"Hui Lan, Xiaoxue, Xiao Ke, come quickly, see our Xiaoxuan's news broadcast!" Lin Guowei, who was watching TV in the living room, suddenly shouted excitedly.

Hearing the sound, Chen Huilan, Lin Xue, and Yang Shuke who were in the kitchen and their respective rooms ran out quickly.

"Haha, it turns out that Xiaoxuan made such a great contribution to Huaxia's attack on Ridao!" Lin Guowei said proudly.

"Dad, your son is amazing!" Lin Xue put her arms around Xia Weiguo's neck and said with a smile, her face was also proud.

"Haha, Xiaoxuan has avenged our ancestors this time!" Lin Guowei said with a smile on his face.

And the whole family also sat down on the sofa, watching with relish the news broadcast that only Lin Guowei liked to watch on weekdays, and seeing the high praise of Lin Xuan from the government, they naturally felt extremely proud in their hearts.

Especially Lin Guowei and Chen Huilan, in their view, being able to be on the news broadcast is definitely a very honorable thing, and thinking that all their relatives, friends, villagers and elders should be able to see this news, Lin Guowei and Chen Huilan feel even more excited pride.

"By the way, is Xiaoxuan still in the capital?" Chen Huilan suddenly looked at Yang Shuke and asked.

"I came back yesterday morning, but before I had time to talk to him, he went out again. I guess he left again in a hurry!" Yang Shuke said with a wry smile.

Today's Lin Xuan is indeed too busy. He used to be busy with his career, but now he is busy with state affairs.

But Yang Shu is not the kind of clingy person, she can understand Lin Xuan, who makes him so extraordinary, and she also supports everything Lin Xuan does, and is also proud of him.

"Hey - this kid is too busy, I can't catch his shadow all day!" Lin Guowei said with a wry smile, but thinking about his son is a person who does great things, if he stays at home every day, it is impossible to have the achievements he has today and status, so I feel more relieved.


In the super power exchange room, Lin Xuan gradually woke up from his deep sleep. The moment he opened his eyes, Lin Xuan didn't have the feeling of drowsiness or drowsiness at all. His eyes were bright and energetic, and he felt that his senses had also changed. become clearer and sharper.

Not only that, but he also found that there is another special quantum that can be perceived in his consciousness, and this kind of quantum is full of surroundings, extremely dense.

"This should be a magnetic field!" Lin Xuan thought to himself. He knew very well that a magnetic field is an invisible and intangible special substance. The magnetic field is not composed of atoms or molecules, but the magnetic field exists objectively.

But now I can clearly perceive the special substance that makes up the magnetic field, a kind of special quantum substance that is similar to the formation of weather.

During the fluctuation of consciousness, those special magnetic field substances also fluctuate as if they are being pulled by some kind of force. When Lin Xuan's mind moves, those magnetic fields will flow with his mind.

Afterwards, Lin Xuan looked at the doorknob of the exchange room, and with a thought, he immediately manipulated the magnetic field to act on the handle, and the bolt that fixed the handle automatically rotated out immediately, and the handle was also suspended, and finally Flew to Lin Xuan.

"This ability is really interesting!" The corner of Lin Xuan's mouth curled up into a smile, and immediately under the control of his mind, the handle began to deform, twisting ferociously for a while, and kneading into a metal ball for a while.

During the whole process, Lin Xuan didn't feel tired at all, it was as easy as breathing.

You know, his current super power is enough to control the magnetic field, and easily lift a nuclear submarine into the air.


Chapter 281 The outbreak of war

After practicing and using Magneto's abilities proficiently, Lin Xuan also left the ability exchange room. At the same time, a strong sense of hunger surged up, and his stomach screamed wildly. ≯

"Jarvis, how long did I sleep this time?" Lin Xuan asked.

"Sir, you have been asleep for 3 hours!" Jarvis replied.

"It's only been 3 hours, more than half less than last time, why do I feel so hungry this time!" Lin Xuan said with a wry smile, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a feeling of hairs standing on end and pores opening. At the same time, there was a trace of strange energy in the surrounding air, rushing towards his body, and the cells in his whole body also produced a force of absorption, sucking the energy into the body, and suddenly a wave of heat flowed in the whole body. It flows on every inch of skin, and every cell in the whole body begins to jump for joy.

"This is?" Lin Xuan was a little surprised, his own cells could absorb the strange energy around him, which was quite unreasonable.

However, as those energies continued to be absorbed, Lin Xuan's previous strong sense of hunger gradually weakened.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan's eyes brightened. It seems that his body has evolved again, so each cell has evolved to have the ability to absorb special energy around it and transform it into its own energy.

In this way, I don't even need to eat in the future, and I won't starve to death.

Moreover, Lin Xuan feels that the process of cells absorbing these energies is faster than the energy replenished by his own food. It seems that this is the ability used by living organisms after they have evolved to a certain level, and if they only rely on food supplies, it seems that they can no longer satisfy the body. demand.

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