"However, I don't know what kind of expression Mei Lijian will have when he finds out that the powerful steel army he has worked so hard to make is a wedding dress for others!" Lin Xuan's mouth suddenly evoked a meaningful smile.



Chapter 282 Shift from Defense to Offense

"How's Jarvis No. 2 going?" Lin Xuan asked again after a little silence

"Sir, Jarvis 2 is currently rewriting the general control program of the American Future Warrior and its intelligent core program. It is expected that the original program will be completely eliminated in three days!" Jarvis replied.

"Well, very good!" Lin Xuan nodded in satisfaction, with a wider smile on his face.

American Lijian is proud of it this time, and it is also their secret weapon against China-future fighters and those intelligent new aircrafts and fighter jets will become Lin Xuan's weapons in a short time.

"Next, it's time to speed up the development of the battle situation!" Lin Xuan thought in his heart, he knew very well that he only had one year to complete the arduous task of unifying mankind, so he had to assist Huaxia to destroy Meilijian as quickly as possible.

Although he didn't know how he would complete the arduous task of human unification after Huaxia defeated Meilijian.

But from the current point of view, we can only look forward step by step for the time being, at least in the shortest time to eradicate the great enemy of Meilijian.

"Meilijian has not launched a full-scale attack yet, and the main force is also on the way. As long as they destroy their military base on Han Island before they come, the springboard for Meilijian will be gone. At that time, it is also the best time for Huaxia to switch from defense to offense!"

Lin Xuan continued to plan in his heart. If he could persuade Huaxia to switch from defense to offense, then the main battlefield might take place in the territory of Meilijian instead of Huaxia. This would also greatly reduce the baptism of war in Huaxia.

After all, Huaxia is Lin Xuan's motherland, and there are many friends and relatives he knows here.He didn't want them to be displaced and their families destroyed because of the war.

Of course, before making Huaxia turn from defense to offense.It is necessary to get rid of all the military bases that the United States has blocked China.

"The next good show will officially begin!" Lin Xuan clenched his fist slightly, his eyes sparkling.

Now has the super power of Magneto.Lin Xuan is more confident about defeating Mei Lijian. After all, this is not the Marvel world, and the technology here is far behind the Marvel world, and there are no various weapons developed for superpowers.

Therefore, my superpowers are extremely powerful, not to mention that I possess several superhero superpowers at the same time, and the combination of each other can exert even stronger combat effectiveness.

Even if I face an aircraft carrier battle group of the United States, I can easily destroy it.

What's more, in the near future, American Lijian's army of future soldiers will also belong to itself.

Put your mind away.Lin Xuan returned to his mansion.

"Xiaoxuan is back!" Lin's father and Lin's mother, who were watching TV news in the living room, said happily.

"Dad, Mom!" Lin Xuan greeted his parents in the living room, and at this moment, Yang Shuke also ran over and hugged Lin Xuan, his face was full of joy.

"Brother, how is the battle going?" Lin Xue also walked in from the outdoor balcony and asked with a smile.

"Hishima should have nothing to fight back. As for Meilijian, they are not our opponents of Huaxia. In a few days, Huaxia will smash the military plan of this dialogue with Meilijian!" Lin Xuan said lightly.

"We Huaxia are so powerful now?" Lin Xue was a little surprised.

"Haha, of course. I don't even look at who is helping the country!" Lin Xuan smiled modestly.

"Yes, yes, the news network has reported your contribution this time, saying that you are the key to the success of this military operation!" Lin Xue said with a smile.

"Son, come quickly, tell Dad about your attack on Ridao that day!" Lin Guowei greeted Lin Xuan with great interest.

Lin Xuan smiled.He didn't refuse, and his father was considered a half-military fan.I also like to watch anti-Japanese war movies on weekdays, so I am very interested in China and the Japanese-Island War.

Lin Xuan sat down by the sofa, and Yang Shuke and Lin Xuan also came over. Although these two were not very interested in military and national affairs, they were equally interested this time.

"Before Huaxia's military action against Ridao that day, I went to Ridao first..." Lin Xuan gave a general overview of the whole incident, including the paralysis of Ridao's power system and all electronic equipment, and the arrest of the escort Jin Ann's process.

But regarding the paralysis of Rijima's electronic equipment, he only said that he used technological weapons, and did not say that he created a cosmic-level weather such as a solar storm.

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