"That's all I know. The only one who knows the monster best is Dr. Tian Yizhong, who raised him. It's a pity that he should have died in the hands of the monster!" Obama shook his head and said blankly.

Lin Xuan frowned, but he didn't doubt Obama's words. After all, he was just the president. Although he knew a lot, it was impossible for him to understand everything in detail.

"Then how far have you researched that spaceship?" After a short pause, Lin Xuan continued to return to the spaceship.

"The technology on the spacecraft is still far away from us. After decades of research by the world's top scientists, I am afraid that less than one-tenth of it can be understood. Even until now, apart from being able to activate and use its internal Except for the part of the optical brain, we can't use many other things at all, and we haven't studied it thoroughly yet. As far as I know, our scientific researchers didn't know where they touched it before they accidentally activated the optical brain. Then you can use it and study it!" Obama replied truthfully.

Lin Xuan nodded. It is true that the spaceship capable of interstellar travel is definitely not something that can be fully interpreted by the existing scientific theories on the earth, nor can it be understood by the existing human wisdom.

And according to the news that Jarvis [-] just sent back not long ago, it seems that American Lijian can indeed use the optical brain inside the spacecraft, and has successfully transferred the combat system and missile defense system to the optical brain of the spacecraft. superior.

Even the main control system of their so-called future fighters runs on that optical brain.

And that optical computer is also compatible with the operation of all system programs.

However, American Lijian did not know that when they transferred the various systems, they also transferred Jarvis No. 2, and they did not know that Lin Xuan invaded their system not through the loopholes in their original server, but through Their satellite got in touch with Jarvis 2 hidden in their system, and Jarvis 2 completed all control and destruction actions.

"What are your strategic goals and plans for China?" Lin Xuan asked again.

"There is actually nothing to say about this. You China is a huge threat to us, especially your appearance, which makes this threat more prominent. Naturally, we can no longer allow your China to continue to grow. As for the strategic goal, of course it is Contain your development in China, and even completely crush your regime..." At this point, Obama suddenly paused, and slightly raised his eyes to look at Lin Xuan, "And get rid of you! And the plan, I think because of your Intervene, our American government has already changed all plans!"

This time Obama did not truthfully state their true purpose of unifying the world.

Although at this time his will has been exhausted, and he doesn't even want to care about any country or any great plan.

But he still has a semblance of reason, he knows that if he tells his real purpose, it is likely to put Mei Lijian in a situation where they will attack in groups.

Then their plan would fail completely, and he himself would be completely hopeless.

After listening to Obama's words, Lin Xuan's eyes flickered slightly. Although he didn't fully believe what Obama said, he didn't want to waste too much time on him. It doesn't matter.

Because Meilijian's goal is doomed to fail after all, and he himself will eventually complete the arduous task of human unity.

"Your performance this time is very good, and I will make your life more comfortable next time!" Lin Xuan patted Obama on the shoulder, then turned and left the basement.

On the way, Lin Xuan thought a lot, including system tasks, alien civilizations, and Godzilla.

Although he also knew that Obama definitely did not tell [-]% of what he knew, but for Lin Xuan, having this information was enough.

"It seems that after this war is over, I will study the alien spaceship by myself!" Lin Xuan cursed in his heart, and immediately walked towards his mansion.

"By the way, Jarvis, what's the latest situation in the international situation these days!" Lin Xuan suddenly remembered this matter, and fell into a coma for more than a day. It is estimated that Mei Lijian should have taken action.

"Sir, the war between the United States and China has already broken out. Yesterday, the United States urgently mobilized the garrison on the Korean island to support the Japanese island battlefield. The first confrontation between China and the United States has already broken out on the Japanese island.

However, due to Huaxia's active attack on Japan this time, it completely disrupted the plan of the United States, so the United States has not yet launched a full-scale attack, but stopped after several failed strikes against China with ballistic missiles. The attack is just to concentrate all the power on the battle for Sun Island! ’ replied Jarvis.

"En!" Lin Xuan nodded. He knew very well that in order to contain Huaxia militarily, Mei Lijian almost established an encirclement circle around Huaxia. Apart from Ridao, other countries in Huaxia Zhou also had their military forces Bases, for example, there are more than ten military bases on Korean Island, with about 2.6 troops stationed. This is also the country where American Lijian is stationed at the throat of China, except Japan Island.

Followed by small countries such as the Philippines, Singapore, Taiguo, and Uzbekistan, but the garrisons in these countries are relatively small, and there are only one or two military bases.

In addition, Meilijian also has a lot of troops stationed in Afghanistan, but Afghanistan is far away from China, and from the perspective of strategic location, it is far inferior to Japan Island and Korea Island.

There were originally more than 4 U.S. military bases on Rijima, and there were about [-] U.S. troops stationed in Japan. Because they were preparing to launch military operations against China, more than [-] U.S. troops were stationed in Japan.

However, in China's military operations against Japan, it is estimated that more than half of them were killed or injured, and the rest are fighting desperately with the Chinese ground forces.

Therefore, it is impossible for the United States to watch other U.S. troops being slaughtered, so it can only urgently mobilize the nearest garrison, hit the troops to support, and try to recapture some military bases with important strategic significance.

Otherwise, Ridao would completely fall into Huaxia's hands, and even if they still had the springboard of Handao, they would be at a loss.

Therefore, before the main force of the US military is mobilized from the mainland, or before they readjust their disrupted pace and formulate a new action plan, I am afraid that the main confrontation with China will be on Sun Island.

However, Lin Xuan also knew that it might not be long before Meilijian's full-scale attack on China would begin, and the war would really break out.

At that time, I am afraid that the angry American Lijian may directly use all their strength, and they may directly use their new smart weapons and aircraft, as well as a powerful army of future fighters.

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