The flying propellers of the steel suit started, and there was a loud whistling sound, and Lin Xuan, who was wearing the steel suit, also shot straight into the sky, and behind him was the first-generation steel suit.

"Ding——" Lin Xuan, who had just flown into the sky, suddenly heard a system voice in his mind, and Lin Xuan's heart moved, "Fight foreign enemies, eliminate serious troubles, and reward heroes with 40 points! Congratulations, the master has successfully promoted to level 7, and the current promotion distance The next level is still 50 points away!"

"Haha, beautiful!" Lin Xuan cheered happily. He was finally promoted to the next level. As long as he exchanged Magneto's super power, it would be easier to assist Huaxia in dealing with Meilijian.

The steel suit flew all the way towards the island of science and technology. On the way, Lin Xuan also encountered many fighter jets from Huaxia, and saw some areas where gunpowder billowed in the sun island.

Lin Xuan couldn't help feeling a little emotional. If it was a few years ago, he would never have imagined that one day, Huaxia would step on Ridao again.

When I was in school and studied the history after the end of Qing Dynasty, I always felt very depressed. Huaxia, one of the four ancient civilizations, once dominated the eastern world, but was invaded and bullied by foreign enemies one after another, but it was weak. If they are attacked, they can only continuously sign unequal treaties to seek temporary stability. ?·

Now, although Huaxia is becoming stronger and stronger, the continuous provocations by countries such as Japan Island and the United States over the years have also made every Chinese person feel a sigh of relief.

But today, his country finally counterattacked, and stepped on Ridao again with a destructive attitude, reviving the glory of the past, which made Lin Xuan feel extremely happy.

Of course, Lin Xuan contributed a lot to all of this, so at this time he felt extremely proud and honored in his heart.

After returning to the island of technology again, Lin Xuan went straight to the super power exchange room.Anyway, I am going to have a good sleep, and I am afraid that I will be in a coma for a while in exchange for Magneto's super power.So he is going to exchange Magneto's super power first.

After coming to the exchange room, Lin Xuan lay on the platform that looked like an MRI equipment.Then he put on the helmet and closed his eyes: "System, I want to exchange for Magneto's super power!"

"Okay master!" The system sounded, and the instrument started up again. The blue light full of sci-fi colors shone on Lin Xuan, and the circular instrument of the device slowly rotated.

"Exchange begins!"

With the sound of the system, a strong current flooded into my mind and body again, and a strange fluctuation and energy penetrated into every inch of skin and every cell in my body.

And the severe pain caused by the strong current.It also made Lin Xuan fall into a coma again.

While Lin Xuan fell into a deep sleep, China's attack on Ridao completely caused a sensation in the whole world and shocked all countries, and it was completely beyond Mei Lijian's expectations, making Mei Lijian feel like eating flies again a feeling of.

Ridao was almost captured by China overnight, and their last powerful ally was gone, and what disappeared was a very important springboard for them to attack China.

They never expected that Huaxia would take advantage of the fire to loot.They dared to take the initiative to attack, and they never imagined that Huaxia captured Ridao overnight like a devastated one.

Hillary was also taken aback by the news sent back by the intelligence officers they sent in the past.

"What? Before Huaxia's attack. All power systems on Sun Island were paralyzed, and all electronic equipment was damaged!" Hilary looked in shock at the CIA staff who had just reported the situation.

"Yes, Mr. Hillary. Sun Island is suspected to have encountered some kind of super disaster similar to a solar storm, which caused logic errors or even burnt out of the electronic components of all electronic equipment. Many modern weapons on Japan Island were not spared either. Use. This is also the main reason why Huaxia captured Sun Island so easily!"

"How can there be such a coincidence!" Hilary felt a little weird.

"According to our inference, it may be that Lin Xuan did it again! He may not only be able to control ordinary weather, but also cosmic phenomena like solar storms!"

"It's him again! This guy is really a disaster!" Sheila's face was extremely gloomy. At this moment, he understood Obama's distress.

This Lin Xuan was simply the nemesis of their Meilijian, he repeatedly sabotaged their plans and disrupted their positions.

But they couldn't help each other at all.

"Okay, go get busy!" After a little silence, Hilary waved her hand and said, then immediately picked up the phone on the desk and said, "Call an emergency military meeting immediately!"


In China, this perfect attack on the Japanese island has inspired the whole country of China, and it has also made countless people feel big, shouting long live the country.

The Huaxia government also immediately held a press conference, explaining in detail the success and significance of this military operation against Japan, and also demonstrated Huaxia's attitude and determination to face a powerful enemy without fear.

Moreover, at this press conference, Huaxia officials did not bury Lin Xuan's credit, and publicized Lin Xuan's contribution to assisting Huaxia in paralyzing all power grids and electronic equipment in Ridao. On the one hand, they hoped to inspire people and strengthen Huaxia people. belief.

On the other hand, it is used to deter other countries, so that those countries that still have a little heart of tigers and wolves can see the situation clearly, and don't join forces with the United States, let alone follow the example of Ridao, otherwise the result may not be much better than Ridao.

Because China has the most powerful weapon, that is Lin Xuan.

For a while, Lin Xuan's name once again appeared in the headlines of major media, and even the CCTV News Network reported on the news of the military action against Japan, praising Lin Xuan for assisting China in attacking the Japanese islands for two minutes. However, some of the scenes used in the program were taken when Lin Xuan publicly announced his cooperation with Huaxia but were not released.

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