"Life is really amazing. I really don't know what my body will become if I continue to evolve. Is it true that one day I can survive without breathing at all and rely on the existing way of life! If so If so, then one day I can survive even in that airless universe!" Lin Xuan thought to himself.

The wonder of life makes him feel that he has surpassed all the technologies he has mastered, and the greatest technological products in this universe may be these lives created by heaven and earth!

Shaking his head slightly, Lin Xuan put aside those thoughts that were still far away from him, but just as he was about to leave, Jarvis' voice suddenly sounded: "Sir, Obama has agreed to tell everything he knows!"

"Oh?" Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows, and a look of joy appeared on his face, "Haha, it seems that the method used by Mei Lijian to extract confessions against terrorists is really effective!"

Walking quickly to the basement where Obama was held, Lin Xuan saw Obama curled up in the corner of the room.

After Lin Xuan left last time, all the beds, tables and chairs in this room were removed, and in order to dampen Obama's will, the ground was also made extremely wet, making it impossible for people to lie down or even stand on it. All feel uncomfortable.

At this time, Omaba became extremely thin, his expression was extremely haggard, and his eyes were slack, as if he was about to be unable to hold on.

Seeing Lin Xuan walking in, Omaba looked at Lin Xuan with bloodshot and muddy eyes, as if seeing a life-saving straw, and said in a hoarse voice: "I said, I will say everything, I will tell you everything you want to know you!"

Lin Xuan sneered, but he didn't talk nonsense, and asked directly: "What's the matter with the alien spaceship in Area 51? What's in that spaceship, and what technology did you get from that spaceship?"

"The spaceship was discovered by the US government near the Amazon River in the 2s. According to the analysis of the scene by the surveyors at that time, the spaceship should have landed smoothly, but for some reason, the owner of the spaceship has died. Yes, after careful research by relevant personnel, the cause of death of the spaceship owner has not been found yet.

As for the spaceship, after decades of research, we have not been able to fully understand it, but the technology on the spaceship has indeed brought a lot of inspiration and enlightenment to our scientists, and let them imitate, Created a lot of advanced technology!The future warrior plan we built is a low-level imitation of the artificial intelligence on the spaceship! "

After hearing Obama's words, Lin Xuan was slightly surprised. The spaceship didn't fall, but stabilized itself, but the owner of the spaceship died. Creatures from higher civilizations should not die so easily. You should be able to infer it yourself.

But how did he die?

And according to what Obama said, there were artificial intelligences on the spacecraft, but why didn't those artificial intelligences attack the humans who were approaching at that time.

"How did you deal with the artificial intelligence on the spaceship?" Lin Xuan asked his doubts.

"It is said that those artificial intelligences are turned off, and so far we have not found a way to activate them!" Obama continued to reply.

Lin Xuan nodded, secretly thinking that this is the case.

"Then there is only an alien in the spaceship?" Lin Xuan asked again.

"Well, there is only one alien life form!"

"What does the alien look like?" Lin Xuan's curiosity was completely opened up, because this might open up a brand new world for him, the world belonging to the advanced civilization of the universe.

"A tall creature with a humanoid appearance, its appearance is more than [-]% similar to that of a human, but its body and skin color are quite different from that of a human!"

"Where is the alien now?"

"It was used by us to breed Godzilla!"

"Godzilla?" Lin Xuan frowned suddenly. He was no stranger to this name, but it was a very famous monster in Japanese manga. Could it be that the monster that appeared last time was...

"Well, it's the monster that appeared in your Huaxia. It was created a long time ago, but because it was too scary, we sealed it up until your appearance forced us to restart this terrible monster. Plan, let Godzilla deal with you!"

Sure enough, Lin Xuan frowned. He finally understood why there were such terrible creatures on the earth, which turned out to be bred from the bodies of aliens.

"How did you breed this terrible creature?" After a little silence, Lin Xuan asked again.

He has fought against that Godzilla, so he knows the strength of the other party very well. Even now, that guy should still be alive, and he is hiding in an unknown place on the earth, and he may reappear at any time. This makes Lin Xuan always have a feeling It feels like a light is on my back.

So he hopes to learn as much information about this monster as possible.

"It was cultivated by Dr. Tian Yizhonglang using a mysterious biological cell extracted from a meteorite and the master cell of the spaceship. I don't know the details. I only know that the monster is terrible and it is difficult to kill it. And it can swallow the alien creature to grow up and become stronger!"

"No wonder it is so!" Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes and raised his heart slightly. That creature does not belong to the earth at all, so his life form is completely out of the norm.

This Mei Lijian is really crazy, to breed such a terrifying creature, which is basically breeding natural enemies for human beings. If the creature continues to grow, no one can estimate how terrifying it will become in the future.

"How much do you know about that monster?" Lin Xuan asked again.

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