"I'll go, did I hear correctly?" All the officers and soldiers exclaimed again and again, and they couldn't believe their ears.

"Hahaha, what a borrowed knife to kill, Lin Xuan is really a god!" Xia Weiguo said excitedly, he understood what Lin Xuan meant by borrowed knife to kill.

"Lin Xuan?" The man named Xiao Liu and the other soldiers were a little surprised, but they quickly realized that they were all surprised.

"It turned out to be him, haha, well done hahaha..."

"Haha, Mei Lijian is really making a joke this time!"

"Yeah, my own missile beat my dog's leg, it's so cool! Hahaha..."

"Haha, the South Vietnam, Malay, and Tai countries can only smash their front teeth and swallow them in their stomachs this time!"

All the soldiers were discussing with each other, their expressions were extremely excited, even happier than they destroyed the US military base on Han Island, and Xia Weiguo was the same, and the more he thought about it, the more he found it funny, especially when he thought of Mei Lijian listening After talking about the depressed and troubled expression on his face, he felt really happy.

"Okay, everyone, let's work with peace of mind. After we finish the attack on the US base in Korea tonight, the advantage of the battle will be completely on our side. Next, it's time for us to hit the US Lijian hard!" After calming down his excitement, Xia Weiguo said in a passionate voice, his face full of confidence.

"Well, work, we Huaxia must let the American soldiers come and go this time!"

"That's right, we want Lao Mei to see how powerful we are in Huaxia!"

Everyone is still excited, but these excitements have also turned into their inner fighting spirit and belief, which makes them feel extremely proud at this moment, and feel that their country is extremely powerful and more motivated.

Seeing everyone's fighting spirit, Xia Weiguo was very happy, smiled slightly, turned and walked out of the command center.

He had to report this good news to the leaders above to make them happy too.


Early the next morning, the news that China had destroyed the U.S. military base on Korean Island had just spread around the world, but it was instantly overwhelmed by the news that "the United States' own missiles bombed China's allies in the South China Sea."

This news swept across the world in an instant, and caused a huge sensation. While countless countries were shocked, they couldn't help but be amazed.

Some military commentators have even ridiculed that from the perspective of the degree of attack suffered by South Vietnam, Malay, and Taiguo, the high-pitched ballistic missile newly developed by the United States is indeed very powerful, and it is definitely the most advanced in the world. Even the most advanced Aegis missile defense system of the United States can't defend against it.

Some experts also said that American Lijian wrote another great "battle" chapter in human history, and this battle is called Oolong!

For a time, American Lijian almost completely became the laughing stock and ridicule of countries all over the world.

However, the leaders of some countries, while laughing at it, have to ask a question, that is, why the U.S. missiles have such a large deviation, and why they all fall on the important political, military, on the economic center.

This so-called oolong is completely a manipulator behind the scenes, and that manipulator must be Lin Xuan.

But what they can't understand is that American Lijian will never be so stupid as to know that Lin Xuan can invade their network and system, and continue to use automated control methods to shoot and guide missiles.

So how did Lin Xuan do it? This is intriguing and intriguing.

Not only that, this incident also caused panic among those countries that also have alliances with the United States and even have US military bases, worrying whether they will suffer the same experience as South Vietnam and Malaysia.

Especially when the accurate news of the attack on the three countries of South Vietnam, Malay, and Tai was spread, the panic became more and more serious, and even the national leaders of some small countries couldn't sit still.

You must know that the top leaders of the three countries of Vietnam, Malaysia, and Thailand were all killed in this oolong attack, and many important national leaders were not spared. follow suit.

And the leaders of those small countries who are similar to them naturally seem to see their end, and everyone is in danger.

However, some American allies in Europe are relatively calm. They know very well that Lin Xuan should not do anything to them, because that will only force them to stand in a united front with the United States and start a war against China.

This should not be what Lin Xuan wants to see, so as long as they don't interfere with each other, they will live in peace with each other.

However, the contest between Meilijian and Huaxia has developed to this point, which is really beyond everyone's expectations. Meilijian, who originally announced in a high-profile manner that he would start a war against Huaxia, has not caused any substantial blow to Huaxia. Instead, Huaxia was hit hard one after another, and Huaxia has completely gained the upper hand in this war.

This made people from all over the world sigh, Huaxia teamed up with Lin Xuan is really terrible, or that Lin Xuan is too terrible.


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