Rijima unscrupulously, and the air force and navy have also launched a full-scale attack. The prelude to this great war has officially begun.

The huge explosion completely shattered the tranquility of the night, and Tokyo, which was already in panic because of the power outage, was also completely in chaos.

Countless people woke up from their sleep, rushed to the street, screamed, and ran around.

And on the roof of the tallest building in Tokyo, Lin Xuan sat at the dining table eating supper, listening to the music played in the steel suit, enjoying the continuous explosion of fire in the distance, and watching the flying in the sky. The Huaxia fighter group who passed by also admired the trembling figure of the escort, Jin An, and the desperate and distorted face.

At this moment, how can he see the face full of disdain when facing Huaxia's statements and condemnations again and again, and where is the arrogance that does not take Huaxia seriously.

After tonight, Ridao will be completely trampled under Huaxia's feet. The grievances left over from World War II, and Ridao's provocations against China in recent years, everything will be completely settled.

And the future glory and glory must belong to Huaxia.

I don't know how long it took, the escort Jin'an was completely numb, the blood at the corner of his mouth had dried up, but the wound in his heart was continuously oozing out.

He knew that their Japanese island was over, even if Mei Lijian would not allow the Japanese island to be occupied by China, but this blow also made their Japanese island's strength very weak.

In the future, even if they jointly destroy Huaxia with Meilijian, it will become a fantasy for them to obtain the ability to compete with Meilijian in a short period of time.

As for myself, I'm afraid I can't wait for the day when China is destroyed.This Lin Xuan will never let him go!


The sky in the east turned pale, and China's military operations against Japan were coming to an end.The entire military operation was almost perfectly completed according to the original plan.During the process, Lin Xuan no longer needed any help.

You must know that the huge gap in technology brings about the gap in strength, just like the Japanese island during World War II. The reason why a small country was able to dominate the world and invade many countries was because of its leading technology and relying on technology. The huge power gap brought about.

But now, the military technology levels of Huaxia and Rijima have been reversed.Although the gap between them is not as huge as before, China is a big country after all, and the military power accumulated over the years is not comparable to that of Ridao.

What's more, the entire Japanese military power is almost paralyzed, and all military technology has become a display, so they can only be passively beaten.

Moreover, Huaxia also has detailed information on all the military bases on Rijima, and can strike precisely.That's why overnight, Huaxia was able to successfully complete the strategic strikes of all targets with a destructive momentum. ? ? ?·

Then the ground troops also attacked aggressively, under the cover of air power.All targets were quickly captured.

However, China's military action against Japan is a strategic strike, not an aggressive one, so it only strikes and controls its military bases and important military strategic targets.There was no attack on ordinary towns, or ordinary people.


Tokyo.Gunpowder smoke filled the air, and fighter jets flew by at low altitude.Fierce gun battles could be heard from time to time in the distance. Obviously, there was a fierce exchange of fire between the Huaxia ground forces and the remnants of the Japanese island army.

On the roof of the tallest building, Lin Xuan had just finished the phone call with Xia Weiguo, and learned that all of Huaxia's military operations were carried out perfectly. At present, most of the military sites on Sun Island have been either destroyed or controlled by Huaxia.

And Lin Xuan also told Xia Weiguo that he had captured Jin An, his escort, and asked him to call someone over to take him away.

Not long after, Huaxia dispatched a military helicopter that was performing missions on Ridao, and arrived at the building where Lin Xuan was located. Several soldiers got off the helicopter, first gave a military salute to Lin Xuan, and then escorted the three escorts to Jin Ann took the helicopter.

Watching the helicopter fly towards Huaxia, Lin Xuan also stood up, stretched his waist and said, "Huh—I can finally sleep, Jarvis, let's go back too!"

"Good sir!"

The second-generation steel suit quickly came to Lin Xuan, disintegrated, and equipped Lin Xuan.


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