"The escort Jin'an was captured by you?" Lin Xue was a little surprised. Although Huaxia reported that the escort Jin'an was arrested, it did not say that Lin Xuan was the one who captured it alone, but that Lin Xuan assisted the government in arresting him. Accompany Jin'an three times.

"Haha, my son has really helped the country a lot this time. Without you, our Huaxia might not be able to defeat Ridao so smoothly!" Lin Guowei smiled proudly.

Lin Xuan smiled: "Mom and Dad, I have to go to Kyoto in a while, and I may have to assist the government there in the next few days!"

Lin Xuan didn't say what he was going to do specifically. After all, his parents might not understand if he said too much, but it would only increase his worries.

"Xiaoxuan, guns have no eyes, you have to be careful, the sky will fall and the country will support it, this is not your business alone, don't try too hard!" Chen Huilan said worriedly, she was just an ordinary woman, She can't think of major events in the world, and her horizons are not so broad. The only thing she cares about is her son.

"Don't worry, Mom, there is no one in this world, and no weapon can match me, and I won't go to the battlefield, so I won't be in danger!" Lin Xuan comforted, but he wasn't talking big, just relying on His super self-healing power, as well as the superimposed defense power of the Hulk and Mister Fantastic, even if a nuclear bomb wants to kill him completely, it is impossible.

What's more, the nuclear bomb couldn't hit him at all.

"Hui Lan, our son is a hero—Son, Dad supports you, make a good contribution to the country, and avenge our ancestors!" Lin Guowei patted Lin Xuan on the shoulder proudly and smiled.

"Well! Got it, Dad!" Lin Xuan smiled.

In the afternoon, Lin Xuan left the island of science and technology and went to Kyoto.

at the same time……

Sun Island.The war between China and the United States has become more and more intense, and the entire international situation has also become more tense.

All countries are paying close attention to this war between the two sides.Especially the Russian screws that are opposed to the United States, and the European Union that has an alliance with the United States.Moreover, all countries have also begun to strengthen military deployments on the border and start military exercises, seeming to be ready for battle at any time.

As for some weak and small countries, everyone is in danger, because they know very well that this contest between the two big countries is likely to turn into another world war. Once it is affected by that time, they may even protect themselves No power at all!

Moreover, in this contest with Meilijian, Huaxia's successive performances have proved to the whole world.The Eastern Dragon has regained its power, and its military strength is not weaker than that of Mei Lijian, although in the eyes of some people, a large part of China's current strength is due to the existence of Lin Xuan.

Therefore, the ending of this war has become more and more intriguing and confusing. Many experts and scholars even said that China's attack on Japan Island instantly lost the advantage of the United States.Meilijian's current contest with Huaxia is completely an embarrassing situation in which it kills one thousand and loses eight hundred.

If Meilijian did not have weapons far superior to China, through an asymmetric war, I am afraid that China, which has a special existence like Lin Xuan sitting in it, would not be able to shake China at all, and it might even be counterproductive.Counter hit.

As for Huaxia Nanhai, the Malay and Nanyue countries that have been provoking Huaxia on the Nanhai issue with Philippine Lvbin have all shrunk.Never mention the South China Sea issue, and the contest between China and the United States.

Because they are not stupid.Lian Ridao has become cannon fodder for the United States, if they don't understand current affairs.I'm afraid they will end up worse than Fei Lubin.

Therefore, before the situation is clear, they will naturally focus on self-protection, try not to provoke themselves, and take the initiative to provoke Huaxia.

Although their actions have made many countries scoff at them, all countries know that they are a bunch of fools and clowns, and it is not surprising that they can do these things.


In an office of the Huaxia Ministry of National Defense, Lin Xuan narrated his proposal to Xia Weiguo.After listening to Lin Xuan's suggestion, Xia Weiguo frowned, but his eyes glowed brightly: "Turn from defense to offense, and let the main battlefield be in the territory of Meilijian?"

"That's right, I have the confidence to assist the country in capturing the United States. Of course, before that, we will also destroy the US military base on Korean Island!" Lin Xuan said confidently.

"Well, what you said makes sense! However, Lin Xuan, Mei Lijian is different from Ridao, not to mention the gap in strength. The geographical location alone makes our military operations difficult. We are not as good as Mei Lijian. Many aircraft carriers are used as carriers to transport our air force there, and there is no military base near the United States for our air force and navy to dock and buffer for a long time. Logistical supplies will be a problem! Those who want to forcibly break through the United States It is even more difficult for the country!" Xia Weiguo said in a deep voice, he had just heard Lin Xuan say that he would take the initiative to attack and block Mei Lijian's army at the door, and he was also very moved, but his reason told him that all this would not work.

Because of the ability to attack other countries from a long distance, Huaxia is really not as good as Meilijian.

"I can help you get the aircraft carrier. As for the military base near the United States, how about Pearl Harbor, I am confident that I will assist China in occupying it in a short time. As for the logistics supply, I don't know much about it, but I will Do your best to assist the country in fighting a war similar to attacking Japan Island!

As for American military robots, I have a way to turn them into scrap iron, or even our weapons! "Lin Xuan said with firm eyes, his confident appearance made people dare not question his words.

After listening to Lin Xuan's words, Xia Weiguo's eyes brightened, and his heart thumped again. The implication of Lin Xuan's words was to snatch the aircraft carrier from Laomei and use it for Huaxia, and then assist Huaxia in capturing Pearl Harbor, and even directly control the U.S. aircraft carrier. Lijian's military robot made Meilijian's most powerful land warfare weapon instantly turn against him and become a force in China.

This thought was so crazy that Xia Weiguo couldn't believe it, but he wanted to believe it.

If Lin Xuan can really do this, and can paralyze the power grid and electronic equipment of American Lijian, then it is really not impossible for them to open the door of American Lijian!

"Do you really have a way to get the aircraft carrier?" Xia Weiguo asked a little excitedly. Although he knew that Lin Xuan had blown up Meilijian's aircraft carrier, it was much more difficult to snatch it from Meilijian than blowing it up.

"Well, are three ships enough?" Lin Xuan raised three fingers and said calmly.

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